DX9 driver problem

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/DX9 driver problem

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#1]
I was testing Doug Stastny's DX9 driver this weekend, and I think I found a small problem on it, and I have no clue how to fix it...

On my game I pre-render text into images (using grabpixmap), and in the main loop, I just draw the images. The program below shows more or less what I do in my game.

Problem is, this works perfectly on DX7-OGL, but not in the DX9 driver. Doesnt look as a Grabpixmap fault, or even Loadimage(pixmap) fault, but seems to be some sort of DX state change thing.

Run the program on DX9 and the white rectangle written "text" wont show. Uncomment SetBlend SOLIDBLEND, and it will show. If you change it to SetBlend ALPHABLEND, nothing will appear!

Does anyone knows what could be wrong? This DX9 driver seems to be a blessing for Vista...

' Simple DX9 demo by Doug Stastny
'Framework brl.max2d

Import brl.basic
Import brl.pngloader

' import the DX9 Driver and set it as our default
Import "Dx9Max2dDriver\Dx9Max2dGraphicsDriver.bmx"

' uncomment framework to use/test other drivers
SetGraphicsDriver D3D9Max2DDriver()
'SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
'SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

Global pmax: TPixmap
Global render: TImage
Global MyGraphics: TGraphics


SetScale 1,1
SetColor 0,0,0
SetColor 255,255,255
DrawRect 0,0,100,100

SetColor 4,4,4
DrawText "text", 10, 10
pmax = GrabPixmap(0 , 0 , 100, 100)
Delay 10
pmax = GrabPixmap(0 , 0 , 100, 100)
Delay 10

render = LoadImage(pmax)
pmax = Null
SetColor 255,255,255

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
  DrawImage render,200,200
  Flip 1 


MGE(Posted 2009) [#2]
This really is about time to be an official project with proper support.

skidracer(Posted 2009) [#3]
Unlike DX7 DX9 requires special flags to make the presentation/back buffer readable (less optimal pipeline) so I suspect Blitz needs a new GRAPHICS_ flag for people who wish to use grabpixmap.

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#4]
hmmm... looks like it's a texture format problem... changing the texture format from D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8 to D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 made it appear... but all alpha information was lost, so the text appears as a black block :(

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#5]

Sorry for the difficulty.

What graphics card are you using. I have wondered the level of support in the various drivers for the mechanism I used for Grabbing Pixmaps. I suspect I need to check a caps bit and fall back to the slower DC method which when creating the DX9 Device, which I wanted to avoid the performance hit of creating lockable back buffers.

That being said, since most people just complain that my driver is not "Official", I am pretty much fed up with the blitz community at large and really have no desire to do any additional development or "proper" support. I mean its not like I have charged anybody anything.

If anybody wants a clue on how to fix, take a look at the flags for creating the DirectX 9 object for creating a lockable DC and copy the method used by the DirectX7 Driver. Overall the performance hit probably wont be too bad and probably would have been a more conservative approach.

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#6]

First of all, thanks for your answer! Please note that I do appreciate your driver, and I think it could be very useful!

About people complaining, I think the complaints aren't directed at you (I may be wrong, since I haven't followed all the threads about it, just read the ones I could find), specially because you're not responsible at all for your driver not being official!

As for your question this computer has a NVIDIA 9300M GS (dont know how good or bad it is... it's part of the HP touchsmart I bought). I'm on Vista64, if that helps something.

It's indeed a driver issue... just tried the same program on XP with an ATI Mobility Radeon X1300, and it works prefectly.

Thanks for the clue, I have already look at the dx7 method, will do my best to port it to your driver :)

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#7]
I rewrote the Grabpixmap method:

