system_ tweak

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/system_ tweak

Sarge(Posted 2005) [#1]
System_ tweak for window :

How to modify:
goto to your mod folder and open pub.mod then look from stdc.mod, in stdc.mod you will find a file called stdc.c load it up and modify the following code.



Then click Build Modules in the menu bar and your off.

By adding the " ?" at the end of the path this allows the program to continue instead of waiting for the window to end.

you can still use this command the default way and it will work as usual.

system_ "notepad.exe"


xlsior(Posted 2005) [#2]
Under windows 2000/XP/NT the following will work as well, without modifying any modules:

system_ ("cmd /c start calc.exe")

But that won't work on Win95/98, and not on Linux & Mac either. (Is the module change as outlined above cross-platform, or windows-only?)