V1.26 Getting the Docs examples back

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/V1.26 Getting the Docs examples back

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#1]
Sorry, can someone please spell it out in easy steps how to get the code examples back in the v1.26 IDE please? I've looked in those other threads, and wasn't entirely clear on what to do. I replaced a method in fredborgstyel.bmx and rebuilt docs but still no examples.

Thanks in advance.

pls(Posted 2007) [#2]
Same here...


popcade(Posted 2007) [#3]
(Backup first)

If t.example

comment out some code, or simply replace as following
			If t.example 
				Local p$=t.example
				'If FileType( p )<>FILETYPE_FILE
				'	Local f$=StripDir( p )
				'	'p=StripDir( ExtractDir( p ) )+"/"+f
				'	Print "....DIR="+p
				'If FileType( p )=FILETYPE_FILE
					Local link$="<a href=~q"+p+"~q>Example</a>"
					Local code$=LoadText( absDocDir+"/"+p ).Trim()
					Emit "<tr><td class=docleft width=1%>"+link+"</td><td class=docright>"+code+"</td></tr>"

2.Compile "BlitzMax\src\makedocs\makedocs.bmx", get executable, copy to "BlitzMax\bin" and replace the old one.

3.Delete "BlitzMax\docs\html" directory

4.Restart BlitzMax IDE, when prompted, select Rebuild Documents.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#4]
OK thanks Yoko. Haven't tried it yet.

Blimey it's a little but complex but not too bad.

*Mark/Skidracer* Will you be fixing this soon and releasing an update?

popcade(Posted 2007) [#5]
Some comment on this:

1.since it's not an official way, the only advantage is that it works, something may change on official builds.

2.You don't have to delete docs\html or restart MaxIDE, you can simply hit rebuild documents after replacing makedocs.exe, it's mainly a comment on "what happened on the makedoc process"

3.The 1.26 release comes with a few glitches like old LD.exe/AR.exe, old FASM, and weird makedocs, I hope BRL can release a quick patch to address these glitches to make it better.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#6]
How are those exe and FASM issue bad? I'm a novice on this. Plus I'm gonna release my game for beta testing in a week or two so I'd LOVE a patch!!!

VIP3R(Posted 2007) [#7]
I'd prefer a new V1.28 release instead of a patch tbh.

What ever happened to quality control? It has taken an eternity to release V1.26, one would have thought it went through plenty of scrutiny prior to release.

[edit] Btw, the text cursor still disappears in the Win32 IDE, resulting in the arrow cursor constantly being displayed when editing. Is this issue ever going to be fixed?

@Grey: The V1.26 'AR.exe' and 'LD.exe' are not the correct versions for linking with MinGW 5.1.3 I believe.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#8]
Man I really hope they just release a V1.28 too and that it's within a couple of weeks!

Grisu(Posted 2007) [#9]
I hope for a full new build 1.28 (newest FASM included), updated demo version and finally fixes related to maxgui for the bugs that people have reported a year ago!

Won't mess around with the docs, they should work out of the box. If not it has to be repaired.

pls(Posted 2007) [#10]
Grisu:It is a terrible experience attempting to learn from (or even look at) the docs without the examples... We really need that fixed.

I agree that "hacking" the base package is a terrible idea that "works". I too rather have another solution by BRL. But until someone from BRL lets us know differently we cannot just assume it will appear anytime soon.