	Method GrabPixmap:TPixmap( x:Int,y:Int,width:Int,height:Int )
		'If Not IsValid() Return
		Local pixmap:TPixmap
		Local srcdc:Int
		Local destdc:Int
		Local sa:Byte Ptr, da:Byte Ptr
		Local surf:IDirect3DSurface9
		Local renderSurf:IDirect3DSurface9
		If UpdateRenderState()
			' get our render target
			Local target:IDirect3DSurface9
			If _D3DDevice9.GetRenderTarget(0,renderSurf)=D3D_Ok Then
			   sa = Varptr srcdc
			   If renderSurf.GetDC(sa)=D3D_Ok Then
			      Print "got source DC"
				   pixmap=TPixmap.Create( width,height,PF_BGR888 )
				   surf=surffrompixmap( pixmap )
				   da = Varptr destdc
				   If surf.GetDC(da)=D3D_Ok Then
				      'Print "srcdc:" + srcdc +  " destdc:" + destdc
			          BitBlt destdc,0,0,width,height,srcdc,x,y,ROP_SRCCOPY
			       End If
			       surf.ReleaseDC Varptr da
			       renderSurf.ReleaseDC Varptr sa
		           pixmap=TPixmap.Create( width,height,PF_BGR888 )
			       Print "Failed to get source DC"   
			       Print renderSurf.GetDC(sa)
		       End If
			End If
		End If
		Return pixmap	
	End Method

But I'm having one problem: every GetDC call is returning "INVALIDCALL", and the only way I got it to compile was using that "sa/da" hack on the code above. Doing something like "GetDC Varptr srcdc" as in the original, just gives me an error (as GetDC srcdc also does)

Does anyone have any clue about it??

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#8]

Thanks for your comments, interesting on Vista64...

In Dx9Graphics.bmx the method _Create:TD3D9Graphics(...

uncomment this line
'pp.Flags=D3DPRESENTFLAG_LOCKABLE_BACKBUFFER ' note this is bad bad bad

That should enable usage of DC

GfK(Posted 2009) [#9]
You should ignore the gobsh**es and carry on with this. There's a lot of people who would love to see it finished. It'd be a shame to let the resident pondlife get to you and spoil it for everyone.

xlsior(Posted 2009) [#10]
Seconded -- It really is very much appreciated.

plash(Posted 2009) [#11]
I wonder if Mark is even going to pick this up for the next release.. Was it in the SVN before it went down?

jsp(Posted 2009) [#12]
Also here - much appreciated!

markcw(Posted 2009) [#13]
Same here.

I would happily donate some cash as a thank-you to DStastny for his time and effort on this.

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#14]

Problem is not on grabpixmap!! Just for a simple test, I tried:

' Simple DX9 demo by Doug Stastny
'Framework brl.max2d

Import brl.basic
Import brl.pngloader

' import the DX9 Driver and set it as our default
Import "Dx9Max2dDriver\Dx9Max2dGraphicsDriver.bmx"

' uncomment framework to use/test other drivers
SetGraphicsDriver D3D9Max2DDriver()
'SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
'SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()

Global pmax: TPixmap
Global render: TImage
Global MyGraphics: TGraphics


SetScale 1,1
SetColor 0,0,0
SetColor 255,255,255
DrawRect 0,0,100,100

SetColor 4,4,4
DrawText "text", 10, 10
pmax = GrabPixmap(0 , 0 , 100, 100)
Delay 10
pmax = GrabPixmap(0 , 0 , 100, 100)
Delay 10
render = LoadImage(pmax)

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()
  If render Then DrawImage render,200,200
  DrawPixmap pmax,200,400
  Flip 1 


With this above, Drawpíxmap works, so Grabpixmap is working, but still, DrawImage wont show anything at all, unless SETBLEND SOLIDBLEND is uncommented! (Setting it to other blend modes doesnt help, it wont be drawn)

Now I'm completly lost... the problem lies on Image = LoadImage(pixmap) ???

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#15]
Another small hint of what could be the problem... maybe something related to alpha channel/pixel format.

When I went into "Function ConvertToPixmap:TPixmap(D3DDevice9 :IDirect3DDevice9, Source:IDirect3DSurface9)" on DX9Utils.bmx and changed:

Local sp:TPixmap=TPixmap.CreateStatic(lockrect.pBits,sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height,lockrect.Pitch,PF_BGRA8888)

and change it to PF_BGR888, both pixmap AND the image were rendered, but not right - it had some black lines every other row (like a vertical scanline).

So maybe this could be some incompatibility with the pixel format used on the pixmap and the one used on the image?

Update:Yes! It seems a problem converting D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 to PF_BGRA8888 - the problem where images dont show at all is that their alpha channel is zeroed (I guess hehe)

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#16]
Yes, it is fixed now!

