Textured Polys : DirectX only at moment

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/Textured Polys : DirectX only at moment

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2005) [#1]
Can't be arsed to do a GL version since I'm not going to use it.

Make these changes and then "bmk makemods"

Type TImageFrame
	Method DrawTexturedPoly (xyuv#[],x1#,y1#,tx#,ty#) Abstract

Add this function to Max2d.bmx
bbdoc: Draw a Textures polygon
#DrawPoly draws a Textures polygon with corners defined by an array of x#,y#,u#,v# coordinates.<p>
BlitzMax commands that affect the drawing of polygons include #SetColor, #SetHandle, 
#SetScale, #SetRotation, #SetOrigin, #SetViewPort, #SetBlend and #SetAlpha.
End Rem

Function DrawTexturedPoly( image:TImage,xyuv#[],frame=0)
	image.Frame(frame).DrawTexturedPoly xyuv,handle_x,handle_y,origin_x,origin_y 
End Function

In glmax2d.bmx add this method to Type TGLImageFrame:
Method DrawTexturedPoly (xyuv#[],x1#,y1#,tx#,ty#) 
	' Not done for OGL yet
End Method

In d3d7max2d.bmx add this method to Type TD3D7Max2DDriver
Method DrawTexturedPoly( frame:TDX7ImageFrame,xyuv#[],handlex#,handley#,tx#,ty# )
		If islost Return
		If xyuv.length<6 Or (xyuv.length&1) Return
		Local segs=xyuv.length/2
		Local uv#[] = New Float[segs*10]	'10	
		Local ii:Int = 0
		For Local i=0 Until Len(xyuv) Step 4
			Local x# =  xyuv[i+0]+handlex
			Local y# =  xyuv[i+1]+handley
			uv[ii+0] =  x*ix+y*iy+tx
			uv[ii+1] =  x*jx+y*jy+ty	
			uv[ii+2] =  0  ' *********** THIS IS THE Z-COORDINATE
			uv[ii+3] =  xyuv[i+2]
			uv[ii+4] =  xyuv[i+3]
		SetActiveFrame frame
End Method

Now add this Method to Type TDX7ImageFrame
Method DrawTexturedPoly(xyuv#[],x1#,y1#,tx#,ty# )
		driver.DrawTexturedPoly Self,xyuv,x1#,y1#,tx#,ty#
End Method

Do the MakeMods stuff and now you can make 2d polygons with any texture you desire.

EXAMPLE : http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=51042

René(Posted 2005) [#2]
Hi there,

after following Indiepath's steps above, you can use the following method in glmax2d.bmx so the DrawTexturedPoly() command will work with GL drivers too.

Method DrawTexturedPoly (xy#[],handle_x#,handle_y#,origin_x#,origin_y#) 
	If xy.length<6 Or (xy.length&1) Return

	Assert seq=_max2dGfxSeq Else "Image does not exist"
	EnableTex name

	For Local i=0 Until Len xy Step 4
		Local x#=xy[i+0]+handle_x
		Local y#=xy[i+1]+handle_y
		Local u#=xy[i+2]
		Local v#=xy[i+3]
		glTexCoord2f u,v
		glVertex2f x*ix+y*iy+origin_x,x*jx+y*jy+origin_y
End Method	

Rimmsy(Posted 2005) [#3]
Sweet. thanks, both of you.

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2005) [#4]
I think I will rebuild this so that you don't need to recompile the max2d module.

René(Posted 2005) [#5]
Hi Indie,

don't know if this is a drawtexturepoly problem, or a common problem with textured triangles.

On the screenie below I try to draw an textured trapezoid. But texture UVs are, I think, correct but not displayed nice. Do you know a way to draw a trapezoid with nice displayed texture? That would give a cool feature for the shadow system...

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2005) [#6]
Ouch, This is a UV issue as there is no perspective correction. The only way I can think to overcome it would be in increase the amount of polys in the trapezoid, thus increasing the number of uv's. You may also want to change the way the poly is constructed, at the moment it uses trianglefans which are not really suited to the job you need them to do.

Haramanai(Posted 2006) [#7]
I just came along the same method. (OpenGL)
If someone is going to use this for OpenGL must keep in mind that OpenGL uses square images in the power of 2.
So the images are:
2 x 2
4 x 4
16 x 16
64 x 64
128 x 128
256 x 256
512 x 512
Don't go further, you may have problems.

BORNtobeNAMELESS(Posted 2006) [#8]
I wrote an function which can draw a textured poly without modifying any modules(OpenGL onyl):

The DrawImage at the end lets GLMax2D change his current internal texture, so you can normaly Draw other images after a call to this function.

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2006) [#9]
http://modules.indiepath.com - should have gone there it would have saved you some time.

BORNtobeNAMELESS(Posted 2006) [#10]
Sorry, but i wasn't able compile the Module on my System.

DannyD(Posted 2006) [#11]
How do I call it ?

Function DrawTexturedPoly(tex:TImage,xyuv:Float[],rgba:Int[]=Null,frame:Int=0)

DRawtexturedpoly (Texture,100,100,20,20, 122,2?
What is frame?

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2006) [#12]
You dont seem to need perspective correction, you need to specify the appropriate texture coordinates based on the coordinates of the vertices rather than stretching the polygon image.

Also I wonder if a proper `quad` would correct this error.

Proger(Posted 2006) [#13]
Why DirectX mode is work no correct?
'SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver() uncoment to view right drawing
Graphics 800,600

Local Image:TImage = LoadImage("clock.png")

SetBlend alphablend

Local xyuv:Float[] = [ ..
			100.0,100.0, 0.5, 0.5,..
			100.0, 36.0, .5, 0.0,  ..			
			145.2, 54.0, .85, 0.14 ]

DrawTexturedPoly Image, xyuv

Proger(Posted 2006) [#14]
Ops... I find bug.
Local segs=xyuv.length/2

repalce to
Local segs=xyuv.length/4

tonyg(Posted 2006) [#15]
If your'e using the code in this thread then it's over a year old and has changed a lot.
You should consider getting the latest from Tim's

Proger(Posted 2006) [#16]
my edition. Without changes to modules. With sources ;)