BlitzMax Update 124 Now Available!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BlitzMax Update 124 Now Available!

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#1]
Blitzmax Update 124 is now available from the 'account/product updates' section.

From release notes:

OS X versions less than 10.3.9 no longer supported. This applies to both the IDE and generated apps.

Win95 no longer supported. This applies to both the IDE and generated apps. BlitzMax is unlikely to have worked on Win95 for a while now anyway (haven't tried for a long, long time), but it's now official.

The D3D7 graphics module has been rewritten from scratch. D3D7 Max2D apps should now survive a greater range of 'disruptions' - eg: screensavers, desktop depth changes, other apps going 'exclusive' etc.

The 'buffered' D3D7 device has been removed. It would have required considerable rewriting to fit in with the new driver approach, yet provides dubious speed benefits.

From versions:

+ (BRL.Blitz) String.Find now converts start index <0 to 0

+ (BRL.D3D7Max2D) Updated to work with d3d7graphics rewrite

+ (BRL.D3D7Max2D) Removed buffered driver

+ (BRL.GLGraphics) Implemented Brucey's linux window title fix

+ (BRL.Max2D) Fixed TImageFont.Draw so it uses float translation

+ (BRL.OGGLoader) Added Function SaveOgg

+ (BRL.FileSystem) Fixed RealPath breaking win32 //server paths

+ (BRL.GNet) Object id's now unmapped ASAP

+ (BRL.Map) Fixed MapKeys/MapValues functions to return enumerators

+ (BRL.Map) Restored KeyValue enumerator

+ (BRL.Map) Added Copy method

+ (BRL.Map) Fixed Clear memleak

+ (BRL.Pixmap) Added new GL compatible pixel formats

+ (BRL.Stream) Fixed 'excpetion' typos

+ (BRL.System) Fixed unretained object issue with mouse tracking

+ (BRL.System) Fixed windowed mode HideMouse issue

+ (BRL.System) Fixed win32 requestfile default extension bug

+ (BRL.PNGLoader) libpng update to 1.2.12.

+ (BRL.PNGLoader) Extra load error handling.

+ (Pub.ZLib) Updated zlib to 1.2.3

+ (BCC) Fixed same type names in different modules causing problems.

+ (BCC) Fixed Null in Data statements failing silently.

+ (BCC) Fixed Object to array cast not returning an array of references.

+ (BCC) Fixed abstract methods overriding base methods with different sigs.

+ (BCC) Fixed exporting of private Type's - still not technically 'safe'.

+ (BCC) Fixed debug info in New() field initialization code

bregors(Posted 2006) [#2]

Josepho(Posted 2006) [#3]
Thanks Mark!

Murilo(Posted 2006) [#4]
Nice one.

Is aynone else finding that the IDE always crashes when closing in Vista?

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#5]
Just posted a worklog update with a little more info re: the future of syncmods.

No prior code that I've tested is broken.

You don't know how cool it is when people post that!

Is aynone else finding that the IDE always crashes when closing in Vista?

Hmm, I think it was reported a while back. Probably wont really be able to look at it until after Christmas though sorry.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#6]

plash(Posted 2006) [#7]

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#8]
Nice updates, Mark.
Thanks for the worklog update as well. It is always nice to be reminded that you know what you're doing.

Subversion for syncmods sounds okay, but I have a request in that regard. I have tried for a few weeks now to find a free GUI SVN client that does not either: Crash as soon as I try to actually use it (with that being a known bug which happens to me on two completely different computers / operating systems, thus raising the question of how the heck they have made it all the way to a release number like 1.37), lack features to sell a more featureful version, or just flat out suck.
Therefore, switching Syncmods to "use SVN!" could be a very bothersome thing. This is a shame because Syncmods, though apparently a tad flawed in its implementation behind the scenes, is childishly simple!
Therefore, perhaps you could replace the current Syncmods app with a very simple SVN connect / download client? (Maybe include an SVN module while you're at it :p)

It also has a strangely oh-so-familiar MS feel to it - a kind of contrived simplicity, like there's a lot going on behind the scenes that MS don't want you to know about, you certainly don't want to know about, but you just know you'll eventually have to find out! I could be wrong here - perhaps it's just a side effect of modern hyper-automated IDE's, I dunno...
Hehe, that just about sums it up. I've been trying to put my finger on that feeling for a long time.