Just open DX9Utils.bmx and replace the function with the one below:

Function ConvertToPixmap:TPixmap(D3DDevice9 :IDirect3DDevice9, Source:IDirect3DSurface9)
	If Not source Return Null
	Local pixmap: TPixmap
	Local pixmapSurface:IDirect3DSurface9

	pixmapSurface=CreateOffScreenPlainSurface(D3DDevice9, sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height)

	If Not pixmapSurface Return Null

	Select sourceDesc.Format
		Case D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8
			Local srcLockrect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
			If  Source.LockRect(srcLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
				Local destLockRect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
				If  pixmapSurface.LockRect(destLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
					For Local y:Int=0 Until sourceDesc.Height
				    	Local srcBits:Int Ptr= Int Ptr(srcLockrect.pBits+srcLockrect.Pitch*y)
						Local destBits:Int Ptr=Int Ptr(destLockRect.pBits+destLockRect.Pitch*y)
						For Local x:Int= 0 Until sourceDesc.Width
							Local color:Int = srcBits[0]							
							destBits[0]=color | $FF000000
					Local sp:TPixmap=TPixmap.CreateStatic(destLockrect.pBits,sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height,destLockrect.Pitch,PF_BGRA8888)
				End If
			End If

		Case D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8
			If  Source.LockRect(lockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK					
				Local sp:TPixmap=TPixmap.CreateStatic(lockrect.pBits,sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height,lockrect.Pitch,PF_BGRA8888)
			End If		

		Case D3DFMT_R5G6B5
			Local srcLockrect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
			If  Source.LockRect(srcLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
				Local destLockRect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
				If  pixmapSurface.LockRect(destLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
					For Local y:Int=0 Until sourceDesc.Height
				    	Local srcBits:Short Ptr= Short Ptr(srcLockrect.pBits+srcLockrect.Pitch*y)
						Local destBits:Int Ptr=Int Ptr(destLockRect.pBits+destLockRect.Pitch*y)
						For Local x:Int= 0 Until sourceDesc.Width
							Local color:Short = srcBits[0]							
							destBits[0]=$FF000000 | ((((color Shr 11)& $1F) Shl 19)) | (((color Shr 5)& $3F) Shl 11) | ((color& $1F) Shl 3)
					Local sp:TPixmap=TPixmap.CreateStatic(destLockrect.pBits,sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height,destLockrect.Pitch,PF_BGRA8888)
				End If
			End If

		Case D3DFMT_A1R5G5B5	
			Local srcLockrect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
			If  Source.LockRect(srcLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
				Local destLockRect:D3DLOCKED_RECT=New D3DLOCKED_RECT
				If  pixmapSurface.LockRect(destLockrect,Null,0)=D3D_OK
					For Local y:Int=0 Until sourceDesc.Height
				    	Local srcBits:Short Ptr= Short Ptr(srcLockrect.pBits+srcLockrect.Pitch*y)
						Local destBits:Int Ptr=Int Ptr(destLockRect.pBits+destLockRect.Pitch*y)
						For Local x:Int= 0 Until sourceDesc.Width
							Local color:Short = srcBits[0]							
							destBits[0]= (((color Shr 15)&$01)Shl 31) | (((color Shr 10)&$1F)Shl 19) | (((color Shr 5)&$1F)Shl 11) |  (color&$1F)Shl 3
					Local sp:TPixmap=TPixmap.CreateStatic(destLockrect.pBits,sourceDesc.Width,sourceDesc.Height,destLockrect.Pitch,PF_BGRA8888)
				End If
			End If
	End Select	
	'pixmap= ConvertPixmap(pixmap,PF_BGR888)						
	Return pixmap		
End Function

There is still one grabpixmap not working on my game, but I will test it again to catch the problem :)

Update:hmmm... the problem above still is the lack of alpha - the images shows, but if they were drawn with transparency, it's lost during the convertion...

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#17]
First to everyone I appreciate the support expressed in this thread.

So back to troubleshooting Slotman's problem.

Lets see where we are.

Do to your testing and debugging you determined the Grabpixmap was working without having to fall back to the slow DC method used by the Dx7 driver?

