Merge sort replacement for TList.Sort

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/Merge sort replacement for TList.Sort

N(Posted 2009) [#1]
Here's a patch to replace the current bubble sort sorting algorithm in brl.mod/linkedlist.mod/linkedlist.bmx with the merge sort algorithm. This is, more or less, much faster than the original.

Edit to BRL: Also, your patterns for matching e-mail addresses and such are broken or in the wrong order.

From 205f13af7b2dfb461478f99bf4505414b44382c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Noel Cower <ncower@...;
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 12:11:35 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Rewritten sort method to use merge sort algorithm

 linkedlist.bmx |  123 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

diff --git a/linkedlist.bmx b/linkedlist.bmx
index ed16e1e..8dc00c8 100644
--- a/linkedlist.bmx
+++ b/linkedlist.bmx
@@ -346,33 +346,106 @@ Type TList Extends TData
 	bbdoc: Sort a list in either ascending (default) or decending order.
 	about: User types should implement a Compare method in order to be sorted.
 	End Rem
-	Method Sort( ascending=True,compareFunc( o1:Object,o2:Object )=CompareObjects )
-		Local term:TLink=_head
-		Repeat
-			Local link:TLink=_head._succ
-			Local sorted=True
-			Repeat
-				Local succ:TLink=link._succ
-				If succ=term Exit
-				Local cc=CompareFunc( link._value,succ._value )	'link._value.Compare( succ._value )
-				If (cc>0 And ascending) Or (cc<0 And Not ascending)
-					Local link_pred:TLink=link._pred
-					Local succ_succ:TLink=succ._succ
-					link_pred._succ=succ
-					succ._succ=link
-					succ._pred=link_pred
-					link._succ=succ_succ
-					link._pred=succ
-					succ_succ._pred=link
-					sorted=False
+	Method Sort( ascending=True, compareFunc( o1:Object, o2:Object )=CompareObjects )
+		If _head._succ = _head._pred Then
+			Return	' List is either empty or only has one item
+		EndIf
+		Local head:TLink = _head._succ
+		Local tail:TLink = _head._pred
+		Local cnt:Int = Count()
+		head._pred = Null
+		tail._succ = Null
+		head = TList._rec_sort( head, cnt, compareFunc )
+		tail = head
+		While tail._succ
+			tail = tail._succ
+		Wend
+		head._pred = _head; _head._succ = head
+		tail._succ = _head; _head._pred = tail
+		' Reverse if not ascending
+		If Not ascending Then
+			Reverse()
+		EndIf
+	End Method
+	Function _rec_sort:TLink( head:TLink, num%, compareFunc( o1:Object, o2:Object ) ) NoDebug
+		Local temp1:TLink, temp2:TLink
+		Local ret:TLink
+		If num <= 2 Then
+			If num = 1 Then
+				ret = head
+			Else
+				If compareFunc( head._value, head._succ._value ) < 0 Then
+					ret = head
-					link=succ
+					temp1 = head
+					temp2 = head._succ
+					temp1._pred = temp2
+					temp2._succ = temp1
+					temp1._succ = Null
+					temp2._pred = Null
+					ret = temp2
-			Forever
-			If sorted Return
-			term=link
-		Forever
-	End Method
+			EndIf
+		Else
+			temp2 = head
+			Local n1%, n2%
+			n1 = num/2
+			n2 = num-n1
+			For Local idx:Int = 1 To n1-1
+				temp2 = temp2._succ
+			Next
+			temp1 = temp2
+			temp2 = temp2._succ
+			temp1._succ = Null
+			temp2._pred = Null
+			temp1 = head
+			temp1 = TList._rec_sort( temp1, n1, compareFunc )
+			temp2 = TList._rec_sort( temp2, n2, compareFunc )
+			Local l1:Int = False
+			ret = temp2
+			If compareFunc( temp1._value, temp2._value ) < 0 Then
+				ret = temp1
+				l1 = True
+			EndIf
+			While temp1 <> Null Or temp2 <> Null
+				If l1 Then
+					While temp1._succ And compareFunc(temp1._succ._value, temp2._value) < 0
+						temp1 = temp1._succ
+					Wend
+					temp2._pred = temp1
+					temp1 = temp1._succ
+					temp2._pred._succ = temp2
+					If temp1 = Null Then
+						Exit
+					EndIf
+				Else
+					While temp2._succ And compareFunc(temp2._succ._value, temp1._value) < 0
+						temp2 = temp2._succ
+					Wend
+					temp1._pred = temp2
+					temp2 = temp2._succ
+					temp1._pred._succ = temp1
+					If temp2 = Null Then
+						Exit
+					EndIf
+				EndIf
+				l1 = Not l1
+			Wend
+		EndIf
+		Return ret
+	End Function
 	Method ObjectEnumerator:TListEnum()
 		Local enum:TListEnum=New TListEnum

Otus(Posted 2009) [#2]
Do you have any data on whether it really is faster and for how large lists?

N(Posted 2009) [#3]
I've been using it for the past two months. The code has actually been up for two months, I just never made a proper patch since I don't actually use brl.linkedlist.

As for hard data, no, because frankly anything is better than bubble sort. If you think this isn't faster, try it yourself. The only possible slowdown I could see is that I don't have ascending/descending sorting in the algorithm, the list is just reversed if you want that. You might get a speed boost from that, but I don't know. (I would personally rather see ascending/descending support done via the comparison function than the sorting algorithm.)

For quick reference for anyone wondering about the two algorithms:

markcw(Posted 2009) [#4]
Is this supposed to be merged with linkedlist.bmx?