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#9]
Awesome update Mark. Thank you!

Only one small thing broke for me. From the code archives, I was using a routine to put the small icon in the corner of a windowed app:
Function SetWindowIcon(GWLStyleFlags:Int=0) ' To be called *after* Graphics()	
      Local hWnd:Int	
      If TGLMax2DDriver(_max2ddriver)
         hWnd = FindWindowA("BlitzMax GLGraphics", AppTitle$)
         hWnd = PrimaryDevice.hWnd
      SetWindowLongA(hWnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLongA(hWnd, GWL_STYLE) | GWLStyleFlags)
      SendMessageA(hWnd, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, LoadIconA(GetModuleHandleA(Null), Byte Ptr(101)))
End Function

Compile fails at "hWnd = PrimaryDevice.hWnd" with "Device Not Found" due to your rewrite of DX7. What should be my workaround?

caff_(Posted 2006) [#10]
Thank you Mark, and others at BRL.

Interesting to read your views on XNA, and I have very similar feelings on the whole shebang.

Happy Xmas to you :)

oh and don't worry about syncmods, it's not such a big deal.

gman(Posted 2006) [#11]
everything working good with Irrlicht. method overload bug is fixed. thx for the update :)

bregors(Posted 2006) [#12]

DStastny(Posted 2006) [#13]
I like the new Dx7 code much easier to follow. Very clean implmentation to handle the mode changes. Makes me want borrow :) some of the ideas to simplfy my Dx9 driver, I havent been pleased at all with my resource handling (Textures,VertexBuffers) and this is nice and clean.

Good stuff!

Doug Stastny

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#14]
Mark: I saw in another post you said to use GetActiveWindow() for PrimaryDevice. That fixed my problem. Thanks again.

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#15]
I advise against using GetActiveWindow for that. The API call is specifically to find what window is in use; not what window is being used as the main window in the program which calls it.
BlitzMax undoubtedly has a nice way to tell you what the handle of its created window is...

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#16]
GetActiveWindow works fine if there's just the one window.

Otherwise, you can cache it - eg:

Graphics 640,480

I'll add a D3D7GraphicsDriver().GetGraphicsHWnd() if there's a real need for it.

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#17]
Don't we have something like B3d's SystemProperty("apphWnd"), or are the different modules creating windows their own way thus rendering that completely difficult since it would require a central source for that information? (Which would make perfect sense, I suppose).

Anyway, probably not too much of a need for it; just me whining even though I probably won't be doing much with that end of BlitzMax.
However, in my opinion every program should know its own window handle; that sort of information should be stored - not ignored :P

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#18]

An app doesn't 'have' an hwnd, so AppHwnd is a bit meaningless. On windows, an app can have a window with the focus, an active window and I think even a foreground window (though that may be 'system wide'). The difference between these is subtle and often downright confusing.

In full screen mode, a single top-level window can have 'exclusive access' to directdraw, but in windowed mode there can be any number of windows with shared access to direct draw.

Now I'm just whining!...

Warren(Posted 2006) [#19]

Your objectifying of Mark as a living god is getting a little disturbing and creepy. Just FYI.

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#20]
Thanks Mark. So you released that new DX module then which is better at recovering from Screensavers etc but still not perfect. Any plans about sorting the issues I mentioned in your other thread about it (e.g. images getting set to null after recovery, including font letters)?

Framework customers: V1.03 released in Jan will have fixes for the use of PrimaryDevice, for now just comment the lines out, they won't affect your game, they were just for showing the desktop and Game Hz on the debug window, and for ccFixLag (now obsolete) and ccVWait (no longer used by the TGame anywhere).

