segment envelopes in AV editors

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/segment envelopes in AV editors

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#1]
Imagine those audio or video editors where you place segment-envelopes over a track (to change, say: level, panning, or brightness, contrast, etc. over time). How does one create such a mechanism?

I imagine an array of point types, where each point has a "time" and "value" field. How to know which value belongs to any given time index? Related: how to know which points are visible within a given time lapse? (assuming you also need the first points outside of the visible area in case a segment-line start or ends outside that ara.)

I figure running through the whole envelope content, brute-force, is not really a nice solution.. :P

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#2]
I think you have to make a sort of interpolation based on time. Like keyframing. If Point A is on time 00:00 and has a value of 100, and point B is on 1:00 and has a value of 50, If you're viewing the value placed at 0:30, the value should be value of:

(AValue * (CurrentTime-ATime) + BValue * (BTime - CurrentTime)) / (Btime -ATime)

First of All, in this example, convert all time to millisecs:
A Time = 0
B Time = 60000
Current Time = 30000

then with the given values:
A Value = 100
B Value = 50
Current Value = ?

Apply the formula:
(100 * (30000 - 0) + 50 * (60000 - 30000)) / (60000-0) = 75

Current Value is 75. It is logical as it is the middle point between this two keyframes.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#3]
Interpolation itself is not a problem, I was more aiming at:

How to find the two segmentpoints a given time-index is on, out of -say- 1000 points? You do need those 2 points to interpolate!

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#4]
The nearest smaller one, and the nearest bigger one.
Store them sorted by time and make a quick search. It is fast and easy. If you store them on an array sorted by time, you can perform a indexed search wich would be ultra fast to get the two interpolation points with their values.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#5]
That indexed search was what I wasn't sure about, that's like brute-force, I wondered if there would be a faster way perhaps. I mean, imagine those AV apps, with 40+ tracks and possibly with more than one envelope per track. Are they searching those arrays all the time for each processed sample/frame?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#6]
Well, it is a very fast way to make that search. Let me elavorate:

Imagine you have all this keyframes on a sorted array (sorted by time).

Imagine an array of 1000 values, ok?

the pseudocode should be something like:
MinValue:int = 0  'Minimum array bound on search
MaxValue:int = len(array) 'Maximum array bound on search
curValue:int = MaxValue/2  'Current seach position
CurTime = CurrentPositionOnTime  'Current position on time to search for the two interpolation points.
Done = False   'Simple flag
InterPolate = True   'Indicates if interpolation is needed or not
PointA:KeyFrame  'Smaller interpolation point
PointB:KeyFrame  'Bigger interpolation point

While Not done
   if Array[curValue].Time<curTime then
      if Array[CurValue+1].Time > CurTime
         Done = True
         PointA = Array[curValue]
         PointB = Array[curValue+1]
      Elseif Array[CurValue+1].Time<CurTime
         MinValue =  curValue
         CurValue = MaxValue - MinValue / 2
   ElseIf Array[CurValue].Time > CurTime Then
      If Array[CurValue-1].Time < CurTime Then
         Done = True
         PointA = Array[CurValue-1]
         PointB = Array[CurValue]
         Done = True
      Elseif Array[CurValue-1].Time > CurTime then
         MaxValue =  curValue
         CurValue = MaxValue - MinValue / 2
      Done = True
      Interpolate = False
If Iterpolate = True then
    Iterpolate(PointA, PointB, curTime)
    Value = Array[CurValue].Value

This is a quick interpolation keyframe point search algorithm. It may need some fixing as it is pseudocode, but it works as a indexed search.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#7]
I haven't been able to get it right. There were all kinda illegal address readouts, and values were wrong.

I'll C/P my stuff here, can you fill in the routine in that Value method? Don't bother about sorting variables and other potential methods, atm it's possible to have any envelope in that array, I'll sort out the sorting and the other luxe stuff myself.
I figure the best would be to clip the low end of the requested time to 0, and the upper end to the biggest .time present in the whole array.

So, if there's this segment in the array:

0.time 0
0.value 0

1.time 8
1.value 3

then the requested time should be limited to '8'. At least I think that would feel natural then..

^_^ tnx

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#8]
There is a faster way than linear brute force search.

Use segment or interval trees.

They will give you the next points to interpolate in O(log2(n)) instead of O(n)

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#9]

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#10]
Here you have some working BMX code.


