Tlist Help

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Tlist Help

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#1]
Sorry if this has been asked before, but couldn't find in the search resulsts.

Im looking for something that is almost like Handle(Object)

be nice to have something that is

for _Bullet:tBullet = eachin lBullets
if(conditiona = conditionb) return _Bullet.Index

to THIS affect?

Thanks in advance....

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#2]
Can you provide a complete example? I think you may be failing to cast the object to its class... ?

This is a sample application:
Local list:TList = New TList
For Local Text:String = EachIn list
	Print Text.ToLower()

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#3]
Ah i see what you mean lol..

actually im struggling with a few things, but...

Global ltxt:TList = New TList

Type tTxt
	Field text:String
	Field id:Int
End Type

Function AddTest(tt:String)
	Local nTxt:tTxt = New tTxt

	nTxt.text = tt = Rnd(2000)
End Function


Function FindText:ttxt(txt$)
	For Local stxt:ttxt = EachIn ltxt
		If stxt.text=txt		Return stxt
End Function

For itxt:ttxt = EachIn ltxt
	Print itxt.text + " with value : " +

Print "FIND: 'base' = " + FindText("base").id

(THIS actually works and its what i wanted!) sorry i wasted your time!


Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#4]
FindText("base").id =5

WOW this is a NEAT feature! able to use function to return the type and then change??

Have i been programming Microcontrollers too long?!? lol

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#5]
Nop worries!
As a side note, according to your example, if you're going ot make searches on the list, a TMap would be much more appropriated and performant. You may be interested in taking a look to TMaps

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#6]
actually i dont know anything about TMaps at all!

the blitzmax code is very new to me,
sorry to ask, is ther a chance you could do a small example?


(plus are you advertising Blide or the creator of?)

Last edited 2012

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#7]
Very small sample:
Global map:TMap = New TMap

Type ExampleClass
	Field Value:String
End Type

Local Example:ExampleClass

'Create objects:
Example = New ExampleClass
Example.Value = "Hello!"
map.Insert("MyFirstItem", Example)

Example = New ExampleClass
Example.Value = "world"
map.Insert("AnotherItem", Example)

Example = New ExampleClass
Example.Value = "Something"
map.Insert("TheThirdItem", Example)

'Now to get an item from its key:

Local getItem:ExampleClass
getItem = ExampleClass(map.ValueForKey("TheThirdItem"))
If getItem <> Null Then
	Print "the item was found and has a vlue of: " + getItem.Value
End If

'We can also iterate them

For Myitem:ExampleClass = EachIn map.Values()
	Print Myitem.Value

I'm the creator of BLIde :)


This line is very important to understand the example:
getItem = ExampleClass(map.ValueForKey("TheThirdItem"))

This does the following:

map.ValueForKey("TheThirdItem") --> This looks for an object stored with the key "TheThirdItem" inside the map (and this is internaly indexed and its fast)

then this:
ExampleClass(........) --> Is a cast operation, it converts the contained ..... expression into an ExampleClass object. If it fails, it returns null..

so the whole sentence:

Is searching for "TheThirdItem" into the map and converting it back (casting it) to an ExampleClass instance, so it can be assigned to an ExampleClass variable.

Last edited 2012

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#8]

Last edited 2012

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#9]
Blide is awesome, though i have to say, there is a slight spelling mistake, "Becouse" should be "Because"

i only used Blide for about 2 or 3 hours before i purchased a copy!
Fantastic bit of kit!
it makes sence, the greatest advantages are numerious! and BlitzMax native IDE cant seem to compile the modules, stays greyed out, however blide... sees right through it and WORKS!!!

TMaps can do Methods too right? since i think its time to replace the Lists with tMaps!

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#10]
@Neochrome: Thanks! I'm Spanish so I have several spelling mistakes on BLIde. If you know where this "bocuse" was, I'll gladly correct it...

EDIT: Yes, maps have a very nice set of methods, such as Contains(key) that return true or false if a given key stores an object into the map, Clear, etc... I'm not sure they're all documented, but BLIde will show them for you properly on intelliprompt, and are prety self explanatory on their names and parameters.

Last edited 2012

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#11]
if you wish, i'll be using the system alot, so i'll make a list of where these are?

it looks like anything that reports with the "Becouse", nearly every where says it...

can you believe it, i cant find it!! lol

BlIDE makes programming so much mroe fun! and keeps my code nice and tidy

EDIT: I've noticed that Blide's intellprompt is just amazing! fast too!

Last edited 2012

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#12]
Don't worry about the "becouse" thing. I've just done a find&replace on the BLIde source code to see it's in several places. I've fixed for the next update but I'm sure you'll find some more small spelling or language issues in the future, as it's a bit complicated for me to write everything in (sort of) English.

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#13]
It looks like that tMap is too narrow, i need something that can return the entire type lol... trying to work out the TMAP though

ziggy(Posted 2012) [#14]
It can return the entire type. In fact, it's what it does.

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#15]
Yes, i just found that out my self! lol... sorry about the late reply!

its starting to look like that Tlist and Tmap do VERY much the same thing!..

for the game Loads and LOADS of particals are used, so Lists are used, but for pickable stuff. TMAPS would be used!



ziggy(Posted 2012) [#16]
You're welcome! :D I just jope you enjoy BlitzMax as much as I do :) It's a joy to code with it.

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#17]
it seems to be VERY easy to code, i've got C++, and Microchips C under my belt, but to actually do code to make GAMES as easy as this... its a relief as all that coding just to make a graphics driver or string converter!! NO THANK YOU! lol

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#18]
this is interesting! the list seems to be sorted into alphabetical order on the insert time! no wonder the look up speed is AWESOME speeds!

Last edited 2012

Yasha(Posted 2012) [#19]
TMap is what other libraries - or more helpfully, Wikipedia - might usually call a "self-balancing binary tree". (But C++ STL calls it "map" too.)

That means that if you have a million objects and wanted to find one, on average a TList would need to make a half-million comparisons, while a TMap could do it in under 20. Pretty useful. Just remember that because it defers that complexity onto the insert time, you might want to avoid modifying TMaps in the middle of high-performance loops.

Neochrome(Posted 2012) [#20]
You know, i did something like thie back in the Amiga Days! its sad, but since computers seem so quick now, some programmers miss this now!

Tlist is, 4,1,7,6,9,2,3,8 (in order of insertion)

TMap inserts into the orderslot... tlist great for multiple bullets, Network Players, Tmap would you say this ia a good practice?