BLIde 0.8.05

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BLIde 0.8.05

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi, the new non-beta BLIde version is out. For newcomers, BLIde is a freeware integrated development environment for BlitzMax.

For more information visit:

There are a lot of changes and improvements in this new version. The full core engine of BLIde has been replaced. (BLIde no longer uses the PuzzleFramework or the Fireball Code Editor). This new core engine is absolutely more stable than the previous one. Read the changelog for more information.

All the Out of memory, code editor freeze, and bugs like those, have been completely removed with the new core engine.

BLIde no longer hilites the custom editing scope (this is no longer suported by the new Actipro text render engine)

BLIde by default works with a reduced set of hilighting keywords, but the non hilighted keywords are case-corrected when you change the line you're editing. (like in visual studio, this reduces A LOT memory usage).

BLIde perform case-correction when a line of code is fully edited, and not as you type (this also speeds things a lot)

BLIde now supports different fonts and sizes for different hilighting definitions in the same document.
The 'red background mark' is no longer suported, it has been replaced with a wave-line error mark (this is how most pro editors display code errors).

The find and Replce dialog now has A LOT of extra features

Now F3 can be used as a 'find next' shortcut

There have been several improvements on intellisense and project file handling

There have been several improvements in module inspection

Autolists now shows quickinfo tips with useful inoformation about the selected item.

Folded region tips now show hilited text

Document parsing is done when a document needs to be shown for first time, not when a document is loaded, that reduces drastically the project loading time.

Fixed a Parsing bug (thanks to barbapapa)

Improved parsing speed and general loading time

Fixed a hilighting bug when loading files from windows explorer (thanks to booticus)

Some additional little fixes

Fixed a bug on intellisense procesing CONST in very rare occasions.

Fixed a identation bug on autocompletion (thanks to simesf)

Absolutely new hilighting system, fully customizable

Code is now analized using a separated AST technology that informs of bugs in the code (not many bugs recognized yet, but this is being improved).

The new AST mode allows the creation of the internal code database in a secondary thread, much more accurated and fast.

Local shortcuts has been redesigned to be part of the editor control, in a pair of combo boxes, a la visual studio. That saves a lot of resources and makes navigation more standard and user friendly.

Complete new docking system in the end user interface, more intuitive. the HTML window can be converted to a dockable window, or to a tabbed document.

Fixed some little bugs in previous BETA

The 'Clear console' button is now on a right-click menu on the console to let more free console space in the window.

Faster perfomance on big files

Fixed a little bug on folding regions

Fixed a little autocompletion bug on extern sections

Fixed a memory leak

Fixed a "Globals" internal database very minor bug

Fixed TAB focus bug, now the focus is set to the editor window when you select a document, instead of being set to the build as combo.

Fixed a QuickInfo box not desapearing thwn switching tabs

Fixed a visualization bug on the code window

Fixed the F3 bug making BLIde crash

Fixed the bug dialog when opening a BMX file from windows explorer

New Welcome Window design and functionality

New tool: User color selector

Fixed a memory leak, and some little fixings here and there.

fixed a stability bug that was making BLIde load some BMX file twice.

Fixed a Folding bug with abstract types

New Bug-Report mechanism

New feature: Framework inspector. This tool will let you navigate your currently installed modules, and all its functions, classes and inheritance information.

It is recomended to uninstall any previous version before installing this new one.

Please, if you test this BLIde version, provide feedback (even if no bugs to coment)

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#2]
Again... Yay! Thanks, Ziggy; I am eternally grateful.

This IDE is poised to conquer Visual Studio for top spot! :P

The load times for this version are quite excellent. Although, the splash screen is a bit complicated looking now with the AST Powered thing, but I'll understand if that must be done.
Perhaps the AST Powered logo could be made a bit bigger? Right now I can't read the Powered part so it drives me a bit crazy :p

Got an unhandled exception from .Net on first run after setting up BLIde, but I hit Continue and it all went fine. I never got the error again. Sorry, I didn't grab any information on it.

