BLIde 0.8.01 beta available

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BLIde 0.8.01 beta available

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi, for all interested BLIde users, a new BETA version with the new BLIde core engine is available.

This beta version has the following limitation:

The custom-defined editor colors and fonts is not yet suported. A default color scheeme will be used instead.

There are also some changes in the usual BLIde functionality. This changes are the indirect result of the new core engine:
-BLIde no longer hilites the custom editing scope (this is no longer suported by the new Actipro text render engine)
-BLIde by default works with a reduced set of hilighting keywords, but the non hilighted keywords are case-corrected when you change the line you're editing. (like in visual studio, this reduces A LOT memory usage).
-BLIde perform case-correction when a line of code is fully edited, and not as you type (this also speeds things a lot)
-BLIde now supports different fonts and sizes for different hilighting definitions in the same document.
-The 'red background mark' is no longer suported, it has been replaced with a wave-line error mark (this is how most pro editors display code errors).
-The find and Replce dialog now has A LOT of extra features
-Now F3 can be used as a 'find next' shortcut
-There have been several improvements on intellisense and project file handling
-There have been several improvements in module inspection
-All the Out of memory, code editor freeze, and bugs like those, have been completely removed with the new core engine.
-Autolists now shows quickinfo tips with useful inoformation about the selected item.
-folded region tips now show hilited text
-Document parsing is done when a document needs to be shown for first time, not when a document is loaded, that reduces drastically the project loading time.
-Autolists are shown also in rem and end rem regions (the region recognition before an autolist is thrown is under development, not really a 'missing feature')
-Unicode bug solved in "BLIde 0-7-61 unicode fix" is now integrated in the current BETA version.

if you're interested in testing this BETA, and help me finding BUGS, please download it here:

If you download and try this BETA, please provide feedback, even if there are no bugs to mention (it's also good to read messages non bug-releated)

Please, install the following update after installing the beta:

it has some important bug fixing.

Last beta version here:
it is a full installation, uninstall any previous version.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#2]
What do we want
Custom Fonts
When Do we Want them
When you get round to it ;)

Good work again.

Kev(Posted 2006) [#3]
Hi ziggy

its the first time ive taken a look at BLIde, its very cool ive only have a quick 5 min playing with it. I will enjoy spending more time with blitzmax using this editor, great work.


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#4]
Thanks! :D

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#5]
Lookin good Ziggy! No crashes yet! Been using it for like 30 odd minutes and by now I would have had at least 4 crashes. But the text size! OW! My eyes!! ;) Cant wait for font selection and size!! Please! My eyes thank you in advance!

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#6]
is it too small? next version will be customizable.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#7]
Naaah, I've just got crappy eyesight. :)

SpaceAce(Posted 2006) [#8]
-Now F3 can be used as a 'find next' shortcut

Best news I've heard all day.

-All the Out of memory, code editor freeze, and bugs like those, have been completely removed with the new core engine.

New best news I've heard all day.

I can't wait to play with the new Beta.


Booticus(Posted 2006) [#9]
DUDE. This new version is SOOOOOOOOOOO UBER STABLE. The old version would have crashed on me so many times in the last hour. But it hasn't crashed once!!! So stoked!! Great job Ziggy!

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#10]
I have a very weird behavior I didn't have before. I simply loaded an old bmx file from the samples (breakout.bmx) and changed a little bit in the Graphics line. I dunno why, but suddenly it started to automatically change the WIDTH and HEIGHT to all three DEPTH. Even turning off code-complete only helped until I compiled it. I even cut&paste all the source into a new file and at first it seemed to work. But after a few clicks and editing it was the same old thing again. What happened??

GfK(Posted 2006) [#11]
None of the text is coloured until I start editing code/functions, at which point the whole thing hangs for a few seconds with a dialog, and then everything appears in colour.

Think I'll hang on to 0.7.61 for now. Got enough trouble finding problems with my own code! I'm sure it'll be great though. :)

simesf(Posted 2006) [#12]
Have you made it so that it no longer auto-indents things like 'if' and 'while' statements by default? If so, is there an option to turn it back on? I think I've noticed that there is a tab put on the 'end if' and 'wend' statements. Is that what's going on?

Is there an option to turn on the tab lines again so that you can follow a tab line down with your eye to see which 'end if' belongs to which 'if'?

While I'm here, would it be possible to auto-indent backwards the 'else' keyword and then auto-indent the next line that follows 'else' when we insert it into the ready made 'if-endif' construct?

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2006) [#13]
ooh, I can't wait to try this-
you know, if there's one person who's going to find a bug, it's me ;)

your old version started displaying parts of a big red X and crashing every 5 mins when I changed the line- that was a bit of a shame but it looks like your new release is going to solve it all :D

*fingers twitch* :D

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#14]
@Barbapapa: I've seen what you mean, this is a BLIde serious bug, it has been solved for next release

@simesf: that will be arranged to work in the 'old way'

@Gfk: By now, the parsing will be done whan a TAB of code is displayed, this can speed up a lot the project loading time. but when you say code isnt hilighted until you start editing... what exactly do you mean? this few seconds with a dialog is the parsing-activation time, it only happens the first time you display a bmx file, this is something we will have to live with untill we build a complete new internal semantic parser (wich can delay some months). I was just wondering if you see code un-hilighted and you can edit code unhiligted, if this is happening, there's a bug. (A known one is when you open a BMX directly from windows explorer. this one has already been fixed for next release)

@Everyone: Have you taken a look to the new find/replace dialog?

