Blitz Plus saving

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Tutorials/Blitz Plus saving

Cactus1124(Posted 2014) [#1]
I want to improve my text adventure by giving the user the choice to save and load a player with updated stats. Their character & progress would be loaded whenever they type in a username and password, and their character and progress will be saved by typing a command.

I hope I made myself pretty clear, because I would really like this feature in my small game.


Midimaster(Posted 2014) [#2]
What is the question?

You have to care about three things:

A file stream system saves all text lines to the storage. Search for "OpenFile" and "WriteLine" and "ReadLine"

A system to build text lines from parameters and values, like..

A system to read text lines from the stream and strip them down to paramters and values again.

Search for "INI". That's an easy way to save/load your parameters.

Cactus1124(Posted 2014) [#3]
Midimaster, I did not get much of what you said. I'm only a beginner, so if you could be more specific, that would help. Also, what do you mean by What is the question?

xlsior(Posted 2014) [#4]
I want to improve my text adventure by giving the user the choice to save and load a player with updated stats

Go ahead, you don't have to ask for permission...

Also, what do you mean by What is the question?

You're actually not asking for help with anything, you're telling just us what you want to do.

Anyhoo: the question from us is "what's the problem?"

You're not saying that you need help loading data, or help saving data, or help verifying a username/password, or help changing stats, or ask how to keep track of progress, or ANYTHING for that matter.

Your 'wish' is extremely generic, and can be accomplished in a lot of different ways depending on the rest of your program. There pretty much is no information to go with here.

Re-read your initial post: It pretty much boils down to: "I want to make a better game. (implied: Someone write one for me.) I hope I made myself pretty clear"

Typically, people would expect you to either have a very specific question on how to approach a generic concept, or for you to post whatever code you've come up with yourself so far asking for help to fix/tweak it so it does do what you need it to.