How to set cursor position on a gadget

BlitzPlus Forums/BlitzPlus Beginners Area/How to set cursor position on a gadget

doebi(Posted 2014) [#1]
Using following programming works well,
except that the input blinking cursor starts on the left side of the text gadged. I want the blinking cursor to be on the right side of the text thats written in the gadged
(sorry for bad english, I spead dutch)

So here's my piece of code :
Function Question$(Message$,Answer$)
Local theKey = GetKey()
Local win=CreateWindow (Message$,100,100,300,200,0,1) ;create window
Local txtbox=CreateTextField(10,10,200,20,win) ;create textfield in that window
ActivateGadget txtbox
SetGadgetText txtbox,Answer$ ;set text in that textfield for info
Local ok=CreateButton("OK",10,50,200,20,win) ;create button
Local Done = False
Local theID = 0
While Not Done
theId=WaitEvent() ;wait for user action (in a form of event)
If theId=Event_WindowClose Then End ;to quit program when we receive Window close event
If theId=Event_GadgetAction And EventSource()=ok Then ; when ok is pressed
Done = True
Answer$ = TextFieldText$(txtbox)
End If

FreeGadget Win

Return Answer$

GfK(Posted 2014) [#2]