Consoles - Newbie Alert

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/Consoles - Newbie Alert

SebHoll(Posted 2005) [#1]
Hi, I am making a blitz compression program that I would like to run from the command line and so I want to use it in a console. However I get to a stage where it finishes compressing the file and it displays a compression report. From here I want the program to end once the user has acknowledges the completion by pressing any key. However, the WaitKey() command won't work in a console window. I have tried to get around it by drawing a small graphics window which waits for the "WaitKey()" event but it only works if that window is in focus so you have to click onto it from the console window. I would like to use a console window because I can write data to the screen and retreive user input using the "Input$()" command. Have you got any ideas as to how I could get the program to halt until any key is pressed? I could do it with an enter key by doing a Input$("") command but I would prefer it without doing this as people can therefore type things onto the screen.

Any help is greatly appreciated


WolRon(Posted 2005) [#2]
You might try this in your event handler loop:
;main loop to handle events 
	enterkey = GetAsyncKeyState($0D)	;if enter key just pressed then LSB of enterkey is set
	seperatorkey = GetAsyncKeyState($6C)	;if numpad enter key just pressed then LSB of seperatorkey is set
	tabkey = GetAsyncKeyState(9)	;if tab key just pressed then LSB of tabkey is set
	If (tabkey Or enterkey Or seperatorkey) And 1 Then DoSomething()	;checks keys least sig. bit=1
	event = WaitEvent()
	If event = $401 ;gadget action

which requires this declaration:
.lib "user32.dll"

CS_TBL(Posted 2005) [#3]
Interesting ^_^ .. I never went into the depths of those userlibs. All the time I had lousy key events that lost focus.

But afaics it works with ascii codes (13 for [enter], 65 for [A] etc.).. how do I read out things like cursors, F-keys, pageUp/Dn, ins, del, home, alt/shift/ctrl combinations etc. etc.?

CS_TBL(Posted 2005) [#4]
Found the cursors and stuff, but I can't seem to make a clean function that works like KeyHit and KeyDown.. meaning that I wish to know which key is *hit*, and which combikey(s) is/are *down*..

Anyone a suggestion?

CS_TBL(Posted 2005) [#5]
fixed ^_^

'ave phun