Saving GIF images

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Saving GIF images

CoderX(Posted 2005) [#1]
Using Snarty's FreeImage functions I can save images in jpg and png format, but when I try to save as gif it doesn't work.
Include ""

;Load the initial image

;convert the image to a bitmap	
FIBITMAP = FIQSend(FIImage\Image)

;save the image as a gif
FI_Save(FIF_GIF, FIBITMAP, "testX.gif", 0)
If I use FIF_JPEG or FIF_PNG it works, but FIF_GIF is no good.

I also tried saving with sswift's functions, but to no avail. :(

AFAIK, the FreeImage Library supports reading AND writing GIF's.

Can anyone help?

- Nick