Tachyon: I advise against that method, it doesn't work with XP theme, only windows classic mode. This is the method I developed for my framework (it assumes the icon is included as a resource in the exe, see by Jim Brown):

Extern "win32"
	Function SendMessage:Int(hWnd:Int,MSG:Int,wParam:Int,lParam:Int) = "SendMessageA@16"
End Extern
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ccSetIcon
' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ccSetIcon(iconname$, TheWindow%)	
	Local icon=ExtractIconA(TheWindow,iconname,0)
	Local WM_SETICON = $80
	Local ICON_SMALL = 0
	Local ICON_BIG = 1
'	sendmessage(TheWindow, WM_SETICON, ICON_SMALL, icon) 'don't need this
	sendmessage(TheWindow, WM_SETICON, ICON_BIG, icon)
'	SetClassLongA(TheWindow,-14,icon)'obsolete as it doesn't work with Windows XP Theme!
End Function

Call like this:

Also get WindowHandle by doing as Mark suggests and caching it just after you've made the graphics window like so:

		WindowHandle = GetActiveWindow()

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#21]
Many thanks for the update!

There are so many bugs fixed, especially in bcc - however, I still can't get this working:
Framework brl.blitz

Local Test:TTest = New TTest
WriteStdout Len Test.Array + "~n" 'prints 15

Type TTest
  Field Array [ 15 ]
This bug already existed in version 1.22 and has still not been fixed. Could you fix it in V1.26?

DStastny(Posted 2006) [#22]
Looking at the code it looks like Mark addressed the cause of your issues from the other thread. It not the same modules that he posted. He is testing for the mode change and added code to manage tearing down the device and recreating the textures for the images so the problems you where having should work now.

Doug Stastny

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#23]
Thank you, Grey!

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#24]
Budman: well it's easy enough to retest, so I'll do that soon. I didn't think he fixed my final issue, he certainly didn't reply to say he had, so I'm dubious until it's proven ;-)

Tachyon: welcome

GfK(Posted 2006) [#25]
I get the following error after installing update 1.24 :(

C:/Documents and Settings/Admin/Desktop/New Folder/.bmx/game.bmx.gui.debug.win32.x86.o(code+0x15f2b): undefined reference to `brl_dxgraphics_PrimaryDevice'

Never had to rebuild mods after an update before but I'll give that a try and post again...

[edit] Never mind - Thought SetGraphicsDriver was causing the problem but it was actually down to a redundant function (the old mouselag fix).

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#26]
I got a similar error, just a few minutes ago: as I tried to recompile the r2t module the compiler notified "Identifier 'PrimaryDevice' not found'"

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#27]
I had a bad crash this morning on a map editor. As soon as I can replicate it I will post it in the bug forums, but it happens on a "SetGraphics CanvasGraphics(EditWindow)" command.

The program bombs with an error:

DXERROR code=564
Debugger Error:Invalid function typetag

Worse, in the debug list on the right, there is a expandable function called DXASS which if I click the + to expand it, the IDE crashes every time.

My workaround is that I use SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver() at the top of my editor and the problem goes away.

GfK(Posted 2006) [#28]
Am I imagining things or did the approximate size of an executable built in Debug mode used to be about 2.5mb?

Its now 3.5mb?!

tonyg(Posted 2006) [#29]
@GFK, yep you're right.
It now includes the debug code for Max3D. ;)

plash(Posted 2006) [#30]
It's closer then I thought!

popcade(Posted 2006) [#31]
What do we need to comment the Gray alien Game Framework to make it work?

I don't have time to fully check yet, but I want to know...

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#32]
Yoko: Just compile and every line it errors on (x3) just comment those out for now until the new release.

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#33]
Thanks for the patch

When does a bmx maxgui update arrive?

GfK(Posted 2006) [#34]
When does a bmx maxgui update arrive?
Next time you run Syncmods after installing v1.24.

sswift(Posted 2006) [#35]
Hey Mark, you know that game I sent you the other day which had the problem with the sound frequency overflow? Well try running that on the new version. Doesn't work!

The issue seems to be that the PrimaryDevice identifier no longer exists. What have you changed the name to?

And what does "no buffered dx7 mode" in the update log mean? I hope that doesn't mean we can't switch to fullscreen mode from windowed mode and back any more!

sswift(Posted 2006) [#36]
So I just read the stuff above, and PrimaryDevice is really the HWwnd of the graphics window? But now we have to get that manually? Which means I have to change my sprite system to force the user to pass that information to it since there's now no way to know which window of their app is the one they're drawing graphics in? I'm so confused!

