WIN32 - Better Windowed/Debug gfx mode

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Module Tweaks/WIN32 - Better Windowed/Debug gfx mode

DredPirateRoberts(Posted 2004) [#1]
changed the blitzgl.win32.c file ( id backup original i dont know if this breaks anything so far )

adds window resizing . fixes bug that made window wrong size
and mouse y was off.

functions i added to handle resizing and detecting window close.

BOOL bglWinIsResized ( void )
BOOL bglWinIsClosed ( void )
int bglWinWidth ( void ) << call after bglWinISResized = True
int bglWinHeight ( void ) << call after when bglWinISResized = True

add this to your bmx code

Function bglWinIsClosed()
Function bglWinIsResized()
Function bglWinWidth()
Function bglWinHeight()
End Extern

recompile modules . then your program

fredborg(Posted 2004) [#2]

One small thing. It might be good to reset the 'bglWinIsClosed()' return value once it's been called. If you make a confirm requester now, and press 'cancel' it will keep popping up. Small example:

The following 'blitzgl.win32.c' version resets the bglWinIsClosed return:

And you should probably add a conditional compile to the Extern, like this:
Function bglWinIsClosed()
Function bglWinIsResized()
Function bglWinWidth()
Function bglWinHeight()
End Extern

DredPirateRoberts(Posted 2004) [#3]
i left the flag set cuz in my code i just quit when its closed .. but i could change that. ( and the conditional win32 thing ). just did this until they officialy add some features like this so i can get my project going.

Scott Host