Linked list tweak gone arry

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/Linked list tweak gone arry

Bot Builder(Posted 2005) [#1]
I've been looking att he best way to organize my parsed data, and put it through various processes to change it, and this seems like the best way - have a list of objects. In many cases, obviously, the objects will have inter-relationships, usually before/after/etc. Decided the best way to do this was access the last created enumerator... Anyway, in working on it ive noticed some odd stuff:


Framework brl.standardio

Local hmm:TList=New TList

For Local i$=EachIn hmm
	Print i$

Type TLink

	Field _value:Object
	Field _succ:TLink,_pred:TLink

End Type

Type TListEnum

	Field _link:TLink

	Method HasNext()
		Return _link._value<>_link
	End Method

	Method NextObject:Object()
		Local value:Object=_link._value
		Assert value<>_link
		Return value
	End Method

End Type

Type TList

	Field _head:TLink
	Field Enum:TListEnum

	Method New()
		_head=New TLink
	End Method

	Method Delete()
	End Method

	Method AddLast:TLink( value:Object )
		Return InsertBeforeLink( value,_head )
	End Method

	Method InsertBeforeLink:TLink( value:Object,succ:TLink )
		Local link:TLink=New TLink
		Return link
	End Method

	Method ObjectEnumerator:TListEnum()
		enum=New TListEnum
		Return enum
	End Method

End Type

This is some example code plus a very cut-down linked list module. as you can see very oddly it loops. I dont see why it would. By setting the value of the current node, it should simply overwrite it and move on (a flushmem would cleanup the leftovers). However, for whatever reason, it loops forever instead.

I've tried debugstop, but for some reason or another debugstop basically exits the program for me. never used it before. I hit step and it skips everything o.0, in otherwords i see nothing in output.

Posting it here cause it has code from a brl module...

Any idea whats going on? If i comment out the thing that is only changing the value of a variable it works fine, but obviously doesnt change the stuff in the list. Sure, I could make a new list but its inefficient and less elegant.

Bot Builder(Posted 2005) [#2]
figured it out - the linked list is actually a linked loop, where the end/start has a value of TLink. To obtain the actual current link you have to access the previous one, which is what causes it to overwrite the head with a string causing an infinite loop.