Particle Candy

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Particle Candy

proud2bme(Posted 2007) [#1]
Just wanted to know if anybody here is using Particle Candy with BlitzMax and if it's even possible. And what other Blitz3D designed libraries can work with BlitzMax. Thanks.

Chris C(Posted 2007) [#2]
in *theory* and lib can be wrapped with max, however for something like particles you may as well do it yourself in pure max

LAB[au](Posted 2007) [#3]
After a quick exchange with Dreamora (who started adapting Particle Candy to Max), the extensive usage of B3D functions in this library makes it quite unadapted to Max (even with the addition of minib3d). The only thing you could consider keeping is the structure. But anyhow it would be better and less of a hassle to consider writing a particle library from scratch.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#4]
or buying mine along with the rest of the Grey Alien BlitzMax Framework (see my sig) to save you loads of time + hassle.

Jake L.(Posted 2007) [#5]
Writing a particlesys like ParticleCandy (in 2D) with Bmax is a no-brainer and done within 2 days imho. I did mine in a week (writing the editor took the most time) and I'm not the best skilled coder...

Best would be to use vertexbuffers to catchup the extra-speed. For few particles the buildin BM-functions (drawimage) will do as well.

Doing it yourself got one big advantage: it works exactly like you want.


popcade(Posted 2007) [#6]
Hi, Grey, I want to know when the framework 1.04 will be out BTW, such as Platform Example and Intel Mac support should be very good.

proud2bme(Posted 2007) [#7]
Thank you kindly everybody. It's just that Particle Candy seems so complete and optimized, I don't want to think I wasted money. Gray alien I will check you out. Now just waiting for Klepto to get those shadows going.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#8]
proud2bme: OK cool. My framework does particles and a zillion other things.

yoko: Was aiming for V1.04 about now but the Mac version isn't ready yet. I have a basic platformer example + source already called Make me Happy, did you see that? Yeah I'd like to do more platformer code but on Monday I start making a game for Big Fish Games using my framework, so that's gonna hold things up (althought the framework wil get *more* enhancements along the way). However, they want a Mac version of the game so there will 100% be a Mac version of the framework in June if not sooner.

popcade(Posted 2007) [#9]
Hmm... I saw Make Me Happy but I didn't request it, I tend to wait till 1.04 but I actually want to know how it's done.

Due to my job issue, making game is now actually a "hobby"(or dream), but it's great to see your Game Framework growing so much, please keep up the great work.

Grey Alien(Posted 2007) [#10]
proud2bme: Sorry to hijack.

Yoko: I'll email you the source to MMH. You need to put the MMH demo on the same directory level as the framework include folder, then put the source in the MMH demo folder and it should compile fine. Good luck with your "dream". It was my "dream" too once, and now I'm making a game for Big Fish Games...

popcade(Posted 2007) [#11]
Thanks, Grey :)

I did some programming in past years.... but most not for myself, it's time consuming and work in life cost too much.

However learning something new everyday is still very good.