programming buttons

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/programming buttons

Schragnasher(Posted 2008) [#1]
So im wanting to write my own custom buttons for my game, but im not certain the best way to detect when one is pressed. Is there are info out there about the different methods, i need to be able to have oddly shaped buttons, like be able to have a .png image that only triggers when i click a non-alpha part.

Perturbatio(Posted 2008) [#2]
Probably not the most efficient way to do it, but this works:

Schragnasher(Posted 2008) [#3]
Thanks man, i get whats going on there i thought there pretty much what i was thinking. but this line

Method HitTest:Int(hitX:Float, hitY:Float)
	Local pix:Int = ReadPixel(_pixmap, hitX, hitY)
	If pix & $FF000000 Then Return True
End Method

I got some of this, but just so i understand could you explain how the hit test works?

Perturbatio(Posted 2008) [#4]
the $FF000000 represents an AARRGGBB integer, the $FF portion being full opacity, doing a bitwise AND between it and the pixel we are checking will return a boolean true when the pixel has full opacity

Technically, that line could be changed to:
Return pix & $FF000000

in fact a further optimisation could be:
Method HitTest:Int(hitX:Float, hitY:Float)
	Return ReadPixel(_pixmap, hitX, hitY) & $FF000000
End Method

And if further optimised could be something like:
If ReadPixel(_pixmap, MouseX()-X, MouseY()-Y) & $FF000000 Then
	If (onClick <> Null) Then

I'm not sure I'm explaining it as well as I could, my brain understands it better than I do.

Schragnasher(Posted 2008) [#5]
DING DING DING! i had no idea i could check for opacity :) hit the nail on the head there, thanks so much!