
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Physics?

Azan(Posted 2007) [#1]
Well after a long time away from Blitzmax I have decided its time to get back into it. I would like to know if there are any free 2D physics modules out there, so far I know of...

Physlite -not free.
PPIsaac -currently there is a demo, but I dont know if the project is being continued.

If anyone has any recommendations? I guess I would be willing to purchase a module if the cost was right. I have tried PPIsaac and I must say I like it a lot, but I don't know what the status on it is.

(also sorry if this is in the wrong board, I considered putting it in the general talk area).

JoshK(Posted 2007) [#2]
Newton is the best of all of them, commercial or free.

Gabriel(Posted 2007) [#3]
I agree about Newton, but I wouldn't want to try to force it into 2 dimensions because I know that physics engines are sensitive to that sort of interference.

I was very impressed with PPIsaac, and if I wanted to do physics in 2d, it's PPIsaac that I would use.

Azan(Posted 2007) [#4]
Hello, thanks for the reply.

I have worked with Newton a little bit (when I was programming in C++ and ogre3d) and I liked it a lot. How easy is it to implement into Blitzmax? Wouldnt I need to make a wrapper?

EDIT: @Gabriel I did enjoy PPIsaac, but I need a registration key to release anything and it seems that it's not ready yet as I could not find a place to purchase a key at the ppIsaac site.
Perhaps I will just have to wait for it to be finished. :)

verfum(Posted 2007) [#5]
A basic 2D physics engine whos interface is as straightforward as Blitz's is to 2D bitmap graphics? Unfortunately I don't know of any. I'm amazed that this kind of library is not included with the BlitxMax distribution, let alone an add-on lib.

I too would love a very basic library that could handle oriented bounding box collisions, with resultant collision point(s) and reactance vector(s), as simple as that, but alas, I know of none - for Blitz anyhow.

If this basic library existed then it would be possible to create simple top-down GTA1 style games, with pixel-precision collisions, and simple reactance.

There's obviously going to be a way of doing this with Tokamak, or ODE, or some other '3D' lib, but where's the very simple lib that just does what we 'simpletons' want?

smilertoo(Posted 2007) [#6]
farseer is free but designed for xna/c#, i don't know if it would be possible to adapt it.

popcade(Posted 2007) [#7]
>Physlite -not free.

If you're making freeware, you may consider newton, for a possble commecial peoject, PhysLite might be good as it only dds a few kb to your final exe.

Jake L.(Posted 2007) [#8]
Physlite is cheap and as a happy customer I can say that it's very easy to use. In my opinion it's worth the bucks.

Azan(Posted 2007) [#9]
I must say I was impressed by the Physlite demos, and it is available for sale now... hmm. Does it have a convex system?

Jake L.(Posted 2007) [#10]
It uses masses (circle-shaped) connected by springs/constraints to simulate rigid or soft bodies. They may collide with static scenery (Zones) defined by polygon shapes that don't need to be convex, if that answers your question.

Azan(Posted 2007) [#11]
Thanks for the reply, I noticed that in the examples. So basically if I have an image that I want to have physics I would have to map it out with "masses"?

Jake L.(Posted 2007) [#12]

René(Posted 2007) [#13]
A new ppIsaac version 1.3 is out now. Also you are able to buy license now.

Russell(Posted 2007) [#14]
PPIsaac looks good, and I like the ability to use it with all features for free to test it, etc.

One advantage that PhysLite has, though, is that it is written in BMax, so it's cross-platform. Newton is also available for multiple platforms, and PPIsaac is based on it, so perhaps it would not be too difficult to make it cross-platform, eh PyroPlay? :)


Azan(Posted 2007) [#15]
Thanks René I'll be sure to check it out. :)

IKG(Posted 2007) [#16]
Hmm PPIsaac doesn't compile/run for me on Vista, only XP.

René(Posted 2007) [#17]
ppIsaac is available for Windows and Mac (Intel) right now. If there is interest in Mac (PPC) and Linux I can compile them. (Mac PPC is a bit hard, since I don't have such a machine, but a friend of mine does have...)

Sorry, not tested on Vista yet. I'm working on XP and Mac OS X. As soon as I have opportunity to test on Vista I will do. father-in-law just bought a new notebook...