Images with 'wavy sine effect'

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Images with 'wavy sine effect'

Mineth(Posted 2008) [#1]
Hello all,

I was wondering if it is possible (and ofcourse, how) to create a 'wavy sine effect' over certain images every few frames to make it wave.

I recorded a video directly from my emulator (it's from Super Metroid for the SNES) while playing with some background layers for reference to show you what I mean:

Video (4,51 MB)

It's not the waving up and down ~32 pixels, but rather seperate horizontal lines waving left and right ~1-2 pixels (you might have to zoom the video). As you can see both the background and the water overlay have that wavy effect, although the water overlay might be a bit hard to see.

Sprites used in-game:


Water overlay:

If anyone could take a look at it and tell me if this is managable with standard BlitzMax functionality (or with some graphics module), I'd be happy.

Sledge(Posted 2008) [#2]
You can do it, but it's a struggle for Max to distort an entire screen's worth of image data (Blitz, B+ and B3D have a much easier time with this sort of thing) so you're going to have to manipulate the tiles instead. This should get you going:

Mineth(Posted 2008) [#3]
Ah, thanks. Exactly what I was looking for. The whole screen distort runs kinda slow (0.5 FPS) while the tile distort runs smooth.

Could you also post a B3D minimal test case for the whole screen so I can look at that, too? I'm not sure how it handles pixmaps there.

Sledge(Posted 2008) [#4]
The whole screen distort runs kinda slow
Yeah, exactly what you need to be aware of. The B3D equivalent (of fullscreen distort) would be...

Grisu(Posted 2008) [#5]
In order to "wave" one larger image:

Would it be faster to "precalc" each of the images needed and save them in VRAM. - So one would need no math in the drawing routine at all?

I'm thinking of manipulating stuff like game logos etc.

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#6]
Or use the 3D card directly by programming a mesh. Then you can do circular ripples and the like...

Mineth(Posted 2008) [#7]
@ Grey Alien: Do you have some example code? I have no experience with GL whatsover and I'm not even sure how to work with meshes.

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#8]
@ Grey Alien: Do you have some example code?
Regrettably no, otherwise I'd be doing it too! But I do know that meshes are the way to get loads of decent effects.

Sledge(Posted 2008) [#9]
MiniB3D might be a worthwhile place to start -- should simplify mesh construction etc

tonyg(Posted 2008) [#10]
@GA, Have you got links to any tutorials/papers/examples/whatever?

Grey Alien(Posted 2008) [#11]
perhaps. A while back I was talking about making a scrolling tile game using a mesh and I think someone sent me some sample code (or posted it in that thread) but I never got round to using it. The idea with a mesh is you can warp the vertexes as you see fit so you could make ripple effects or sine waves etc. But I real know very little about it as my 3D library knowledge is minimal (I only know old school 3D programming, nothing modern).

Arowx(Posted 2008) [#12]
NEHE tutorial 11 covers a sin wave flag effect in OpenGL, in theory you should be able to get this to work in BlitzMax under the OpenGL drivers.

But there is probably a nice pixel/vertex shader version somewhere that might work better with the the modern GPU's, only your moving out of BlitzMax's current feature set then.

Although a simple pregenerated animation using pixmaps->images would probably work better... all you would have to do is copy the image pixel by pixel with a waved based x (or y) offset for each line and repeat offsetting the effect until a full animation cycle is created, in theory!

xlsior(Posted 2008) [#13]
There are old Blitzmax versions of many of the NeHe tutorials available, including #11 here:

Unfortunately it would still need some rewriting, since BlitzMax has changed around a bit since that source was written and it won't compile as-is anymore.

tonyg(Posted 2008) [#14]
Might be terrible idea but could you use one of the drawimagerect (or setuv) code archives with setorigin to draw a strip of each image offset by 1-2 pixels?

PantsOn(Posted 2008) [#15]
taking the drawimagerect approach a bit furthur.. i have written the below so it loads in an animimage.

sine height must be a factor of the image height.
i have used the first image as sine.png (64*128)
sine_height = 2
sine_speed = 8
sine_depth = 5
Graphics 800,600

sine_img:timage = LoadAnimImage("sine.png",64,sine_height,0,128/sine_height)

' sine angle
angle:Int = 0

While Not KeyDown(key_escape)

	' new sine
	angle=(angle+sine_speed) Mod 360	
	' draw background with sine	
	y:Int = 0
	While y < GraphicsHeight()
		offset = Sin(angle+y)*sine_depth

		x:Int = offset
		While x < GraphicsWidth()
			DrawImage sine_img,x,y,(y/sine_height) Mod (128/sine_height)


Grisu(Posted 2008) [#16]
Is there a way to create the animimage on the fly out of the original one?