Extended version of TImage..

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/Extended version of TImage..

[I]pnose(Posted 2006) [#1]
.. which includes some useful functions.
Type T_Image Extends TImage

	Field Pic:TImage
	Field x:Float = 0
	Field oldx:Float
	Field y:Float = 0
	Field oldy:Float
	Field Scalex:Float = 1
	Field Scaley:Float = 1
	Field Rotation:Float = 0
	Field CurrentSpeedX:Float
	Field CurrentSpeedY:Float
	Field Blend:Int 	= SOLIDBLEND
	Field Alpha:Float 	= 1
	Field Color:Int [] 	= [255,255,255]
	Function LoadMyImage:T_Image (url:Object,Flags:Int = -1)
		Local Image:T_Image 	= New T_Image
		Image.Pic				= LoadImage (url,Flags)
		Return Image
	End Function
	Function LoadMyAnimImage:T_Image (url:Object,cell_width:Int,cell_height:Int,first_cell:Int,cell_count:Int,Flags:Int=-1)
		Local Image:T_Image 	= New T_Image
		Image.Pic				= LoadAnimImage (url,cell_width,cell_height,first_cell,cell_count,Flags)
		Return Image
	End Function
	Method CopyMyImage:T_Image ()
		Local Image:T_Image			= New T_Image
		Image.Pic					= CreateImage (ImageWidth(Pic),ImageHeight(Pic))
		Local TmpSrcPic:TPixmap 	= LockImage(pic)
		Local TmpDestPic:TPixmap 	= LockImage(Image.pic)
		For Local x:Int 			= 1 To ImageWidth(Pic)
			For Local y:Int 		= 1 To ImageHeight(Pic)
				WritePixel (TmpDestPic,x-1,y-1,ReadPixel(TmpSrcPic,x-1,y-1))
		UnlockImage pic
		UnlockImage Image.pic
		Return Image
	End Method
	Method MidHandleMyImage ()
		MidHandleImage Pic
	End Method
	Method DrawMyImage (Frame:Int = 0)
		SetRotation Rotation
		SetScale	Scalex,Scaley
		SetBlend 	Blend
		SetColor	Color[0],Color[1],Color[2]
		SetAlpha	Alpha
		DrawImage (Pic,x,y,Frame)
		SetRotation 0
		SetScale	1,1
		SetColor	255,255,255
		SetAlpha 	1
	End Method
	Method MoveMyImage (NX:Float,ny:Float,MGlobal:Int = 0)
		oldx = x
		oldy = y
		If MGlobal = 0
			SetRotation Rotation

			x:+  (ny*(Sin(Rotation)))
			y:-  (ny*(Cos(Rotation)))
			x:+  (NX*(Cos(Rotation)))
			y:+  (NX*(Sin(Rotation)))			
			SetRotation 0
			x:+ NX
			y:+ ny
		SetRotation 0

	End Method
	Method PositionMyImage (NX:Float,ny:Float)
		x = NX
		y = ny

	End Method
	Method TurnMyImage (Angle:Float)
		Rotation:+ Angle

	End Method
	Method RotateMyImage (Angle:Float)
		Rotation = Angle

	End Method

	Method ScaleMyImage (NX:Float,ny:Float)
		Scalex = NX
		Scaley = ny

	End Method
	Method MyImageBlend (NBlend:Int)
		Blend = NBlend

	End Method
	Method MyImageColor (nr:Int = 255,nv:Int = 255,nb:Int = 255)
		Color[0] = nr
		Color[1] = nv
		Color[2] = nb

	End Method			

	Method MyImageAlpha (NAlpha:Float = 1)
		Alpha = NAlpha

	End Method
	Method GetMyImagePosX:Float ()
		Return x
	End Method
	Method GetMyImagePosY:Float ()
		Return y
	End Method	

	Method GetMyImageRotation:Float ()
		Return Rotation
	End Method
	Method GetMyImageXSpeed:Float ()
		CurrentSpeedX = x-oldx
		Return CurrentSpeedX
	End Method
	Method GetMyImageYSpeed:Float ()
		CurrentSpeedY = y-oldy
		Return CurrentSpeedY
	End Method
	Method GetMyImageDistance:Float (Dx,Dy)
		Local DistX:Float 		= (Dx - x)*(Dx - x)
		Local DistY:Float 		= (Dy - y)*(Dy - y)
		Local Distance:Float	= DistX + DistY
		Return Sqr(Distance)
	End Method																

End Type

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#2]
If MGlobal = 0

SetRotation Rotation

x:+ (ny*(Sin(Rotation)))
y:- (ny*(Cos(Rotation)))
x:+ (NX*(Cos(Rotation)))
y:+ (NX*(Sin(Rotation)))


SetRotation 0

x:+ NX
y:+ ny


SetRotation 0

think this would produce the same result, but is faster:
		If MGlobal = 0
			x:+  (ny*(Sin(Rotation)))
			y:-  (ny*(Cos(Rotation)))
			x:+  (NX*(Cos(Rotation)))
			y:+  (NX*(Sin(Rotation)))			
			x:+ NX
			y:+ ny
		SetRotation 0

H&K(Posted 2006) [#3]
Edit: no sorry