Text file manipulation?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Text file manipulation?

Pete Carter(Posted 2011) [#1]
I am at the point in my game were I want to save and load data about rooms, items, and graphics to a text file. I could learn to use one of the xml modules for this, but would like to make a system of my own. Trouble is I haven't been able to find enough info on how to use the built in file reading/writing commands to do what I want. There's a lot of code snippets and posts about simple text stuff, but noone has done anything on what each command does and how to integrate a system for loading data into a game. I need to understand the way it works before I can workout how to apply it to my game.

Does anyone have a link to a tutorial on this subject or will info from older blitz3d stuff be the same as most of the syntax seams unchanged with the text/string stuff.

Any pointers would be great.

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#2]
double post

Last edited 2011

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#3]
it is pretty basic
to access the file for reading/writting:
local file:Tstream = OpenStream(filename) 'opes the file for reading or writting

to read the data from a text file:
local file:Tstream = openStream("myfile.txt")
if file<> null  ' if the file was found
   while not eof(file)
      local str$ =  ReadLine(file) ' reads a line from the file
      print str ' prints the read string

to read from a binary file:
local file:Tstream = openStream("myfile.data")
if file <> null
     local b:int = file.ReadByte() ' the variable can be different
     local c:int = file.ReadShort()' 
     local d:int = file.ReadInt()
     local e:string = file.ReadString(n) ' reads n number of bytes return(chr 13) counts but ignored

local file:Tstream = openStream("myfile.data")
if file <> null
    while not eof(file)
        local b:int = file.ReadByte()

the same principle for writing to a file just use:

to open a stream for reading only:
   local file:Tstream = ReadStream(fileName)

for writting only:
   local file:Tstream = WriteStream(fileName) 

to get the file pointer position:
 local n:int = file.pos()

to move the file pointer to a certain location to start reading or writing from that location:
      if file.seek(n) <> -1
          print "success"

I used methods but if you want to use functions just look them up. it's the same principle.

Last edited 2011

Last edited 2011

matibee(Posted 2011) [#4]
For reading text based data files I like to use a simple INI-style syntax with identifier=value on each line. I also like to read the data back in any order as there's nothing worse than having to edit all your text-based levels because you added a new parameter.

This simple type loads a text file into a TMap and you can retrieve the values directly using the identifier.

Sample text file contents..

name=Mr Magoo

For "data" lines I use; "data1=00100101010101010101", "data2=", "data3=" etc then it's easy to loop through the lines.

NB The above code is case sensitive and not very whitespace friendly but you'll get the idea.


Pete Carter(Posted 2011) [#5]
Thanks guys. that helps, I will have another go, I think its a bit clearer now. Did you guys pick this up from the blitzmax help? or is it the same in blitz3d? without the oop stuff

Last edited 2011

Jesse(Posted 2011) [#6]
all of the none none OOP and OOP commands are on the IDE on the right window under:

Last edited 2011

Mainsworthy(Posted 2011) [#7]
this isnt prety its my encryption program I did it very quicky so dont expect perfect code, but if you look through it, you will see how you put all your variables into an array. Open a stream to output, then loop through your array putting each variable into the stream. then close the stream. do the reverse to load.

'reader Manual code below Writer code at the end of reader code

Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global page = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20
Global ok = 1
Global sline = 0

Global ssave = LoadImage(".\grafix\back.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global lload = LoadImage(".\grafix\forward.PNG",flags=ALPHABITS )
Global pics = LoadAnimImage(".\userstuff\pics.PNG",350,695,0,gfx,flags=ALPHABITS )
savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Use UP & DOWN Cursor keys or -", 670,715
DrawText "Forward & Back for fast scroll", 670,729
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

If KeyHit(KEY_UP) Then sline = sline - 66
If KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) Then sline = sline + 66
If sline > (4080*20)-67 Then sline = 4079*20-66

DrawImage( ssave ,909+48,705,frame=1 )
DrawImage( lload ,909+48,736,frame=1 )

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 705 And MouseY() < 735
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto qwbnms
page = page - 1
If page < 0 Then page = 0
ok = 1
sline = 0

If MouseDown(1) And MouseX() > 957 And MouseX() < 957+45 And MouseY() > 736 And MouseY() < 765
If MouseDown(1) Then Goto dqwbnms
page = page + 1
If page > 19 Then page = 19
ok = 1
sline = 0