Not a big problem, but I'm noticing that the "Customize Editor Colors and Look" and the "Preferences" windows stand out like sore thumbs. I am running with the Visual Studio style, so their curvy/pointy tabs with gradients don't blend with the rest of the editor.

One last thing:
In the "Build As" selector, you seem to have written Cconsole instead of Console?

I've updated my post... hope you notice! :b
Thanks again, Ziggy. This IDE really is remarkable; Blitz3d didn't have something like this for ages, and you built this right from the start.

Hm... Probably not, but I wonder if this can run in Mono now that it's using .Net? Probably not, but worth a shot. Does anyone have Linux on a computer that could handle BLIde to try it out?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#3]
@Mr. Picklesworth : yes, those tabs are renderer-independent to save some resources. It may be changed in the future. :D Thanks for your feedback :D
to the mono issue. I've not tested it yet, but it shouldn't run on mono 1.2, there was a usage of a COM component, that has been removed to make BLIde more MONO compatible. but there haven't been any tests on this particual issue. mono 1.2 can run windows binaries, so everyone is invited to give it a try and provide feedback if it manages to run...

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#4]
This version is a 100 times better than the version I had used in the past.


Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#5]
I'm noticing green and yellow lines to the left in the source code window. Are those telling me where I have made changes?
If so, that's a great feature that will serve me well! :)
I hate it when I break my code but I can't remember where I made changes so I Undo until it works again but then I accidentally something to the code so Redo won't work, thus losing my work. This seems to fix that.
Also handy for debugging, where if a particular line gets highlighted as having an error but I haven't made any changes to it, I'll know that the error is probably from somewhere else.

I'm liking the new find and replace as well. I've always wanted find/replace with wildcards in an editor!
BLIde could very well replace my word processor at this rate.

How about an option to only search comments?
...Or, perhaps expand that by having the option to only search Comments/Keywords/Strings selected via a dropdown menu (and using the syntax recognition built into the IDE).

I like how BLIde hides a source file (says Parsing Document in a stylish way) until it is fully loaded. Little things like that really bring it to life!

I just realized I was running a beta :S
I'm downloading the real 0.8.05 right now!
*Looks embarrassed*
You may want to update the news page at

One last question(s): Where can I find your newly designed Local Shortcuts window?

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#6]
This is the bomb Ziggy! Thank you its a great editor!!!

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#7]
Oh, yes, I have to update the home page at! download the last version 0.8.05 from the download section!

Amon(Posted 2006) [#8]
Where do i get it from? I've been to but can't seem to find it.

Qube(Posted 2006) [#9]
Amon, the download link is

Amon(Posted 2006) [#10]
I've been there but only 0.7.61 shows up for download. :/

[edit]Cleared my Browser Cache and now it works.

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#11]
Very, very nice -- much appreciated.

A couple of minor suggestions for future improvements:

Some bug reports:

1) I started a simple .bmx file (no real project). I was playing around with the plugins, and found that if I have any text highlighted and choose any of the the plugins, ('Uppercase Machinne" "lowercase Machinne", or "Ups I'm a C programmer") my highlighted text is completely corrupted to stuff like this: ഊ‍੐ഊ刍੉ഊ不੔ഊ‍ਢഊ䬍੅ഊ刍੐ഊ䰍੏ഊ不ੋഊ∍਍਍਍੎ഊ䔍੘ഊ名਍਍਍੅ഊ不੄ഊ‍੆ഊ唍੎ഊ䌍੔ഊ䤍੏ഊ不

According to Write, that's in Arial MS Unicode font, but some of the characters are marked as being Chinese, and all of it is completely unreadable.

If no text is highlighted, then one unprintable character is inserted at the current cursor location.

2) Some typo's: you misspelled "Machine" in the plugin names, and I assume that you meant "Oops, I'm a C programmer" instead of "Ups"

Now, since I'm typing all of this anyway, here are a couple of ideas for features for the next version:

1) It would be nice to have a keyboard shortcut to only fold/unfold the current scope that you are in, in addition to the F11 that collapses/restores everything

2) To-do list: you have "pending", "working on it", and "done". Might be nice to also have an option to specify "...% complete"

3) Save/restore custom layouts

4) I'm running in 1280x1024, and the icons in the top menu bar really are kind of small looking. Any chance you can also add an option for larger icons, kind of like how internet explorer lets you pick between two icon sizes?

