Leaving the application.

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Leaving the application.

Yue(Posted 2012) [#1]
I have a simple window and the way out is by clicking the close button on the window and a cancel button, but it does not work properly because it touches give twice on the Close button to exit the window.


; Ventana Inicial.
Local Windows% = CreateWindow("Instalador de Pawn",ClientWidth(Desktop())/2-252,ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-159,510,350,0,1)
Local Bton_Next% = CreateButton("Siguiente",430,273.5,55,25,Windows%,0)
Local Bton_Close% = CreateButton("Cancelar",370,273.5,55,25,Windows%,0)
Local Linea1% = CreatePanel (0,270,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Linea2% = CreatePanel (0,10,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Linea3% = CreatePanel (0,300,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Img_Panel% = CreatePanel (10,17,115,250,Windows%,0)
Local Info% = CreateLabel ("Prueba",130,20,100,100,Windows%,3)
Local Web% = CreateLabel ("www.iris3d.tk -Games Studios-",10,280,150,20,Windows%,0)
SetPanelImage (Img_Panel%,"Box.bmp")


If WaitEvent()=$401
If EventSource()=Bton_Close% Then
Local Respuesta% = Proceed ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)

Select Respuesta%
Case 1

Case 0

Case -1

End Select

End If
End If

If WaitEvent() = $803
Respuesta% = Proceed ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)

Select Respuesta%
Case 1

Case 0

Case -1

End Select

End If


Hotshot2005(Posted 2012) [#2]
Forever mean it will never end and try this one

change this
If WaitEvent() = $803 
                Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
                Select Respuesta%
                        Case 1
                        Case 0
                        Case -1
                End Select
        End If 

to that

before main loop.....put State=0
If WaitEvent() = $803 
                Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)

 Select Respuesta%
                        Case 1
                        Case 0
                        Case -1
                End Select
until State=True

hope that help :)

Last edited 2012

Yue(Posted 2012) [#3]
	If WaitEvent()=$401
		If EventSource()=Bton_Close% Then 
			Local Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
			Select Respuesta%
				Case 1
				Case 0
				Case -1
			End Select 
		End If 
	End If 
	If WaitEvent() = $803 
		Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
		Select Respuesta%
			Case 1
			Case 0
			Case -1
		End Select
	End If 

No work.
Local State% = False
	If WaitEvent()=$401
		If EventSource()=Bton_Close% Then 
			Local Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
			Select Respuesta%
				Case 1
				Case 0
				Case -1
			End Select 
		End If 
	End If 
	If WaitEvent() = $803 
		Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
		Select Respuesta%
			Case 1
			Case 0
			Case -1
		End Select
	Until State=True

The problem is that if I close button in the window does not come out, and touch him again to exit the window.

sample exe here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/39767349/Setup.rar


While  WaitEvent()  <> $803 
	If WaitEvent()=$401
		If EventSource()=Bton_Close% Then 
			Local Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
			Select Respuesta%
				Case 1
				Case 0
				Case -1
			End Select 
		End If 
	End If 

double clic in button cancel... :(

Last edited 2012

Last edited 2012

okee(Posted 2012) [#4]
If you change

If WaitEvent() = $803

If EventID() = $803

It should work in your original code and maybe put End after Forever

Last edited 2012

Yue(Posted 2012) [#5]
Sorry this is a nightmare, I regret not speak English, I have solved the problem.

	; Buton Close Windows.
	If WaitEvent()=$803
		Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la instalación"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
		Select Respuesta%
			Case 1
		End Select
	End If 
	; Button Cancel Instal.
	If EventSource()=Bton_Cancel% Then 
		Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la instalación"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
		Select Respuesta%
			Case 1
		End Select 
	End If 

Edit: BlitzPlus hate, I reported errors, just closes the application Grrrrrrrrrrrr

Last edited 2000

Last edited 2012

okee(Posted 2012) [#6]
Is it still not working ? Try this

; Ventana Inicial.
Local Windows%          = CreateWindow("Instalador de Pawn",ClientWidth(Desktop())/2-252,ClientHeight(Desktop())/2-159,510,350,0,1)
Local Bton_Next%        = CreateButton("Siguiente",430,273.5,55,25,Windows%,0)
Local Bton_Close%       = CreateButton("Cancelar",370,273.5,55,25,Windows%,0)
Local Linea1%           = CreatePanel (0,270,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Linea2%           = CreatePanel (0,10,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Linea3%           = CreatePanel (0,300,510,5,Windows%,1)
Local Img_Panel%    = CreatePanel (10,17,115,250,Windows%,0)
Local Info%         = CreateLabel ("Prueba",130,20,100,100,Windows%,3)
Local Web%          = CreateLabel ("www.iris3d.tk -Games Studios-",10,280,150,20,Windows%,0)
SetPanelImage (Img_Panel%,"Box.bmp")

        If WaitEvent()=$401
                If EventSource()=Bton_Close% Then 
                        Local Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
                        Select Respuesta%
                                Case 1
                                Case 0
                                Case -1
                        End Select 
                End If 
        End If 
        ;If WaitEvent()  = $803 
        If EventID() = $803 
                Respuesta% = Proceed  ("Esta cancelando la incialacion"+Chr(13) + "de Pawn. Seguro desea cancelarla?",False)
                Select Respuesta%
                        Case 1
                        Case 0
                        Case -1
                End Select
        End If 