.exe icon?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/.exe icon?

Crovean(Posted 2010) [#1]
I've seen this in some bmx files:

Import "resources/resources.o"

I guess this have to do with the .exe icon, or am I wrong? If it is, how do I create those .o files? When I look in the resource directory, there is a file called resources.rc with all the information about which icon to use, and there is also a .bat file to create the .o file but it doesn't work

windres -o resources.o resources.rc

#define RT_MANIFEST	24
#define MANIFEST_ID	1
#define MAIN_ICON_ID	101

MAIN_ICON_ID		ICON			"main_icon.ico"

Help me out here. I hate the default icon :) ResHack or such is way too advanced for a stupid dude like me.... ;)

Thareh(Posted 2010) [#2]
Keep the .ico and .rc file in the same directory, copy windres from your mingw/bin directory to that directory and then create a bat file with this content:

Try that ^^

Crovean(Posted 2010) [#3]
Oh... I didn't have MiniGW... Downloading and trying.. Thanks!! =)

Thareh(Posted 2010) [#4]

Here's a small app you that I use for .ico => .o compilation :)
Change WINDRESPATH to the path of your windres.exe file => Compile the code, and then just drag the .rc (or .ico) over the compiled exe and it'll become a .o file with the same filename :)

Midimaster(Posted 2010) [#5]
My way to integrate an icon is:

You need to have any "*.o"-file. Name this "icon.o", and put it into the path of your "*.bmx"-file.
Add this lines to your code:
Import "icon.o"

Compile your application. Now you have a wrong icon associated wih the application.
Use free "IcoFX.Exe" (www.icofx.ro) to transform any image to a "*.ico"-file and save it as "NewIcon.Ico".
4. In IcoFX you have the possibility to change icons, which are already inside "*.exe"-files. So you can open your application in IcoFX with "menu - tools - resource editor", click on the "wrong" icon and on the symbol "change". In a window you can select your "NewIcon.Ico".

Thats all.

r(Posted 2010) [#6]
...or use BlitzIcon that simply do the job...

Freeware app, coded with Blitzmax.


Crovean(Posted 2010) [#7]
If I would like to define a icon for a file that should be associated with my software, how do I define that in resources.rc before compiling it?

Is it as simple as this?
#define MAIN_ICON_ID   101
#define FILE_ICON_ID   102

MAIN_ICON_ID      ICON      "main_icon.ico"
FILE_ICON_ID      ICON      "file_icon.ico"


Yahfree(Posted 2010) [#8]

Crovean(Posted 2010) [#9]
That changes the icon of my .exe, which is already done... I'm looking for a way to define a icon for files that opens with my .exe

Russell(Posted 2010) [#10]
Never could understand why this seemingly simple detail was left out of the BlitzMax IDE...


Dabhand(Posted 2010) [#11]

I'm looking for a way to define a icon for files that opens with my .exe

Well, basically, the best way is a thing called file association:-


Obviously, the above is for Windows, I havent the foggiest on Mac or Linux.