Last but not least -- I seem to remember reading something about Framework Assistant integration a while back on some of the forums. Does that indeed work, and - if so - how do you use it?

Raph(Posted 2006) [#12]
I miss the pane for the local shortcuts to functions... :( The combo box may be more standard, but you have to scroll a lot to see what you are looking for.

Otherwise, totally awesome as usual. :)

dmaz(Posted 2006) [#13]
I get this error and the app tries again... until I say "no" in which case then it exits with error.

I do have Hotdoc installed?

It seems that the module caché is out of date, broken, missing or in a demo version. BLIde will now restart to fix this problem.
Yes No

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#14]
@dmaz: It seems you have something wrong in your modules or in your modules caché. Run the BLIde Recover Utility (in the Windows Start Menu / BLIde / BLIde Service Packs)
This may fix your problem

@xlsior: The PlugIn system has not been properly updated to the new core engine (I will solve this in next update) That's why it is not working well.
To the Framework Assistan question:
1.-You need Framework Assistant 2.7 or higher
2.-Open the BLIde Add On Manager (from the Start Menu > BLIde > BLIde Add On Manager)
3.-In the Add On Manager, select: Actions / Add an application
4.- Then give the new application a name (Framework assistant), select the executable, and mark it as 'Code processor'

Now you should see the framework assistant available next time you start BLIde.

@Mr. Picklesworth: Yes, the yellow markers mean that this line of code has been modified, and not saved. the Green means that it has been modified and saved, and the non-colored lines mean that there are no changes. And Local shortcuts is now in every editor window, in a pair of combo boxes at the top (like in visual studio).

siread(Posted 2006) [#15]
This is working very nicely indeed. Great work Ziggy! Now, if only it those search box features I mentioned... ;)

H&K(Posted 2006) [#16]
I dont like the new shortcut "combo boxes", just cos visual studio does it, doesnt mean it right. I liked the shortcuts as they were and used them as a non pined full hight window at the side. Any chance of option for the old way? In fact, the way you used to have it, is the way Visual studio 6 used to do it, so it already was like visual studio.

Also, why am I stuck with that white bar at the side of my code? Im glad you brought back the colour seletor with all the colour names, but I think Im going to stick with 7.61

GfK(Posted 2006) [#17]
I dont like the new shortcut "combo boxes", just cos visual studio does it, doesnt mean it right. I liked the shortcuts as they were and used them as a non pined full hight window at the side. Any chance of option for the old way?
I agree. It takes me much longer to find stuff in the combo box than it used to in the shortcut list.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#18]
He said he'd fix that in a previous thread, so I'm sure he's working away on it! :)

you mention the same thing and Ziggy replied:

"@Gfk: The local shortcuts tree will be back when I got time to re-build the debug tree building process (I'm building a tree view system to reduce flickering and automatic refreshing, but it will be finished in a future version, not in current)"

H&K(Posted 2006) [#19]
Ok, but I didnt read that did I, and GFK, was just showing support for my statment. (mind you he could have posted that link ;)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#20]
and GFK, was just showing support for my statment.
What he said.
(mind you he could have posted that link ;)
Couldn't be bothered to look for it. :)

JazzieB(Posted 2006) [#21]
This is indeed good work, but there are a couple of things that mean I keep going back to the normal IDE.

First, I too prefered the local shortcuts, but I understand these will be back. I often referred to them to see what I had called variables, functions, etc, and not just as a way of quickly getting to a definition in my file. I like the drop-downs that have been introduced and I'll use these as a way of navigating my file. These can't be used as a reference without jumping to the definition, which is not what I want to do. But anyway, I'll await the shortcut tree's reappearence.