Type TKeyframe
	Field time:Int
	Field value:Float

	Method Set(t:Int,v:Float)
	End Method
	Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)
		Local TempObj:TKeyframe = TKeyFrame(otherObject)
		If tempobj = Null Then Return -1
		If TempObj.time>=time Return 1	
		Return -1
	End Method
End Type

Type TTimeline
	Field array:TKeyframe[]
	Method Value:Float(curtime:Float)
		Local CurVal:Float = 0
		Local MinValue:Int = 0  'Minimum array bound on search
		Local MaxValue:Int = Len(array) 'Maximum array bound on search
		Local curValue:Int = MaxValue/2  'Current seach position
		Local done:Int = False   'Simple flag
		Local DoInterPolate:Int = True   'Indicates if interpolation is needed or not
		Local PointA:TKeyframe  'Smaller interpolation point
		Local PointB:TKeyframe  'Bigger interpolation point
		Local Counter:Int = 0
		Local MaxIterations:Int = array.Length
		If curtime < Array[0].time Then Return array[0].value
		If curtime > array[Len(array)-1].time Then Return array[Len(array)-1].value
		While Not done
			If counter > MaxIterations Then
				Throw "Array is not properly sorted."
			End If
			If Array[curValue].Time<curTime Then
				If Array[CurValue+1].Time > CurTime
					Done = True
					PointA = Array[curValue]
					PointB = Array[curValue+1]
				ElseIf Array[CurValue+1].Time<CurTime
					MinValue =  curValue
					CurValue = MinValue + (MaxValue - MinValue) / 2
					Done = True
					DoInterpolate = False
					CurValue = CurValue + 1		
			ElseIf Array[CurValue].Time > CurTime Then
				If Array[CurValue-1].Time < CurTime Then
					Done = True
					PointA = Array[CurValue-1]
					PointB = Array[CurValue]
					Done = True
				ElseIf Array[CurValue-1].Time > CurTime Then
					MaxValue =  curValue
					CurValue = MinValue + (MaxValue - MinValue) / 2
					Done = True
					DoInterpolate = False
					CurValue = CurValue - 1		
				Done = True
				DoInterpolate = False
		If DoInterpolate = True Then
			CurVal = Interpolate(PointA, PointB, curTime)
			CurVal = Array[CurValue].Value
		Return CurVal
	End Method
	Method Interpolate:Float(PointA:TKeyframe, PointB:TKeyframe, Time:Float)
			Local Val1:Float = PointA.value * ((PointB.time - PointA.Time)-(Time -PointA.time)) 
			Local Val2:Float = PointB.value * ((PointB.time - PointA.Time)-(PointB.Time -time)) 
			Return (Val1 + Val2) / (Pointb.time - pointa.time)
		Catch Err:String
			Print "Error Calculation interpolation." + err
			Return 0
		End Try
	End Method
	Method AppendKeyframe(time:Int,value:Float)
		Local s:Int=Len(array)	
		array[s]=New TKeyframe
		array[s].Set time,value
		'maxindex=s+1 ' experimental, do keep these in mind, these were related to your algo!
		'curvalue=maxindex/2 ' this one too..
	End Method
	Method PrintKeyframes()
		If Not Len(array) Return
		Local value:Float
		Print "[ n] [time] [    value]"					
		For Local t:Int=0 To Len(array)-1
			Print "["+RSet(t,2)+"] ["+RSet(array[t].time,4)+"] ["+RSet(Int(value),4)+"."+Replace(LSet(value-Int(value),5),".","")+"]"		
	End Method
	Method SortArray()
	End Method
End Type

Local t:TTimeline=New TTimeline

t.AppendKeyframe 0,1
t.AppendKeyframe 5,4
t.AppendKeyframe 6,40
t.AppendKeyframe 16,100
t.AppendKeyframe 20,1
t.AppendKeyframe 28,-41
t.AppendKeyframe 31,27


' to read out a value (and thus test the whole shebang) :
Local i:Float
For i = 1 To 50
	Print "value "+ i + ": " + t.Value(i)


Remember this quick search and interpolation code won't work if the array isn't sorted by its time field. You can add the method compare to your TKeyFrame object to make the array sortable with the method Array.Sort() Anyway, I've added a array check on debug mode, to prevent infinite loops while you're creating your app.
Just curiosity, what kind of app are you doing?

