Relearning Blitzplus... a little help please! :)

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Relearning Blitzplus... a little help please! :)

Apollonius(Posted 2005) [#1]
I'm trying to have my display work with my Global SCREEN, that when I change SCREEN's value it changes what is displayed but it won't work, I'm sure its something stupid... please help.

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Event Constants
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Const EVENT_None		= $0		; No event (eg. a WaitEvent timeout)
Const EVENT_KeyDown		= $101		; Key pressed
Const EVENT_KeyUp		= $102		; Key released
Const EVENT_ASCII		= $103		; ASCII key pressed
Const EVENT_MouseDown	= $201		; Mouse button pressed
Const EVENT_MouseUp		= $202		; Mouse button released
Const EVENT_MouseMove	= $203		; Mouse moved
Const EVENT_Gadget		= $401		; Gadget clicked
Const EVENT_Move		= $801		; Window moved
Const EVENT_Size		= $802		; Window resized
Const EVENT_Close		= $803		; Window closed
Const EVENT_Front		= $804		; Window brought to front
Const EVENT_Menu		= $1001		; Menu item selected
Const EVENT_LostFocus	= $2001		; App lost focus
Const EVENT_GotFocus	= $2002		; App got focus
Const EVENT_Timer		= $4001		; Timer event occurred

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Globals
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Global SCREEN = 1	;( 0 Nothing, 1 First Screen...)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Create Window
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

WIN 	= CreateWindow("Game - Patcher", 100, 100, 400, 465, window, 1)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Create Window & Layout
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	; Wait for an event from the user.
	Select WaitEvent()
		Case EVENT_Close
	End Select
	; Keeps track of what your viewing depending on your actions
	Select SCREEN
		Case 1
			TAB	= CreateTabber(5,5,380,350,WIN)
			InsertGadgetItem(TAB,0,"Game News",0)
			InsertGadgetItem(TAB,1,"  List  ",1)
			SCREEN = 0
		Case 2
	End Select

Until (KeyHit(1))

CS_TBL(Posted 2005) [#2]
Why are you creating gadgets in your mainloop anyway?

If you want to hide a gadget depending on a variable, then use HideGadget gadget and ShowGadget gadget.

The correct order is:

1: initialisation & create
2: mainloop
3: cleanup & exit

Apollonius(Posted 2005) [#3]
I dunno I thought like

Case 1
; Show this here

Case 2
; if it case 2 it shows whats here and case 1 doesnt show

else with hide, doesn't it just stays in the memory till you show it again?

CS_TBL(Posted 2005) [#4]
Don't worry about the memory.. we aren't talking megabytes here..

Anyway, I checked that source, the tab shows up when you drag the window around. The tab works when you move the creating process above the loop.

There must surely be a reason why things don't work. I don't think I would ever find out, and I don't need to. This is simply not the way it should be done.. :)

Just stick to this:
1: initialisation & create
2: mainloop
3: cleanup & exit

..and everyone's happy..

coffeedotbean(Posted 2005) [#5]
put in a timer *before* ya main loop

until keyydown(1)

else nothing gets updated until an event is caused, such as dragging the window.