I don't know if it's just me or not, but the normalising of code doesn't seem to be working correctly for me. I have it set-up so it uses all BlitzMax modules, but it still does not normalise all keywords. Ones I've noted are Const, Global, Local, If, Then, EndIf, Or, And and Not, just to name a few.

Otherwise, I think it's great. Keep up the good work.

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2006) [#22]
Bug: (in the last non-beta version and this new version)

the toolbars are not stored, if you load up the toolbars and quit, then reload, the toolbars are gone.

Also, the old right-click to select toolbars (that I was using to re-enable them quickly) does not exist.

Nice work otherwise, much more stable. No dead text windows :D

dmaz(Posted 2006) [#23]
@dmaz: It seems you have something wrong in your modules or in your modules caché. Run the BLIde Recover Utility (in the Windows Start Menu / BLIde / BLIde Service Packs)
This may fix your problem

No luck, any other ideas?

Filax(Posted 2006) [#24]
Very good release ! thanks to correct bugs :)

GfK(Posted 2006) [#25]
Dmaz - check in 'Add/Remove Programs' - is it possible you've got multiple version of BLIde installed?

At one point a few versions ago, I had a couple of startup problems then discovered I'd got three different versions of BLIde installed for some reason.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#26]
Where are the missing posts?

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#27]
Where are the missing posts?

The site has had problems. Many posts have gone missing.

My missing post said essentially that the cursor often disappears when I click on a section of code I want to edit. I then have to mess around, clicking in lots of diffrent areas and folding and unfolding code before I can get the cursor to start showing again.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#28]
Ok, I'll take a look to see what can be causing this...

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2006) [#29]
Confirmed. I've just had this occur

dmaz(Posted 2006) [#30]
Dmaz - check in 'Add/Remove Programs' - is it possible you've got multiple version of BLIde installed?
At one point a few versions ago, I had a couple of startup problems then discovered I'd got three different versions of BLIde installed for some reason.
no just one.... but you may have something there because at one point I did try to install a version of blide along side another and the didn't work. then I had to delete both but the delete script only worked for one so the other had to be delete by hand. But I did get a previous (previous to the new text component) to install and work before un-installing it and installing this verison. there may be some residue still hanging around...

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#31]
I think I've managed to locate the disappearing cursor problem. It happens if you click on a code-related tooltip. You then have to switch tabs to get the cursor back again.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#32]
@dmaz: Please, uninstall all of them, and delete the Blide installation folder before installing BLIde 0.8.04

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#33]
Also, I've noticed that Blide has problems if it does not have the focus while it is compiling. If it finds an error, it never pops up the error window, but the main window loses focus and is disabled, and so the entire app is effectively locked up and you have to shut it down in task manager.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#34]
I've noticed that Blide has problems if it does not have the focus while it is compiling

Do you mean the editor window doesn't have the focus, or BLIde itself doesn't have the focus?

bvcxz(Posted 2006) [#35]
Very nice IDE :-)

It seems to use lots of CPU with a 1000-line source file loaded.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#36]
@bvcxz: It uses a lot of CPU while parsing-editing (to make parser as fast as possible), but 0% (while debuging or running your application) (it switches the CPU usage).

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#37]
Do you mean the editor window doesn't have the focus, or BLIde itself doesn't have the focus?

Blide Itself. Sometimes if I'm compiling a very large project which is forcing several modules to rebuild, I hit compile and click into another window to answer an IM or something, and then Blide can't throw an error window up because it doesn't have the focus. I know I shouldn't be so impatient really, but I just thought I'd mention it on the offchance that it could be fixed.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#38]
@Gabriel: I will take a look to see how to solve this...

TeaVirus(Posted 2006) [#39]
Ziggy, finally has some time to try this new version out and it's really excellent. I love how modified lines of code are marked but could you also display which files have been modified in the project tree? This would help give me an overall idea of where I've screwed up my code. Thanks!

Amon(Posted 2006) [#40]
I just got the dissapearing curser bug too. It's very annoying.