The reason my sprite system needs to know which window is the active window is because of this:

	Function EnableSolidColor()

		Local TexColorArray#[4]
		Local R%, G%, B%
			If TD3D7Max2DDriver(_max2dDriver) ' If we are currently rendering with DirectX...
				PrimaryDevice.device.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLOROP,   D3DTOP_SELECTARG2)
				PrimaryDevice.device.SetTextureStageState(0, D3DTSS_COLORARG2, D3DTA_DIFFUSE)
			Else ' We are using one of the OpenGL drivers.
				GetColor(R, G, B)
				TexColorArray[0] = R
				TexColorArray[1] = G
				TexColorArray[2] = B
	End Function

And my main app needs primarydevice for a lag fix on the flip command... Wait... is that what you changed Mark? You got rid of the buffering of additional future frames that was screwing up the input causing apparent input lag? So that flip command fix is no longer needed? Well that's great, but why did PrimaryDevice go away!

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#37]
Next time you run Syncmods after installing v1.24.

Nice joke! The version number didn't change and I have the same bugs I reported quite some time ago.

sswift(Posted 2006) [#38]
He means that if you run max without running syncmods then you wn't have the GUI available, and you have to run it to make it available. I was surprised by that cause I forgot you have to do that and I thought they were getting rid of syncmods.

Matthew Smith(Posted 2006) [#39]

check here: and here about your primarydevice issue.

sswift(Posted 2006) [#40]

Thanks! The second post indicated that in my case I needed to use D3D7GraphicsDriver().Direct3DDevice7() in place of PrimaryDevice.Device. Works like a charm. I think. :-)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#41]
Given my game a good testing tonight with 1.24 plus syncmods. Everything seems to be working fine under DX.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#42]
Therefore, switching Syncmods to "use SVN!" could be a very bothersome thing. This is a shame because Syncmods, though apparently a tad flawed in its implementation behind the scenes, is childishly simple!
Therefore, perhaps you could replace the current Syncmods app with a very simple SVN connect / download client? (Maybe include an SVN module while you're at it :p)

I really have to agree with this. Ditching syncmods with a blanket "use SVN!" could indeed be very bothersome. It doesn't address the issue GFK raised about everyone running different versions of different modules, but it does make life more difficult for the reasons Mr Picklesworth went into at greater length in his original post than seemed prudent to quote.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#43]

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#44]
I'm sorry, but if Mark were to put pre-release code in SVN, then people could give feedback before the final release, so that the final release of an update wouldn't require 15,000 quick-fixes and would be solid. Nobody would have to run the SVN version, it's a pre-release. Use the production release. Sheesh!

Yeah, and then I get to spend three days completely unable to do a stroke of work because a bunch of changes happened all at once and killed my project stone dead. Done that a few times too many already thanks. At least with syncmods, I have a head start on the problem. The way this is being proposed, I'll likely have even more wasted time. Might not bother hobby coders, but when it's paying my bills ( or not ) I could do without days on end unable to progress.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#45]

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#46]
Why would you use BETA code in a production project anyway?

Seriously, do you just argue because you like the sound of your own voice. BRL has never released "BETA code" on syncmods, so the idea that they would do so on SVN is completely without foundation. Mark just says "the latest updates", he makes no mention of beta. So all this nonsense you've made up about BETA and PRODUCTION code is completely within your imagination.

The thing that prevents me from downloading a hotfix is there not BEING a hotfix, meaning I have to find it myself and as I explained above, it's much, much harder when it's all dumped on you at once ( as it was yesterday, when more code was broken in the new update. )

Not to mention the SVN problems that MrPicklesworth already outlined.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#47]

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#48]
No. And in this case, it would be the sight of my on words, as I spoke not once in producing them.

And yet, I can't help thinking your lips move every time you type.

I would recommend

I've yet to see any code, thought or comment from you that would lead me to believe your recommendations have any value to me. Or indeed anyone.

