DX screen offset

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/DX screen offset

Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#1]
can anyone know how produce this function in directx? I have this OpenGL version, but it doesn't work on all computers I've come to notice.

'Offsets the whole screen - used for a screen shake effect
Function SetViewOffset(offsetx:Float,offsety:Float)
	Global Original_offsetx:Float'Variable to remember the current offset
	Global Original_offsety:Float'Variable to remember the current offset
	glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION'Switch the matrix mode
	glTranslatef offsetx-Original_offsetx,offsety-Original_offsety,0'Translate the camera to the given offsets
	Original_offsetx = offsetx'Store the current offset
	Original_offsety = offsety'Store the current offset
	glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW'Switch the Matrix mode back
End Function

GfK(Posted 2010) [#2]
Any particular reason you wouldn't just use SetOrigin()?

Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#3]
Now I feel stupid. :p totally forgot about that one.

Here's another random question, to remove the need for a new thread:

This is what I wrote to capture and return a blurred image of the game, for use as a background(I use it when the player pauses). It's really slow, and has a delay when the player pauses. Is there any easy way to speed it up? Or something similar to achieve this effect?

'return a blurred screenshot of the current backbuffer
Function GetBlurredSS:TImage()
	Local hw:Float = GraphicsWidth() / 2
	Local hh:Float = GraphicsHeight() / 2
	'Take a screenshot of the game
	Local Screenshot:TPixmap = GrabPixmap(0, 0, 1024, 768)
	Local Ss:TImage = LoadImage(Screenshot)
	Cls'clear the backbuffer
	'Repeatively draw the screenshot at various sizes to create a blur effect
	SetScale(.98, .98)
	DrawImage Ss, hw + 10, hh
	DrawImage Ss, hw - 10, hh
	DrawImage Ss, hw, hh + 10
	DrawImage Ss, hw, hh - 10
	DrawImage Ss, hw, hh
	SetScale(1, 1)
	'Capture this blurred screenshot into a new image
	Local bss:TImage = CreateImage(1024, 768)
	GrabImage(bss, 0, 0)
	Cls 'clear the backbuffer
	Return bss'return the blurred background screenshot
End Function

Gabriel(Posted 2010) [#4]
I don't have BlitzMax installed so I can't test this, but would it be faster to simply resize the grabbed pixmap to a much smaller size and draw that stretched over the whole screen? If you shrink it and stretch it, it will automatically be blurred quite a bit, assuming filtering is enabled for that image.

GfK(Posted 2010) [#5]
That'd be less resource-hungry too.

To maximise efficiency, grab the image as a pixmap, resize it to, say 256x256, convert to an image then use DrawImageRect to draw it over the whole screen.

Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#6]
Can you give me a code example of the drawing/stretching? I'm not sure quite how to do that

Also, a weird possibly bug:

When compiled in debug mode, this function works fine, but when in non-debug mode, there is no image drawn, just a black screen behind the paused menu.

GfK(Posted 2010) [#7]
Well I'm hopeless at reading other people's code, so I'll leave that for somebody who isn't. :)

Drawing a stretched image... dead easy. DrawImageRect is one function I make quite a lot of use of.

If you have an 800x600 image that you want to use as a background, resize it in Photoshop or whatever to 512x512 - obviously that'll lose the aspect ratio and distort a bit. But, it will load nicely into VRAM with no waste whatsoever, unlike if you just loaded an 800x600 image which would be internally resized to 1024x1024.

So take your new 512x512 image, and draw it with DrawImageRect:
DrawImageRect myImage,0,0,800,600

For your needs, instead of resizing in photoshop, you can grab the screen as a pixmap, then resize the pixmap to, say, 256x256 or whatever. Then convert it to an image. Then all you have to do is use the above line of code to draw it, making sure that the image handle is set to 0,0.

Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#8]
That would work, only the effect is to capture the current game and put it into an image.

so what's currently happening in the game is paused and blurred (that's what it looks like anyways.)

So what i'm getting at is: how do you resize a pixmap?

GfK(Posted 2010) [#9]
Is this what you want?

Graphics 800,600

'draw some stuff
For Local n:Int = 1 To 500
	SetColor Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255)
	DrawOval Rand(0,GraphicsWidth()),Rand(0,GraphicsHeight()),Rand(20,50),Rand(20,50)

'grab the screen
Local px:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),PF_RGBA8888)
px = GrabPixmap(0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight())

'resize it
px = ResizePixmap(px,256,256)

'make an image
Local myImage:TImage = LoadImage(px)
SetImageHandle myImage,0,0

While Not AppTerminate()
	DrawImageRect myImage,0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()

Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#10]
Perfect, thanks GfK. Sometimes the answers are so obvious. How do I resize a pixmap? Oh ResizePixmap()