random numbers without duplicates

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/random numbers without duplicates

amu lojes(Posted 2007) [#1]
how can i generate random numbers
without duplicate values?

say i want o\p something like this
o\p--- 6,2,1,5,10,8,7,3,4,9

the o\p is random numbers from 1 to 10
without any duplicate values

i also want to know how can i "shuffle"
elements(objects ) of a Collection(Type)

type alien
field val
end type

for i = 1 to 100
a.alien = new alien
a\val = i

i want to shuffle the objects of this collection

so that i get a "shuffled o\p"

how can i do this ?

b32(Posted 2007) [#2]
You could use the "Insert" command to change the order of the Type. For instance:
"Insert a Before First alien"
With the After or Before command, you can 'scan' through the type. For instance like this:
a.alien = First alien
for g = 0 to rand(10)
  if a <> last alien then a = After a else exit