Accessing the Fields of a Type If all you know is

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Accessing the Fields of a Type If all you know is

Eric(Posted 2010) [#1]
Accessing the Fields of a Type If all you know is another field from the Type.
Type TShip
Field Ship:TModel
Field Altitude:Float

Function Create:TShip()

       Temp:Tship = New TShip
       Temp.Ship = LoadModel("Test")
End Funtion
End Type

If I am Passing Temp.Ship to a function and I need to Derive the Altitude Field... How would I go about that?
Function ModelColide(Temp:TModel) <---- I can't pass a TShip here

How to I derive the "TYPE" that Temp:TModel Belongs to so that I can Access the Altitude Field?

End Funtion

Thanks for any help,

Perturbatio(Posted 2010) [#2]
It seems to me that if you rely on altitude in the ModelCollide function, then you should probably shift the altitude property to the model class.

Failing that, implement a collide check in the ship and invoke that instead.

Last edited 2010

matibee(Posted 2010) [#3]
I'm guessing you have several game types eg; "TShip", "TMissile". Each may be on a separate altitude and you want to check for collisions between them (maybe?).

One way would be to have a base "TModelObject" base class and derive the specific types from it..

Type TGameObject
Field model:TModel
Field Altitude:Float

Method Collides:Int ( Other:TGameObject )
   Return Altitude = Other.Altitude
End Method

End Type

Type TShip Extends TGameObject

End Type

Type TMissile Extends TGameObject

End Type

Local ship:TShip = New TShip
Local missile:TMissile = New TMissile

' simple collision check
Print missile.Collides( ship )

Since you cannot access fields in the way you were hoping, maybe a simpler answer would be to pass the altitude to the collide function...

Function Collides:Int ( a:TModel, altitudeA:Float, b:TModel altitudeB:Float )

End function

Just throwing some ideas in.

Last edited 2010

Eric(Posted 2010) [#4]
Hey thanks for the great responses..MAtibee... I guess it's time for a little design work.


SLotman(Posted 2010) [#5]
Type TShip Extends TModel
   Field Altitude:Float
End Type

Function ModelColide(Temp:TModel)
    if Tship(temp) then
    print TShip(Temp).altitude
    print "this is not a ship!"
    end if
End Funtion

Last edited 2010

Vorderman(Posted 2010) [#6]
Never mind, just realised this is the Bmax forum :(

Last edited 2010

Czar Flavius(Posted 2010) [#7]
Slotman, I wouldn't recommend that solution above Matibee. The casting and special case seems inelegant and hard to make generic for different objects colliding.