Scrolling an Image

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Scrolling an Image

z80jim(Posted 2008) [#1]
I have several tiles in a tile based RPG and would like to animate them by scrolling them up, down, left, or right. So shift them x pixels in one direction and the pixels that fall of that direction move into the image on the other side.

How can this be done.


tonyg(Posted 2008) [#2]
I use this for DX :

I'm guessing the principle is the same for GL which might even be set to wrap by default in Bmax.<edit> GL doesn't wrap by default so you'd need to find the OGL equivalent to the WRAP parm.

Digital Anime(Posted 2008) [#3]
What I did is when a tile goes ofscreen on the right (just an example) that the same tile should be drawn left from the tile which is most left to fill up the empty space. I used the same trick for moving objects so that if a monster goes out of the screen on one side I just draw it twice temporary on the other side.

Here is a tiny example which only checks if the object goes ofscreen on the right and if so it draws it twice :


Global width:Int=640
Global height:Int=480
Global posX:Int=320
Global posY:Int=240

Graphics width,height,0

While Not KeyHit(Key_Escape)

	posX = posX + 1
	If posX > width + 50 Then posX = posX - width
	DrawOval posX - 50,posY - 50,100,100
	If posX > width - 50
		DrawOval posX - 50 - width,posY - 50,100,100



I think it is faster than trying to capture every pixel which goes ofscreen on one side and draw them on the other side.

z80jim(Posted 2008) [#4]
Thanks tonyg. I am on OS X so the DX stuff isnt't too helpful. Also not much into Open GL. Ideally I would just have a function that takes a TImage, a direction, and the number of pixels and does the roll for me.

Mark, I appreciate the response but I didn't phrase my initial query very well. I am talking about scrolling the graphic tile itself, the TImage.

More specifically in an Ultima IV type game where the water tiles continuously scroll, or the energy fields etc.

My current implementation uses a source TImage that is a 3 x 3 matrix of the tile I wish to scroll. Then when I display the normal size tile on screen I just pull from an offset location in the 3 x 3 matrix. The result is identical but I was hoping for something more elegant.

Bremer(Posted 2008) [#5]
How about something like this:


Graphics 640,480
SetClsColor 100,100,100
Local img1:TImage = LoadImage("test.png")
Local time:Int = MilliSecs()
Local img2:TImage = offsetImage(img1,32,32)
Print "processtime was: "+(MilliSecs()-time)+"ms"

Function offsetImage:TImage(source:TImage,xOffset:Int,yOffset:Int)
	Local scrPix:TPixmap = LockImage(source)
	Local tmpPix:TPixmap = CopyPixmap(scrPix)
	Local scrPtr:Byte Ptr = PixmapPixelPtr(scrPix,0,0)
	Local tmpPtr:Byte Ptr = PixmapPixelPtr(tmpPix,0,0)
	Local pitch:Int = scrPix.width
	Local w:Int = scrPix.width
	Local h:Int = scrPix.height
	Local x:Int,y:Int
	Local tx:Int,ty:Int
	For x = 0 To w-1
		For y = 0 To h-1
			tx = xOffset+x
			ty = yOffset+y
			If tx => w Then tx :- w
			If ty => h Then ty :- h
			If tx < 0 Then tx :+ w
			If ty < 0 Then ty :+ h
			tmpPtr[x*4+y*4*pitch] = scrPtr[tx*4+ty*4*pitch]
			tmpPtr[x*4+y*4*pitch+1] = scrPtr[tx*4+ty*4*pitch+1]
			tmpPtr[x*4+y*4*pitch+2] = scrPtr[tx*4+ty*4*pitch+2]
			tmpPtr[x*4+y*4*pitch+3] = scrPtr[tx*4+ty*4*pitch+3]

	Return LoadImage(tmpPix)
End Function

Czar Flavius(Posted 2008) [#6]
Isn't it better to delcare your variables as close as possible to their first usage?

z80jim(Posted 2008) [#7]

I guess that looks good. I will try it tonight. I haven't delved into pixmaps at all but your code looks pretty straightforward.


z80jim(Posted 2008) [#8]

Just tested it and have my water tiles etc. scrolling nicely. Exactly what I wanted. Bonus is it will help me learn pixmaps.

Thanks a million.


Bremer(Posted 2008) [#9]
No problem, I am glad you found it useful.

Digital Anime(Posted 2008) [#10]

Mark, I appreciate the response but I didn't phrase my initial query very well. I am talking about scrolling the graphic tile itself, the TImage.

Misunderstood you there then.

Pixmap is one way to handle this stuff and @ zawran, nice example. It's easy to change the direction also if needed.

I still would prefer myself to create an animation if the animation would repeat itself. I can imagine pixmap could use up much CPU when the whole screen is animated in a high resolution.