The rest of your post, you just further demonstrate that you have no idea what I'm talking about, only slightly more idea what you're talking about, and nothing that I find interesting to read.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#49]

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#50]
His advice sounds pretty good to me... And I'm a somebody, aren't I?
I must be, since you seem to have agreed with my outline of the problems with "Use SVN!"

Does it matter?
No! We're discussing an update here, not the size of somebody's...

bregors(Posted 2006) [#51]

LuckyPhil(Posted 2006) [#52]
Is aynone else finding that the IDE always crashes when closing in Vista?

I'm running Vista, and I'm having no issues there.


Grisu(Posted 2006) [#53]
Btw: Will the flat assembler be updated sometime as well?!?

The newest version is working without issues!

flat assembler 1.67.17 for Windows
last update: 20 December 2006

Would be nice if you could add the newest version to the next update or full version.

Ziltch(Posted 2006) [#54]
Thank you for the update!
Merry Christmas.

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#55]

Btw: Will the flat assembler updated sometime as well?!?

The current version works fine - what would an update achieve apart from potential compatibility problems? I seriously doubt this would happen - FASM is written be a seriously clever dude, but still, if it ain't broke etc...

Unlike compilers, assemblers either work or they don't - you don't generally get 'good' assemblers that generate efficient code and 'bad' ones that don't.

Murilo(Posted 2006) [#56]
I'm running Vista, and I'm having no issues there.

Hmmmmm... Strange that. It crashes, without fail, here when closing the IDE.

Triforce Guardian(Posted 2006) [#57]
Dang! Another update, thanks Mark!

Ratchet(Posted 2006) [#58]
But I think, all in all, Microsoft should really be applauded for at least exploring the idea of hobbyist game development on a console in this way...although I would really much rather someone just came out with a Linux based console!

Playstation 3

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#59]
PS3 is not Linux-based; you can merely install Linux on it. (And at the moment, there isn't much point).

Matt Merkulov(Posted 2007) [#60]
Please fix Ctrl-Left/Right.

Drey(Posted 2007) [#61] maybe we'll get overloading and multiple interface inhertiance now? Please :) I guess templates aren't really need, but would be nice :).

..some pre-compiler operations would be cool too.

jhague(Posted 2007) [#62]
A simple request:

local v:float[] = [1, 2, 3]

should be allowed. Currently the compiler complains about the values being integers. The following does indeed work, which shows the inconsistency:

local v:float[3]
v[0] = 1
v[1] = 2
v[2] = 3

degac(Posted 2007) [#63]
Uset this syntax

Local v:Float[] = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#64]

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#65]
I have updated but now I have a magnitude problems with the program i have been working on for a year, like it wont work anymore!!!!

The sound no longer works the same (a note gets "stuck" on?), and "cuesound" fails except for "free sound"

Cant go into fullscreen graphics mode anymore?, just goes blank.

after "endgraphics", "flip" generates an error when trying to update a GUI, canvas

I get "unknown DXERROR" intermitinantly, ungracefully exiting my app.

I can only change the graphics driver once, after that TD3D7GraphicsDriver.IsValid returns False, unlike Sound Driver which can be changed.

What im trying to say is that for me anyway: the Sound is now broken and The Graphics is now broken.

Non of these problems extisted before, but now my almost finished emulator is failing badly.

What I want urgently is instructions on how to revert back to the last Update so I can continue on my project.

Can anyone help please.

"The D3D7 graphics module has been rewritten from scratch. D3D7 Max2D apps should now survive a greater range of 'disruptions' - eg: screensavers, desktop depth changes, other apps going 'exclusive' etc."

For me its more like: "The D3d7 graphics module has been rewritten from scratch and now randomly crashes my computer and my old programs dont work anymore due to the changes."

skidracer(Posted 2007) [#66]
Simply rename your current blitzmax folder blitzmax124 and download and install the 1.18+1.22 update combo.

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#67]
OK I have installed 1.18+1.122 update combo, now I have lost the GUI modules and cant compile at all! how do I re-install the GUI modules without sync'ing all the new modules back in?

The new BMAX mods are unreliable on my computer, I can run my program 100 times and it will crash once or twice with no indication of the problem, It wasnt crashing before?

So with this in mind, when I do more updates, do i?