I've tested it with an array of more than 1000 values, and in the worst case, it takes only 9 iterations in the while loop, this is much more less than the 999 iterations it would take in a linear calculation.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#11]
Will check after I finished a movie .. :P

Apps: anything, it's just a segment-styled controller value that could be used for everything and its mother. Move things according to a segment-path, fade in/out according to a path.. just anything.

I might just try to create an editor for it, in which one can select/move/create nodes, and scroll through the whole timeline.

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#12]
Just to let you know how it performs:
It took 1 milliseconds to process 2972 time interpolations with an array of 1000 keyframes, and it took 470 milliseconds to process 1011048.00 time interpolations with 20,000 keyframes. Making 1000 interpolations per second, thats a video of 17 minutes, calculated in 0.47 seconds), in my pentium IV 2.2 GHz

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#13]
It seems to work \o/ tnx!

btw, do you know this segment/interval tree stuff?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#14]
Segment search is what the algorithm I've provided is using. (just nine iterations to search a value in an array of 1000 values, as instance). Interval trees is not a good practicle in this particular case (IMHO), becouse you're using a sort of delta-timing and this would complicate a lot the interval calculation (I think). And in addition, you would need to get the nodes using also a search algorithm if there's any 'jump' on the time line, or if the timeline uses delta timing in the most optimized way. Not to mention the accumulation of rounding errors using float time values with float keyframes values.

The algorithm provided could be surely optimized in some ways, but it performs great as it is. A hole minute of interpolations (calculating 1000 interpolations per second) with a total number of 10,000 keyframes took 1 millisecond on my computer.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#15]
Little Q in between:

If I have an array of instances of a type with more than one field, what field is picked as 'key' when I do a .sort() ?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#16]
The one defined in the compare function of the type in question.
Type TKeyframe
	Field time:Int
	Field value:Float

	Method Set(t:Int,v:Float)
	End Method
	Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)
		Local TempObj:TKeyframe = TKeyFrame(otherObject)
		If tempobj = Null Then Return -1
		If TempObj.time>=time Return 1	
		Return -1
	End Method
End Type

In this example, this compare method defined in the TKeyFrame, will permit a sort of an array of TKeyFrames by the field Time.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#17]
nono, more in general I mean something like this:
Type bla
	Field a:Int
	Field b:Int
End Type

Local m33p:bla[16]

For Local t:Int=0 To 15
	m33p[t]=New bla
	Print m33p[t].a+" "+m33p[t].b

Print "-------"

m33p.sort() ' <- obviously doesn't do a thing

For t=0 To 15
	Print m33p[t].a+" "+m33p[t].b


How to sort the 'a' field, so that the 'b' field (and any other fields I might add later) will look mixed-up? Simply said: the way a database works..

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#18]
Yes I understand your question, but there is not anything more general. to make an object sortable it has to have a compare method. This method has to have this definition:

Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)

And it has to return -1 if the given object is smaller than the current one, and has to give 1 if it is bigger.

Example of how to sort your bla object with the a field
Type bla
	Field a:Int
	Field b:Int

	Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)
		'First, we ensure the given object is another bla object. if not return -1
		Local TempObj:bla = bla(otherObject)
		If tempobj = Null Then Return -1
		'Then we make comparison
		If TempObj.a>=a Return 1	
		Return -1
	End Method
end type

Adding this method to your object, makes it sortable, so:

Type bla
	Field a:Int
	Field b:Int

	Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)
		'First, we ensure the given object is another bla object. if not return -1
		Local TempObj:bla = bla(otherObject)
		If tempobj = Null Then Return -1
		'Then we make comparison
		If TempObj.a>=a Return 1	
		Return -1
	End Method
end type

Local m33p:bla[16]

For Local t:Int=0 To 15
	m33p[t]=New bla
	Print m33p[t].a+" "+m33p[t].b

Print "-------"

m33p.sort() ' <- obviously doesn't do a thing

For t=0 To 15
	Print m33p[t].a+" "+m33p[t].b


works as spected.