If ok = 1
If Not savedit
Goto nofile

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For j = 0 To (19*4080) + 4079
If Not Eof(savedit)
bt = ReadInt (savedit)
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
store[j] = bt - crypta - crypta2

ok = 0

DrawImage( pics,670 ,0,psy )

CloseStream savedit


Function disppage()
psy = 0
p = page * 4080
p = p + sline

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 66
If cnt > 56 And store[p] = 84 Then store[p] = 100

If store[p] = 100 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 100 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 79 Then psy = psy + 1
'set psy maximum png files 0=1 1=2 2=3 so on
If psy > 19 Then psy = 19

If store[p] = 1 Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2 Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3 Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4 Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5 Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6 Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7 Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8 Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9 Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10 Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11 Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12 Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13 Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14 Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15 Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16 Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17 Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18 Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19 Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20 Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21 Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22 Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23 Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24 Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25 Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26 Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27 Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28 Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29 Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30 Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31 Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32 Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33 Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34 Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35 Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36 Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37 Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38 Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39 Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40 Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41 Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42 Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43 Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44 Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45 Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46 Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47 Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48 Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49 Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50 Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51 Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52 Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53 Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54 Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55 Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56 Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57 Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58 Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59 Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60 Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61 Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62 Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63 Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64 Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65 Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66 Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67 Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68 Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69 Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70 Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71 Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72 Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73 Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74 Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75 Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76 Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77 Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78 Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79 Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80 Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81 Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82 Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83 Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
'If store[p] = 200 Then DrawText "\n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

If v > 68
cnt = 66
v = 68

p = p + 1
If p > (4080*20)-1 Then p = 4079*20
'If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function

'writer Manual
Graphics 1024,768,32,60

Global store[4081*20]
Global btg = 0
Global page = 0
Global p = 0
Global psy = 0
Global gfx = 20

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
DrawText "Programed By Mark Ainsworth 210665", 670,745

savedit = ReadStream( ".\userstuff\unencryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit
Goto nofile

bt = 0
bt2 = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For jh = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079

If Not Eof(savedit) Then bt2 = ReadByte (savedit)
bt = bt2
btg = 0

If bt = 97 Then btg = 1
If bt = 98 Then btg = 2
If bt = 99 Then btg = 3
If bt = 100 Then btg = 4
If bt = 101 Then btg = 5
If bt = 102 Then btg = 6
If bt = 103 Then btg = 7
If bt = 104 Then btg = 8
If bt = 105 Then btg = 9
If bt = 106 Then btg = 10
If bt = 107 Then btg = 11
If bt = 108 Then btg = 12
If bt = 109 Then btg = 13
If bt = 110 Then btg = 14
If bt = 111 Then btg = 15
If bt = 112 Then btg = 16
If bt = 113 Then btg = 17
If bt = 114 Then btg = 18
If bt = 115 Then btg = 19
If bt = 116 Then btg = 20
If bt = 117 Then btg = 21
If bt = 118 Then btg = 22
If bt = 119 Then btg = 23
If bt = 120 Then btg = 24
If bt = 121 Then btg = 25
If bt = 122 Then btg = 26

If bt = 65 Then btg = 27
If bt = 66 Then btg = 28
If bt = 67 Then btg = 29
If bt = 68 Then btg = 30
If bt = 69 Then btg = 31
If bt = 70 Then btg = 32
If bt = 71 Then btg = 33
If bt = 72 Then btg = 34
If bt = 73 Then btg = 35
If bt = 74 Then btg = 36
If bt = 75 Then btg = 37
If bt = 76 Then btg = 38
If bt = 77 Then btg = 39
If bt = 78 Then btg = 40
If bt = 79 Then btg = 41
If bt = 80 Then btg = 42
If bt = 81 Then btg = 43
If bt = 82 Then btg = 44
If bt = 83 Then btg = 45
If bt = 84 Then btg = 46
If bt = 85 Then btg = 47
If bt = 86 Then btg = 48
If bt = 87 Then btg = 49
If bt = 88 Then btg = 50
If bt = 89 Then btg = 51
If bt = 90 Then btg = 52

If bt = 48 Then btg = 53
If bt = 49 Then btg = 54
If bt = 50 Then btg = 55
If bt = 51 Then btg = 56
If bt = 52 Then btg = 57
If bt = 53 Then btg = 58
If bt = 54 Then btg = 59
If bt = 55 Then btg = 60
If bt = 56 Then btg = 61
If bt = 57 Then btg = 62
If bt = 58 Then btg = 63

