win32 MaxIDE v125 beta

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/win32 MaxIDE v125 beta

skidracer(Posted 2007) [#1]
If anyone would like to help test the latest version of MaxIDE on windows many thanks.

Features new menu system for project nodes, explore and shell are working under windows (bash shell under linux and apple a little useless without environment settings), a new option to use os keys (some people don't like BRL hotkeys???), some fixes to work nicer with gtkmaxgui (splitter still way borked), started tidying up codeview but the parser is just too rude (time to check out the CE edition again), and the svn stuff is getting there.

I'm not sure if I've broken something with error catching. When building modules it doesn't seem to be very clever at taking you to offending line.

Also the exe is using a fix to system.win32 for file and path requesters, they use to use the activewindow as a parent but this was causing havoc with maxgui and I think the cause of the "desktop resetting" issue which I haven't seen for a while now.

Please report any problems or small requests below.

If you are interested in testing the new subversion features I'll post some googlecode projects addresses shortly, you will need to install the subversion software from here:

bradford6(Posted 2007) [#2]
Worked for awhile. I selected everything in 'IDE Options' and it still worked. Then I deselected "OS specific hotkeys' and got the message:

MAXIDE needs to restart.

it shut down and when i tried to restart it:

Could not find Blitzmax Compiler (bin/bcc), Please reinstall
appdir = c:/...path.../MaxIDE125Beta

skidracer(Posted 2007) [#3]
Hmm, are you running it from your blitzmax folder?

Grisu(Posted 2007) [#4]
Thanks for the update. Runs fine so far.

Why does the ide needs to close all documents before doing a resync? It's quite annoying.

P.S.: Please don't forget to update the "About BlitzMax" window with the final release... ;)

Oddball(Posted 2007) [#5]
A few things I spotted. The Stop toolbar button stays active after my apps have finished. It stays active until I leave the output tab. Also after running an app the mouse cursor sometimes sticks as the default arrow no matter what I mouse over i.e. It doesn't change to the I cursor when over text. It stays like that until I reload the IDE. On returning to the default IDE the treeview on the right has become corrupted. The corrupted items become unusable.

Tachyon(Posted 2007) [#6]
Hmmm, confirmed Oddball's findings....

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#7]
OddBall, that's why you need to back stuff up before you try these Beta things ;-)

(I had the same problem, but forunately had a .cfg file lying around that I could "fix" it)

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#8]
Ooooh... it remembers what projects were open when I last used it. Nice :-)

Difference(Posted 2007) [#9]
I have that problem too.
What .cfg file?
All I have is .ini files it seems (except modeserver.cfg )

[Edit] : It seems to be an ini file problem, could someone post a correct version of this line from their ide.ini?

Oddball(Posted 2007) [#10]
Now it just says Unknown where all the projects should be in the betaIDE.

Difference(Posted 2007) [#11]
Noel Cower helped me out on #blitzbasic:


if anybody else needs it.

bradford6(Posted 2007) [#12]

Hmm, are you running it from your blitzmax folder?

yes. but um now it is working fine. no matter what i change i cannot break it.

"Patient, heal thyself!"

Are you doing some kind of voodoo AI, self-healing code??? :)

anyway. are there specific things you would like us to try with this IDE? loading certain files, changing certainsettings?

xlsior(Posted 2007) [#13]
Well, the CTRL-Left & CTRL-Right issue seems fixed when using the 'OS Specific Hotkeys', that's very nice. :-)

You may want to also add CTRL-F4 under that as well.

(Close a tab, like the older versions of the IDE did as well until it got switched to CTRL-W)

Scaremonger(Posted 2007) [#14]
I've got to ask the question...

Why do we need MAXIDE and MAXIDE-CE.. ?

Tachyon(Posted 2007) [#15]
I love the sorted code list, Skid...but I have to tell you my preference would be to have the code grouped and then sorted. For example, group all the Types together at the top, then Functions in the middle, then Program Lables, etc. Then of course these groups would be sorted within themselves.