Changing the pixmap format in ConvertToPixmap would cause the strange results with scan lines due to improper bit conversion between the format.
This is the correct behavior. You just messed up the scanline conversion :)

Now interesting part is with GrabPixmap it is grabbing the Frame buffer so it really should not grab any alpha or at least default it to full bright so the format really should be D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8 as alpha channels are not supported as Backbuffer, it seems most drivers are ensuring the X8 bits are set to $FF

I have run the sample on my Vista 32 laptop Nvidia Geforce GO7200 and with all drivers appears identical. So this is something specific to the Vista 64? Anyone else able to duplicate the problem on non 64bit machine.

What version of Max are you using? All I have right now is access to the 1.30 release and I thought I saw something somewhere regarding a change to grabbing pixmaps and alpha channel, in the SVN version. I am wondering if something was introduced in the pixmap routines. Wont be able to verify that until the next rollup release of BMax.

@Slotman, are you using the SVN version or standard 1.30 install?

Based upon what I am seeing we need to see what a "pixel" look like coming back from the lock surface

However there might be a simpler test :)

In the: "Function ConvertToPixmap"

Uncomment the line
'pixmap= ConvertPixmap(pixmap,PF_BGR888)

at the very bottom of the routine. This dumps all the alpha channel all together. Dont worry when the texture gets loaded via loadimage it will put alpha channel back.

I removed this as it seemed inefficent as grabbing a backbuffer should be in 32bit full bright ie. the Alpha is $FF

Let me know if that works, if it does i will recode the method and copy the pixmap myself instead of using the copypixmap and ensure the Alpah Channel is set to $FF

Thanks for the feedback and valuable debugging.


SLotman(Posted 2009) [#18]
Yes, uncommenting that line indeed fixed the problem!! Now all pixmaps and images are rendered perfectly!

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#19]
Great! I knew I had that line there for a reason :). Just found in my testing it was wasted step. Guess not.

I will add a more optimized conversion routine for that form so the Grab does not have to go through extra conversion step. But just sets the Alpah correctly.

Strange that it only showed up on Vista 64. Got to love driver writers :).


SLotman(Posted 2009) [#20]
...and now I just found another problem :(

(nevermind the ttf problem, was something stupid I did here ;] )

A problem I found on XP (and even on Win98), is that I got a screen full of garbage (or just a black screen) if I let during initialization the depth buffer enabled (on TD3D9Graphics _Create, DX9Graphics.bmx) - but if I let it enabled, and restart the device (like changing from full-screen to window mode or vice-versa) everything goes back to normal...!

I would recommend to leave the depth buffer disabled, or get some way to test it if the card/driver support it... without it the screen showed without a problem even on windows 98, on a geforce4 mx 4000 :)

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#21]
I am not sure I understand what your saying here?

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#22]
Heh, sorry for the confusing post, it was 6 a.m. and I was coding all night :)

The thing is, I was getting a black window (nothing rendered, or just some garbage showing) in my game with the DX9 driver on Windows XP and Windows 98 - I then removed the depth buffer on the initialization parameters, and everything worked fine.

Or in other words, on "DX9Graphics.bmx" in the "Method _Create:TD3D9Graphics(hwnd :Int, width:Int,height:Int,depth:Int,hertz:Int,flags:Int)" - I commented out the following lines:

			'_PresentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil=True ' true if we want z-buffer
		'End If	

Ant it worked across several cards, in several OS. I even tested it today on a computer with an ancient TNT2 card (32mb) and it worked perfectly.

I tested on:

Win Vista, Geforce 9300 GS
Win XP, Radeon 1300 / Geforce 6300
Win 98, Geforce 4 MX 4000
Win 98, TNT2

On those 5 computers, it worked flawlessly :)

GW(Posted 2009) [#23]
Can you post a link to the latest (most compatible) version?

