
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Inheritance

Will(Posted 2006) [#1]
I'm having inheritance problems, heres an example that hopefully is indicative of my problems.

I have a type GameObject:

Type GameObject Abstract

	Field ID
	Field dead
	Method update(deltaT#) Abstract
	Method setInput(inputData:TList) Abstract

	Method getOutput:TList() Abstract
	Method draw() Abstract
End Type

And I have a projectile which extends it:

Type Projectile Extends GameObject
	Method update(deltaT:Float)
		Print "updating"

	End Method
	Method setInput(inputData:TList)
	End Method

	Method getOutput:TList()
	End Method
	Method draw()
		print "drawing"
	End Method
	Function create:projectile(info:projectileInfo, firerID, targetBase, targetOther, x#, y#, rot#, vx#=0, vy#=0, vrot#=0)
	End Function
End Type

I have a bunch of projectiles in a list, and I run through the list calling ".update()" on them and I don't get any print out. Anyone know what is wrong, and have any sage tips on how inheritance in bmax might be a bit unusual?

H&K(Posted 2006) [#2]
You have a list of projectiles or Gameobjects?

if gameobjects you need to cast to pprojectiles

a= projectile (The specific GameObject)

Will(Posted 2006) [#3]
Its a list of projectiles. Now the plot thickens, however:

I did a simple test:

1) I modified Projectile so that it doesn't extend GameObject
2) I created a new projectile
3) I called myProj.update(.5) and nothing happened! It doesn't call the update!

Now I'm really freaking out, I can't figure out why that would be!

Import "Code/Includes.bmx"

GameData.current = New Gamedata

Graphics 1680, 1050

Pip:projectileInfo = GameData.current.projectileInfoNamed("Gatling Laser")
np:projectile = projectile.create:projectile(pip, 0, 0, 0, MouseX(), MouseY(), 0)

Global deltaT#, lasttime = MilliSecs()
While Not(KeyHit(key_escape))
	deltaT = (MilliSecs() - lasttime)*.001; lasttime = MilliSecs()
	If MouseHit(1) Then
		Pip:projectileInfo = GameData.current.projectileInfoNamed("Gatling Laser")
		np:projectile = projectile.create:projectile(pip, 0, 0, 0, MouseX(), MouseY(), 0)
	End If
	Flip; Cls;

Update never gets called! argh, this is freaking me out!

Helios(Posted 2006) [#4]

You have a list of projectiles or Gameobjects?

if gameobjects you need to cast to pprojectiles

I shouldn't think so, the update method in the parent type is abstracted so surely the overridden method in the type should be called without the need to cast.

Will(Posted 2006) [#5]
	Method updateProjectiles()
		For p:projectile = EachIn projectiles
			If p.dead Then 
				ListRemove(projectiles, p)
			End If
	End Method

That was the original source, thats a method in Simulation which has a list of projectiles which it runs through, I've verified that it makes it to the line right p.update(deltaT)

Also, in the post above yours I have it being called not from an item in a list.

Helios(Posted 2006) [#6]
Thats pretty odd, have you tried putting a breakpoint inside the update method to see if its actually being called but that the code inside is not producing the desired results?

tonyg(Posted 2006) [#7]
Does this work for you...

If so, your problem is somewhere else.
<edit> Arrrgh editing while I'm typing.

Will(Posted 2006) [#8]
tonyg - thanks, that works, the problem must be somewhere else then. Do you have any experience with what might cause a method to not call right?

Helios - yes, i tried making debugstop the first line in update(DeltaT#) and it doesn't get called.

tonyg(Posted 2006) [#9]
Nope, I agree you should put a debugstop or, my preferred method, add an 'Entering xxx', 'Exiting xxx' debug statement to each of my functions and methods.

dmaz(Posted 2006) [#10]
first, my best advice... use SuperStrict! Really...
You have a list of projectiles or Gameobjects?
if gameobjects you need to cast to pprojectiles

that shouldn't matter...


Type GameObject Abstract
	Field ID:Int
	Field dead:Int
	Method update(deltaT#) Abstract
	Method setInput(inputData:TList) Abstract
	Method getOutput:TList() Abstract
	Method draw() Abstract
End Type

Type Projectile Extends GameObject
	Method update(deltaT:Float)
		Print "updating"
	End Method
	Method setInput(inputData:TList)
	End Method
	Method getOutput:TList()
	End Method
	Method draw()
		Print "drawing"
	End Method
End Type

Local list:TList = New TList
For Local i:Int = 0 To 10
	list.AddLast(New Projectile)

For Local go:GameObject = EachIn list

the above prints "updating" for each object.

Will(Posted 2006) [#11]
Ok, I think i've figured it out. Somehow the objects were getting replaced with something that inherited from Projectile :P I'm sorry to have led us on this wild goose chase - and thanks so much for all your help!