1. copy the 1.22 dxgraphics.mod and the audio.mod folders backin from the older updates

2. do I no-longer update and stay with 1.22 from now on, but the how do I update MAXGUI without getting the new MAX dx/sound mods.

I urgently need my BMAX+GUI back so I can continue working on my program.....

Perturbatio(Posted 2007) [#68]
you could probably copy mod\brl.mod\maxgui.mod to your clean mod folder...

and mod\brl.mod\win32maxgui.mod or whichever OS you have.

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#69]
I tried that and got a bunch of error messages...

In file included from C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/win32maxgui.mod/blitzplus.h:8,
from C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/win32maxgui.mod/blitzplus.cpp:2:
C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/win32maxgui.mod/gui/event.h:7:39: brl.mod/maxgui.mod/maxgui.h: No such file or directory
Build Error: failed to compile C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/brl.mod/win32maxgui.mod/blitzplus.cpp
Process complete

help! I just want my old BMAX+GUI back (It WAS working perfectly)

PLEASE help ,I cant continue on my program until I get things back the way the where.

Perturbatio(Posted 2007) [#70]
did you rebuild modules?

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#71]
"Of course I rebuilt the modules" but I forgot to copy both GUI folders back, now im backup and running.

There is NO-WAY-ON-EARTH i will be updating to 1.24 ,The Random Crash stuff is a sign of unreliability, when my program has NEVER/EVER crashed before.

Im interested in hearing if anyone else is having the same problem?

maybe my program does something different to what other people are doing?

Boulderdash(Posted 2007) [#72]
The update 1.24 causes these significant differences for me:

1. FLIP (to redraw a canvas) generates an error message, after using "endgraphics" when before this was ok.???

2. some Sound NOTEs get "stuck on" if you select an Audio driver, but is ok if you skip selecting a driver? (even though it should be "on" freeAudio in both situations) THis never/ever happened before 1.24???

3. You can only change the Display driver one time only, (If the user changes the driver a second time, they still are using the first selected driver and they will report this to me as a bug)???

4. the intermittant crashing thing caused by the new DX-code is "totally unexceptable".(OMG)???

5. "fullscreen mode" nolonger works, everything goes blank, and the "apps name/icon thing" dissappears from the "lower start bar" but the program is still running?

6. The Standard Open file dialog window now appears hard top left corner of display instead of ontop of my window (which looks nice and neat.)

CoderLaureate(Posted 2007) [#73]
Well, BMAX has been out for two years now (rough estimate). Is BRL going to come out with an official 3D module or not? I see some work going on with MiniB3D, but it's incomplete and doesn't quite cover all of the 3D features yet.

Spomo(Posted 2007) [#74]
I'm not looking to start trouble or anything but....

I tend to agree with CoderLaureate's post. What is going on with the development of Blitzmax in general?

Yan(Posted 2007) [#75]
/me rips off all clothing and runs down the street screaming whilst franticly waving my arms about.

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2007) [#76]
Spomo - the top post in this thread is by Mark. Click his name then go to his worklogs. I guess you don't read the 'General Discussion' forum.

Spomo(Posted 2007) [#77]
Actually, I normally do not read the General Discussion forum.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. :)

Who was John Galt?(Posted 2007) [#78]
I'm also getting some sound dodginess since updating.

errno!(Posted 2007) [#79]
wow 6 months. mark wheres all the new promised language features? where's threading support? where's enums?

I still use bmax alot, i'm not trolling i just want to see it grow into the great language it can be IF you work on it like you said you would.

GfK(Posted 2007) [#80]
wow 6 months. mark wheres all the new promised language features? where's threading support? where's enums?

I still use bmax alot, i'm not trolling i just want to see it grow into the great language it can be IF you work on it like you said you would.

There's been dozens of updates via syncmods since the 1.24 build was released. I don't recall any promise of threading support.

Pit-le-rouge(Posted 2007) [#81]

We wait and wait........

And no new update of BlitzMax.......

Toc, toc......

Is there anybody in there.....

tonyg(Posted 2007) [#82]
What is it you're waiting for?

Perturbatio(Posted 2007) [#83]
What is it you're waiting for?

Apparently a keyboard without a stuck period :)