Other than that this is a top IDE.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#41]
I don't know if it's just me, but I've found the new build of Blide uses a lot more CPU time since you've introduced the new syntax components. It's running at about 25% CPU time which is a pretty huge chunk compared to anything else I have running. It's running like that even when it's not being used and doesn't have focus. Is this something we have to live with for the increased reliability and stability of the new components or is there anything that can be done?

Amon(Posted 2006) [#42]
I get the same CPU usage when I'm using BLide but not when it's idle or doesn't have focus. IF I leave it sitting there in the background while I use Photoshop, BLide uses 0 to 1% CPU time.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#43]
@gabriel: I'm building a new dedicated parser for BLIde that will reduce CPU usage drastically. you will see, that when an application is running, the CPU usage reduces to 0% (or it should reduce) becouse all the parsing is suspended, but when you're editing the CPU usage increases. I'm making a lot of improvements and I've managed to reduce this CPU usage a lot, but the real improvement will come when the dedicated renderer-parser will be finished. It can take a long time to be finished (I think about 4 or 5 months, as it wil be also a compiler-emulator to check for syntax errors or logical warnings in the code, everything based on the AST). Now we have a simple AST implemented and a dynamic lexical parser that uses regual expressions, that can take a little bit of CPU to be calculated. This is what I'm fixing for further releases. Currently, there's only one process being executed (AST syntax chicking). I will add a parameter to manage this secondary AST thread priority. this will let the users manage their CPU resources used by BLIde.

plash(Posted 2006) [#44]
Can anyone explain why almost every time i open a .bmx file in BLIde 8.0.5 it crashes?

Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2 1.10 Ghz AMD Athlon Processor 512 MB Ram

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#45]
Can you provide more information?

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#46]
This is unfortunate, I just installed it. Starts up, saying this is a fresh install of Blitzmax and I have to sync mod, ok? So I enter my information click "Synchronize", instantly I get an error. I try cancel and then it says it has restart, if I click yes it restarts (same stuff happens, needs to sync). If I click no "BLIde couldn't initialize due to an unknown error".

Hmm =/ I was looking forward to trying this.

plash(Posted 2006) [#47]
Dunno what more information there is to show.. it just randomly decides to stop responding when I try to open a bmx file.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#48]
@Regular K: Can I know wich modules do you have installed? It would be a great help if you could provide the crash window information. Without it, it is very difficult to fix this bug.

@syco: Go to 'Preferences' and, if you have selected the option Advanced / Use complete BlitzMax modules hilighting, disable it. And let me know if that fixes your problem.

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#49]
My Blitzmax folder is installed to C:\Blitzmax (I uninstalled and reinstalled it there for some BAT files) so that may be messing it up.

I don't have any mods except for the standards.

Blitzmax works fine in the MaxIDE.

The error dialogs title is "Sycronize Modules"
Theres "Details" "Continue" and "Quit"

************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the path specified
at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at BLide.SyncModules.Begin_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e)
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

Thats the only useful information I could find under details.

I have a hunch that BLIde is trying to check C:\Program Files\Blitzmax

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#50]
@Regular K:You should run the BLide Recover Utility, and start BLIde again to tell BLIde the new BlitzMax location. That will fix it. Please let me know if that works for you.

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#51]
Seems like it worked, thanks.

plash(Posted 2006) [#52]
I turned on complete BlitzMax modules highlighting and it still crashes.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#53]
@Syco: That's very very strange. have you uninstalled any previous version, and deleted the BLIde folder, before updating to version 0.8.05? Does it happen on every kind of file? Oh, and please, turn the complete BlitzMax modules hilighting off. Any additional information? Are those files very big?

plash(Posted 2006) [#54]
The files are 8-10kb. I just got Max earlier today, so I just updated to the latest version and synced my modules, then got the latest of BLIde.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#55]
@Syco: Can you please run the BLIde Recover Utility, and tell me if that fixes anything?

plash(Posted 2006) [#56]
Didn't change a thing.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#57]
Can I have an screenshot of BLIde frozen? (I want to know when that happens, I mean, is the document tab created? Is there any info on the console window, etc...) My email is at my profile

plash(Posted 2006) [#58]
Right after it creates the Document tab it shows the text cursor line; then doesn't respond at all.