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#24]
Get version 0.5 made by Doug Stastny. Then do the following:

In the: "Function ConvertToPixmap"

Uncomment the line at the bottom of the function:
'pixmap= ConvertPixmap(pixmap,PF_BGR888)

Then do the last step I did:

on "DX9Graphics.bmx" in the "Method _Create:TD3D9Graphics(hwnd :Int, width:Int,height:Int,depth:Int,hertz:Int,flags:Int)" - I commented out the following lines:

			'_PresentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil=True ' true if we want z-buffer
		'End If	

And you will have what I did here :)

I'm thinking in making a small demo (loading images, using fonts, doing grabpixamap, etc) and post a exe, so everyone can quickly test it, and see how stable and good it is :)

But, of course, this should go in another topic ;)

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#25]

Thats odd that the depth buffer would cause inconstant results on modern cards. I would think the ancient stuff might not be wonky but not the newer cards.

Now here is the puzzling part GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER is disabled by default so not quite sure why your getting into that behavior as the default parameter is GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER only, so that code should not be executing unless when you set the Driver you are enabling the flag.

I just ran some tests and that code does not execute unless I specifically turn on the GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER. Max2D does not use the DEPTH_BUFFER.

Also the last version I released was 0.6 which revised the rendering pipeline, and saw significant performance boost. 0.5 works fast if you have your render states well batched however that was bad assumption on my part.


DreamLoader(Posted 2009) [#26]
so where can we get v0.6?

SLotman(Posted 2009) [#27]

Also the last version I released was 0.6 which revised the rendering pipeline, and saw significant performance boost. 0.5 works fast if you have your render states well batched however that was bad assumption on my part.

Wow! Didn't know bout that ;)

But 0.5 (at least on Vista and XP) did gave me a speed boost compared to DX7, in my game prototype (that doesn't have so much graphics for now) I got from 170 fps to 230 fps :)

As for the DEPTHBUFFER, I'm not explicit calling it, so I don't know what's happening, just that when I disabled it, it worked for me :)

slenkar(Posted 2009) [#28]
GIZ 0.6.................please

GW(Posted 2009) [#29]
The version I use is dated feb of 07. It contains many dx9 files, not just one, i'm sure its not the latest.

The link to version 0.6 here:http://www.blitzbasic.com/Community/posts.php?topic=80591#906807 is not working. Is there another valid link?

markcw(Posted 2009) [#30]
Not that I know of, I missed that thread so don't have a copy of v0.6 but would host it if Doug likes.

Btw, I added the 2 bug fixes to v0.5 (the zip is renamed v0.51) hosted here http://www.blitzmax.com/logs/userlog.php?user=8652&log=1737 as found in this thread.

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#31]
I have had hosting issues that I had never resolved.

Gabriel at one time had hosted .6 on his site but that is no longer live.

Thinking about it I have decided I will try this weekend time permitting to open a project on Google Code and place the project there.

I know markcw had hosted an archive of 0.5 and appreciate that.

As for the two fixes only the one regarding the Grabpixmap would I commit at this time as the other issue Slotman reported regarding the DEPTH_BUFFER cant be confirmed.

As soon as we see next release of blitzmax I will be able to actually turn it into a formal mod format.

Once hosted on Google code there will be a formal place to submit patches and improvements and bug reports.

Give me a bit of time to work out getting a Google Code Project setup and my working code base cleaned up for a .7 release.


SLotman(Posted 2009) [#32]
I just wrote a small function to TEST for the depth buffer, and enable it if the card supports it, and if it's compatible with the backbuffer and display formats.

On DX9Graphics.bmx, on "Method _CreateDirect3DDevice9:TD3D9GraphicsDriver(g:TD3D9Graphics)", just before the line:


put the following code:

		_dx9driver._Direct3D9.GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, gmode)

		' test all types of depthbuffer
	    DXLog "testing depth buffer..."
		Local fmtDepthSelected:Int = D3DFMT_UNKNOWN
		Local fmtDepths:Int[]=[D3DFMT_D32,	D3DFMT_D24X8, D3DFMT_D24S8, D3DFMT_D24X4S4,	D3DFMT_D16, D3DFMT_D15S1]
		Local nDepthFormats:Int = 6

