Pitch, Yaw, and Roll

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Pitch, Yaw, and Roll

Pineapple(Posted 2008) [#1]
Multiple times in the past, I've tried to make a 3D engine for the heck of it because my 3D skills are nonexistent, and with every engine I make, my knowledge increases. Well, I've come quite far with this one but I'm puzzled on how to fix this bug I've been having with rotation.

		If x<>0
			If v.z=0
				If v.y>0 angle=90 Else angle=270
			If v.z<>0 angle=ATan(v.y/v.z)+x
		End If

This is part of my function TurnCamera, and is the portion which handles pitch. X is the angle it needs to turn, and v.x, v.y, and v.z are the coordinates of each vertex.
I'm having two problems. First, when using ATan(v.y/v.z), v.z is often zero, leaving me with NaN. That is why it does a check for if v.z is zero and determines the angle based on y if so. But the algorithm doesn't work anyway. What is wrong with my equation?

Koriolis(Posted 2008) [#2]
I don't know for the "algorithm", but you should use Atan2 instead of Atan. This will remove the division by zero problem.

Pineapple(Posted 2008) [#3]
Thanks much for your help, hopefully that solves the problem.

Alright, rotation works quite nicely now, but I've run into another problem.
My scaling function is not working as I intended for it to -
	Method Scale(x#,y#,z#)
			'find center (average xyz of the vertecies)
			Local avgx#=0,avgy#=0,avgz#=0,scal%
			For scal%=1 To vertex_count
			Print avgx+","+avgy+","+avgz
			'scale it
			For scal%=1 To vertex_count
				ver[scal].x= (((ver[scal].x-avgx)*x)+avgx) +CamX
				ver[scal].y= (((ver[scal].x-avgy)*y)+avgy) +CamY
				ver[scal].z= (((ver[scal].x-avgz)*z)+avgz) +CamZ
	End Method