If bt = 45 Then btg = 64
If bt = 61 Then btg = 65
If bt = 60 Then btg = 66
If bt = 62 Then btg = 67
If bt = 46 Then btg = 68
If bt = 44 Then btg = 69
If bt = 40 Then btg = 70
If bt = 41 Then btg = 71
If bt = 91 Then btg = 72
If bt = 93 Then btg = 73
If bt = 43 Then btg = 74
If bt = 38 Then btg = 75
If bt = 35 Then btg = 76
If bt = 59 Then btg = 77
If bt = 58 Then btg = 78
If bt = 64 Then btg = 79
If bt = 63 Then btg = 80
If bt = 95 Then btg = 81
If bt = 37 Then btg = 82
If bt = 33 Then btg = 83
If bt = 32 Then btg = 84
If bt = 13 Then btg = 100

bt = btg

If bt > 0 And bt < 85 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
If bt = 100 store[j+(jh*4080)] = bt
CloseStream savedit
savedit = WriteStream( ".\userstuff\encryptedtext.txt" )

If Not savedit
Goto nofile2

bt = 0
crypta = 0
crypta2 = 3
For kl = 0 To 19
For j = 0 To 4079
bt = store[j+(kl*4080)]
crypta = crypta + 1
If crypta = 16 Then crypta = 0
bt = bt + crypta + crypta2

WriteInt (savedit, bt)
CloseStream savedit

DrawText "Press Escape Manual has been created", 10,10


Function disppage()
p = page * 4080

For v = 0 To 68
For cnt = 0 To 60
If store[p] = 90 v = v + 1
If store[p] = 90 cnt = 0

If store[p] = 1 Then DrawText "a", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 2 Then DrawText "b", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 3 Then DrawText "c", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 4 Then DrawText "d", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 5 Then DrawText "e", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 6 Then DrawText "f", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 7 Then DrawText "g", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 8 Then DrawText "h", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 9 Then DrawText "i", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 10 Then DrawText "j", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 11 Then DrawText "k", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 12 Then DrawText "l", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 13 Then DrawText "m", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 14 Then DrawText "n", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 15 Then DrawText "o", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 16 Then DrawText "p", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 17 Then DrawText "q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 18 Then DrawText "r", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 19 Then DrawText "s", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 20 Then DrawText "t", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 21 Then DrawText "u", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 22 Then DrawText "v", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 23 Then DrawText "w", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 24 Then DrawText "x", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 25 Then DrawText "y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 26 Then DrawText "z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 27 Then DrawText "A", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 28 Then DrawText "B", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 29 Then DrawText "C", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 30 Then DrawText "D", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 31 Then DrawText "E", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 32 Then DrawText "F", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 33 Then DrawText "G", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 34 Then DrawText "H", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 35 Then DrawText "I", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 36 Then DrawText "J", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 37 Then DrawText "K", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 38 Then DrawText "L", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 39 Then DrawText "M", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 40 Then DrawText "N", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 41 Then DrawText "O", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 42 Then DrawText "P", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 43 Then DrawText "Q", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 44 Then DrawText "R", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 45 Then DrawText "S", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 46 Then DrawText "T", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 47 Then DrawText "U", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 48 Then DrawText "V", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 49 Then DrawText "W", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 50 Then DrawText "X", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 51 Then DrawText "Y", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 52 Then DrawText "Z", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 53 Then DrawText "0", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 54 Then DrawText "1", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 55 Then DrawText "2", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 56 Then DrawText "3", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 57 Then DrawText "4", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 58 Then DrawText "5", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 59 Then DrawText "6", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 60 Then DrawText "7", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 61 Then DrawText "8", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 62 Then DrawText "9", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 63 Then DrawText "10", cnt*10,v*10

If store[p] = 64 Then DrawText "-", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 65 Then DrawText "=", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 66 Then DrawText "<", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 67 Then DrawText ">", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 68 Then DrawText ".", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 69 Then DrawText ",", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 70 Then DrawText "(", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 71 Then DrawText ")", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 72 Then DrawText "[", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 73 Then DrawText "]", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 74 Then DrawText "+", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 75 Then DrawText "&", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 76 Then DrawText "#", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 77 Then DrawText ";", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 78 Then DrawText ":", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 79 Then DrawText "@", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 80 Then DrawText "?", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 81 Then DrawText "_", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 82 Then DrawText "%", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 83 Then DrawText "!", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 84 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10
If store[p] = 0 Then DrawText " ", cnt*10,v*10

p = p + 1
If p > 4079 Then p = p - 1


End Function


Jesse(Posted 2011) [#8]

Pete Carter(Posted 2011) [#9]
Thanks very interesting. :O)