	    DXLog "getting graphics mode..."
		If _dx9driver._Direct3D9.GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, gmode)=D3D_Ok Then
		    DXLog "testing depth buffer..."
			For Local i:Int=0 To nDepthFormats-1
				'// First, see If this format is supported
	 			If _dx9driver._Direct3D9.CheckDeviceFormat(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, gmode.Format, D3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL, D3DRTYPE_SURFACE, fmtDepths[i])=D3D_Ok Then
	                DXLog "testing depth buffer format and back buffer format " + i
					'// Graphics support this Z-buffer format
					'// Then, check that this format can be used with our backbuffer format
					'// Some cards may Not like e.g. a 32-bit depth buffer with a 16-bit backbuffer.
				    If _dx9driver._Direct3D9.CheckDepthStencilMatch(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, gmode.Format, _FocusPresentParams.BackBufferFormat, fmtDepths[i])= D3D_Ok Then
					   fmtDepthSelected = fmtDepths[i]
					   i = nDepthFormats+1
						'// Graphics card does Not support this Z-buffer
						'// format being used with this backbuffer format
					End If
					'// Graphics card does Not support this Z-buffer
				End If
		End If
		'// Did we find a suitable format?
		If (fmtDepthSelected <> D3DFMT_UNKNOWN) Then
			DXLog "---------------------------"
		    DXLog "Depth buffer enabled"
			DXLog "---------------------------"
			_FocusPresentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil=True ' true if we want z-buffer
			DXLog "---------------------------"
		    DXLog "no depth buffer"
			DXLog "---------------------------"
		End If	    

The little I tested here (just wrote it!) It is now only creating the depth buffer when it's available (successfully created on Geforce 9300 on Vista, not created on the Radeon X1300 on XP).

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#33]

Thats good code. I was working on not using the auto select myself.
The part I am trying to figure out is how your code is enabling a depth buffer.

All cards even old ones support a depth buffer there is something with the
EnableAutoDepthStencil thats messing up I suspect its not compatible with the selected back buffer or based upon the resolution there is not enough graphics memory.

The part that I just cant figure out with your testing is how you had a depth buffer turned on.


SLotman(Posted 2009) [#34]

The part that I just cant figure out with your testing is how you had a depth buffer turned on.

the routine I posted above goes through every format possible for a depth buffer (from better to worst: D3DFMT_D32, D3DFMT_D24X8, D3DFMT_D24S8, D3DFMT_D24X4S4, D3DFMT_D16, D3DFMT_D15S1) and stores it on fmtDepthSelected (which defaults to an invalid format when I initialize it)

After checking all formats (to see if they're supported and if it's compatible with the back buffer), if fmtDepthSelected is a valid format, then I just add those lines on _FocusPresentParams.

_FocusPresentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil=True ' true if we want z-buffer	

then in the line below (from your code), the D3DDevice is created, using _FocusPresentParams - this is what enables or not the depth buffer, depending on how "EnableAutoDepthStencil" and "AutoDepthStencilFormat" is set.

If _Direct3D9.CreateDevice( 0,D3DDEVTYPE_HAL,_FocusHWND, ... ,_FocusPresentParams,_Direct3DDevice9)<>D3D_OK

P.S> Edited the line above so the forum layout didnt break ;)

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#35]

I think you misunderstand my question as to why you had the depth buffer turned on. By default the setting is off, I did a debug trace through the driver and the lines of code you commented out are not executed.

Now I dont question that your are seeing this behavior, I am just curious as to how the depth buffer flag got nothing.


SLotman(Posted 2009) [#36]
Ah, just remembered I used the DEPTHBUFFER flag when creating Graphics in my game prototype. It works on all the other drivers (probably they test if the card supports it), so don't stress yourself on that ;)

DStastny(Posted 2009) [#37]
Ok, very cool, I have tweaked the change a bit on the fix to the with the GrabPixmap to only convert the pixmap if it is X8R8G8B8 as the routine is supposed to maintain Alpha if actually working with surfaces that support alpha.

As for the Depth Buffer, I was reviewing over the code and its pretty weak for testing compatibility of the display formats. I made some pretty gross assumptions that all cards support particular depth or stencil formats as it was not really needed for the 2d work have not really expanded upon it.

I have opened a project on Google Code and will be uploading version 0.7 which should have your issue fixed and improved performance. I am cleaning up the files and will be putting up a download.

Once I see a new version of Max I will upload a proper project as a Mod.

Thanks for the support