Gnet Bug, Please i need a running Fix !!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Gnet Bug, Please i need a running Fix !!

C64(Posted 2009) [#1]

(sry bad english !)

Please i need HELP or a fix !! to get the right GnetMessageObject from a GnetMessage.

I wrote a litle Samplecode, i need GnetMessages and i got no time to write a new "lowlevel- NetLib" like Gnet for me, and Gnet allready exist and it works fine but this one problem is a Great Problem and it makes Gnet bad.

I try the Fix

but it doesn't work

Try This code and start more Instances, every GnetObject send a Message (all 2000 Millisecs), in a normal case each Client must receive a
remote message and do print a ID string but nothing like this "Sender Is LocalClient" is happens.

'/ GNET BUG !!
'/ -----------------------------------


Import brl.gnet

Global _self		:TgnetHost	= CreateGNetHost ()
Global _localclient :TgnetObject	
Global Port		:Int			=12345
Global Counter		:Int

If Not Join  () Host ()

GNetListen (_self,Port)

Graphics 100,40,,0


	If KeyHit(key_escape) Or AppTerminate () End
	ControlMessages ()
	ControlObjects  ()
	If MilliSecs()-Counter > 2000 Counter=MilliSecs() SendMSG()

	Delay (50)

	GNetSync (_Self)

Function Join:Byte()


		If GNetConnect (_Self,"",Port,1000)
		_localclient = CreateGNetObject (_Self)
		Print "Client" AppTitle="Client"

		Return True

End Function 

Function Host:Byte()

		_localclient = CreateGNetObject (_Self)

		If _localclient 

		Print "HOST" AppTitle="HOST"

		Return True


Function ControlMessages()

Local Message:TGnetObject

If _Localclient

	For Message=EachIn GNetMessages(_Self)


		Local MSGObj:TGNETOBJECT = GNetMessageObject (Message)

		If GNetObjectLocal (MSGObj) Print "SENDER IS LOCALCLIENT ?!!?!!"
		If MSGObj 

			Local TargetObject:String = String(GetGNetTarget (MSGOBJ))
			If TargetObject Print "from : "+TargetObject 



Function ControlObjects()

Local NetObject:TGnetObject

If _Localclient

	For NetObject=EachIn GNetObjects(_self)

		If GNetObjectLocal (NetObject) Continue 
		Local State:Int=NetObject.State()
		Select State
		Case Gnet_Closed  

		Print"Client CLOSED  :"

		Local TargetString:String = String(GetGNetTarget (NetObject))
			If TargetString Print "ID : > "+TargetString+" <" 


		Case Gnet_Created 	
		Print"Client Created :"
		SetGNetTarget (NetObject ,String("REMOTECLIENT :"+String(MilliSecs()))  )
				Local TargetString:String = String(GetGNetTarget (NetObject))
			If TargetString Print "ID : > "+TargetString+" <" 



Function SendMSG()

		Local MSG		:TGNETOBject = CreateGNetMessage (_self)
		Local RCVClient:TGNETOBject '= _localclient
		For RCVClient = EachIn GNetObjects(_Self)
			If GNetObjectLocal (RCVClient) Print "MSG RCVR is LocalClient MSG not send !!" Continue
			SendGNetMessage (Msg,RCVCLient)
			Print "SEND"

thanks for any help !!

marksibly(Posted 2009) [#2]

GNetMessageObject returns the object the message was sent *TO*, which will always be a local object as far as the receiver is concerned.

There is no *from* mechanism to identify the sending object - you can implement this is you want using SetGNetXYZ on the message before sending it.

I suspect you are not using GNet the way it was designed - the message objects are meant to contain simple message like 'begin game', 'abort game' etc commands sent from the game server to all game objects.

For a more pure messaging API, try eNet.

C64(Posted 2009) [#3]
Ok thx for your Awnser.

I do use Messages for Shoot's, i think messages have a greater chance to be received 100% from clients.

I handle Logins and Logouts with another solution. Each GnetObject become a Target if not Target exist the Object must be a new (a Login) Object and then it will be bind as a GameClient, Position etc. are transmitted with GnetSETXYZ and it works fine but when i use it for realy importent Messages like Shoots it doesn't work 100% also i think Messages are a the better way to send shoots btw. to send realy importent Messages.

But GnetMessages don't send a Referenz from where it come and in this case a Gnet User must write a SessionID system, then a Message do send a simple ID wich will be Identifikated a Client who have send a Message.

And now the a big WHY !

Why Messages don't send the GnetHost or the GnetObject from where it come. it can makes many things easier. In fact, a MessageObject is a standard GnetObject so i think IT MUST SEND a *from* ! :) !!

It doesn't exist a good Manuell for GNET only some Codes i can find to learn Gnet. In the process where i learn'd Gnet, i find it very good but this one stupid thing makes that i now write my on NetLib (i think time is Importent but running Code does have more Priority.) it's not a problem but the time :( , ok it's not hard work to Implement a ID system but it exist one and it identifikats Objects but not Messages this is not a good way and another problem is the UserManuell that doesn't exist for GNET then to know how work with Gnet you must know how work Gnet !

( i hope you can understand what i have write )

(if you want take a look how does it works atm. try this

, change the Resolution to 500x500x32x2 (first 4 lines in settings)and start 2 Instances (ip and resolution can set in Settings.set , it runs very fine but now i must rewrite the NetLib )

bye C64.

Drackbolt(Posted 2009) [#4]
I also have to say I think this would be a great feature. Why not give the ability to do such a thing in every way possible?