If you want to sort ascending, use this method instead:
	Method Compare:Int(otherObject:Object)
		'First, we ensure the given object is another bla object. if not return -1
		Local TempObj:bla = bla(otherObject)
		If tempobj = Null Then Return -1
		'Then we make comparison
		If a>=tempobj.a Return 1	
		Return -1
	End Method

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#19]
huh? So you're saying that the .sort() method automatically expects a user-made "Compare" method, and then it works automagically?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#20]
Yes, the sort method calls the compare method of each element in the array. If there is not a compare method, sometimes nothing happens, and sometimes it gives an unhandled exception. Also, The array can't contain null elements.
But as you can see, this method is ultra easy to implement, and using this sort() algorithm sorts an array of about 10000 elements in more or less 20 milliseconds, so it is ultra fast.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#21]
Aha, rite, I already couldn't figure out why there was a method like that, and nothing from the source calling it.

Dreamora(Posted 2007) [#22]
On segment and interval trees.

They are an extended type of full binary tree. But instead of simple nodes they use cross reference data within nodes to create intervals (interval trees use the hierarchy to connect parts *nodes* to an interval of the desired length with easily can be retrieved including points within)

Segment trees instead use a different data structure on the nodes to create segments of static size (simpler) or if desired of any dynamic size using a given unit size and min - max as leaf set of the binary tree.

Both are described in datastructure and algorithmic books normally. Don't think they are on too many pages on the net as they are not used that much in games. Games tend to use bin trees, quad trees, oct trees as well as bin triangle trees and the like for their handling.

In BM, if you want something that is fast and simple, use a TMap

This has 2 very usefull sideeffects:

1. as ziggy mentions you need sorted keys for interpolation. TMap do that for you at nearly free
2. they allow you easily retrieval of keys if you need to modify their data for some reason. (if you try to approximate something with the keyframes for example, this can be very important and usefull)
You just get the value, remove it from tree, put the modified value with the key back into the tree

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#23]
Just to add something to what dreamora has posted,
The working BMX sample posted below, uses an array to store data (sorted by a key), and has a hash-table-like algorithm to find a value in the array. If the value is not found, it returns a weigted interpolation between the inmediate lower value and the inmediate upper value. The search algorithm is a modified segment quick search algorithm (or whatever it is called in english). Database indexes work in a very similar way. I would recomend this method as I don't see a good method (I can be wrong) to get the inmediate smaller value of a unexisting key value on a hashtable, and the inmediate upper one, without making what it is being already done in the example below.

This method also allows duplicate 'key' values (duplicate keys support can be easily disabled if needed, but if you're automating different things like Pan and Volume, sometimes a Pan and volume keyframe can happen in the same timecode).

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#24]
Working on a viewer which displays the whole bunch. Got a problem tho,

When adding these fields to the Timeline object:

Field rA:Int
Field rB:Int

Can you fill them in that Value method (after you found the correct value) with the correct keyframe indexes? So rA should contain the index of the startkeyframe and rB should contain the endkeyframe of the segment the value is on. If you get my point.. :P This way I can always read 'em out after I've found a value. I've tried to insert some lines here and there, but in some cases these segments are correct.. ..and since I'm usually crap in reading source which are not mine.. :-)

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#25]
You want the two keyframes instead of the interpolated single value?

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#26]
yes, well, I *also* want the two keyframes as well as the single version. The Value method is fine as it is.. as long as the two keyframes the value is on will be put into those 2 vars..

First I filled those vars in those If-EndIf parts, but that partly works. In my current viewer sometimes the first segment isn't drawn.


My viewer checks x=offset and x=offset+canvaswidth-1, for the x=offset check I store rA as startarray, and for the x=offset+canvaswidth-1 I store rB for the endarray. Now I should have the first keyframe left outside my canvas and the first keyframe right outside my canvas. Then it's a matter of a 'for t=startarray to endarray-1' and line functions draw the line.
But if the first keyframe starts at time:0 while the second keyframe starts at time:15, then an offset of 1 completely wipes the first segment (which was going from time:0 to time:15), etc. for other segments as well.. but NOT all! So I figure I get the wrong values back from that Value method.

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#27]
I'm doing an application and I've changed to function to work on complex interpolations with more than one values. I've done a lot of changes to the source code, but it works ok here. Are you sure it is not a drawing issue? Are you rounding floats to Int? If you do so, take in consideration there could be a truncation so 0.99999 can be considered 0 instead of 1. That could give you the offest of 1 in some (not all) segments.

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#28]
do you have maxgui?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#29]
yes, why?

CS_TBL(Posted 2007) [#30]
ok, do you mind if you send you what I have, to take a peek at?

ziggy(Posted 2007) [#31]
Send it to me, and I'll take a look