Screen shot:

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#59]
Ok, it seems something releated to the Learning routines. I've improved it a lot for next release, so I would like you to test the next beta and tell me if it works for you. The next beta will be available very soon.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#60]
To all users: I want to update the tooltips that apper in BLIde. As BLIde users, you could tell me wich useful things you have discovered, or learned that are not so obvious, and that can be helpful for newcomers.

plash(Posted 2006) [#61]
This stupid white line is screwing up this new color scheme I made, so if you cant already change it I suggest you add it, because its really annoying.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#62]
This outline background color can't be changed yet. I've asked the Actiprosoftware developers to add this possibility to their editor control component. As soon as I get an answer I will fix this for BLIde.

plash(Posted 2006) [#63]
Oh well, I can wait awhile for it..

Sin of Nature(Posted 2006) [#64]
I have to agree with Syco, that white folding bar is a serious pain (to my eyes if nothing else) being white. Hears hoping they add a colour changer to the component :-)


Ps. Great editor by the way

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#65]
New Version will have this outlining section background issue fixed. I've got the answer from the actipro guys, and I have fixed it on BLIde for next release. It will also have the new local shortcuts window. It also has a general CPU optimization (thanks to Gabriel to seeing it)
Here an snapshot:

By the way, I'm still needing some help on BLIde tooltips. no suggestions?

plash(Posted 2006) [#66]
What exactly do you mean be "needing help", does that mean you need actual help with your (buggy?) code, or does it mean you need ideas to put into the new release?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#67]
@Syco (and everybody)
I want to update the tooltips that apper in BLIde. As BLIde users, you could tell me wich useful things you have discovered, or learned that are not so obvious, and that can be helpful for newcomers.

plash(Posted 2006) [#68]
Do you mean this: ?

I wouldn't call that a tooltip.. its more of a helpful hint if anything.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#69]
Exactly this :D (helpful hint? I have to improve my english... Do I have to call it this way?)

plash(Posted 2006) [#70]
You don't really HAVE to call it that way, in my opinion I would call it a helpful hint, others might think otherwise but all may define a tooltip as being something on the lines of this.

P.S. I would take out "Beer and Pizza mix well", because it doesn't really have anything to do with BLIde.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#71]
I've changed it. Thanks.
then again, if someone can lend a hand...

plash(Posted 2006) [#72]

P.S. I would take out "Beer and Pizza mix well", because it doesn't really have anything to do with BLIde.

I cant really think of anything else to take out or put in...

EDIT: What is the 'Auto Learn' button for?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#73]
BLIde 'learns' the logic class and data structure of your code as you type. That info is collected 'on the fly' and enables things as 'jump to definition', intellisense, and a lot of the built-in features of BLIde. This background activity can be a little bit CPU demanding on very very large files, or in very old computers, so this button is there to disable this process for a speciffic opened file. In general, you wouldn't have to disable autolearn.

plash(Posted 2006) [#74]
When do you plan on releasing the newer version?

plash(Posted 2006) [#75]
AHH!! This crash bug is really getting on my nerves. Do you have any info on your progress to the new release?

P.S. I don't know if it means much but I noticed it seems to crash when I open 2 files within a short period of time, but then again it still occasionally crashes when it first loads up.

P.P.S. I also just noticed that some commands like: function (after end) and input aren't highlighting..

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#76]
@Syco: Please, if that happens again to you, please could you tell me wich is the CPU being used by BLIde? Just to know if BLIde is ilde waiting for some thread message that never arrives, or if it is on a infinite loop. I've made a lot of changes/improvements in this issue for next release, but I want to be sure I've token under consideration every possibility, as this bug is not being reproduced in my computer.

plash(Posted 2006) [#77]
Right when it crashes it bounces between 64 and 84 CPU Usage, then it goes down to 0-7, after about 10 seconds it goes back to 64-84.