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#15]
Uff, glad ;) it is a bug and not me :)

Don't know if it was in the versions before, but having regular expressions is really great. Being able to search inside of other files (opened files || files of one project || by directory || selected files) would be really great too.

Hope to have a real full fledged BMax-Editor soon, this one is really beautiful. Bug killing would be on the top todo's list for me ;)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#16]
@Barbapapa: you have a 'search in files' option, that performs a 'search' in all project files (opened or not) and in single opened files.

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#17]
yes, but doing a search&replace with the same power as with the normal command isn't possible, or am I missing something? But this isn't really so important, as there are tools for that, maybe for some next versions, but bug fixing is the most important thing.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#18]
There's a new UPDATE for this beta version. download the update here:

This update is only valid for those who have already installed version 0.8.01.

Updating is highly recomended:

-Fixed a Parsing bug (thanks to barbapapa)
-Improved parsing speed and general loading time
-Fixed a hilighting bug when loading files from windows explorer (thanks to booticus)
-Some additional little fixes
-Fixed a bug on intellisense procesing CONST in very rare occasions.
-Fixed a identation bug on autocompletion (thanks to simesf)

simesf(Posted 2006) [#19]
The new update helps a lot so thanks Ziggy. But one thing that's getting to me is that if I have several tabs open at the same time and I click between them, for some files the active part of the screen becomes the 'build as' window towards the top left. There may well be a good reason for this but when I use my mouse scroll wehhel which I'll invariably do it scrolls through the build as options rather than down the file. It's inconvenient and knowing me I'll probably mis-compile something. Could you make this not happen?


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#20]
Ok, that's a control-focus issue, absolutelly easy to solve. I'll change this for next version.

Cartman(Posted 2006) [#21]
So far it works well for me. The fonts are a little annoyoing, especially the ?Win32 words being in bold and Red so I would like to be able to change them.

One thing I'd like to see changed is under the Project Dependencies Tree. When I select the + or - to expand the tree, it loads a tab with the file that was beside the node. Eventually I get alot of open files that I had no interest in opening and have to go back and close them.

Nice to see you are continuning the great work on this Manel. As always, great work.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#22]
@Cartman: Many thanks! glad to see you here again! to change what you're requesting, I should change the tree object event from Click to DoubleClick. I'll take a look... Ah, and the color scheme editor is on the way and will be available in the non-beta release of BLIde 0.8.x

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#23]
Ziggy: Last time I was using BlIde, I resorted to MaxIDE when I realized that the variable list (while debugging) folds itself and goes back to the top of the scroll as soon as you step. It's really annoying when you have a lot of variables, and you are trying to monitor one variable at the bottom of the list, as you have to keep scrolling down after every debug step.

Is this still a problem?


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#24]
I'm afraid to say yes and no. The debuger has had no changes since a lot of versions. that's becouse all development focus has been set to the editor stability. Once this new core engine is stable (it sounds it is going to be very very soon), we'll start working on the debuger.

Last time the debuger was changed, was to add a little routine that helped to remember the tree selected item before the tree update, I think this can help a little bit, but a debug major change is about to come in the next months.

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#25]
Last time the debuger was changed, was to add a little routine that helped to remember the tree selected item before the tree update, I think this can help a little bit, but a debug major change is about to come in the next months.

Cool - thanks!

simesf(Posted 2006) [#26]
Hi Assari. Still looking forward to Blide but here's a few things.

1. 'Repeat' doesn't give an automatic 'until' and doesn't auto indent.

2. If you have a 1 line method and specifically type in 'end method', Blide will add another End Method and auto indent. Something similar happens with 'if' statements.

3. I was typing out the Asteroids in an hour tutorial and so removed the automatic 'Superstrict'. When I came to the first compile I got 'expecting expression but encountered Superstrict.' I complied the same files in Max's default editor an they compiled just fine.

siread(Posted 2006) [#27]
Hi ziggy. I love the improvements to the Search box, and it has been very stable so far. Basically everything i was going to say has been said already, but just to reiterate; I also suffer from the same annoyance as simesf where clicking on a tab goes to the build as box, and I would dearly like to see the debug window improved (not resetting when stepping through program).

Very impressed with the latest version though and looking forward to the next one. :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#28]
1. 'Repeat' doesn't give an automatic 'until' and doesn't auto indent.

That's becouse repeat can be terminated with a Forever or with a Until, BLIde can't guess what you want to use as a loop terminator.

If you have a 1 line method and specifically type in 'end method', Blide will add another End Method and auto indent. Something similar happens with 'if' statements.

Does it mean it is happening when you have a line like this:

Method Whatever:Type(Param1:ParamType) : End Method

I'll try to solve this...

3. I was typing out the Asteroids in an hour tutorial and so removed the automatic 'Superstrict'. When I came to the first compile I got 'expecting expression but encountered Superstrict.' I complied the same files in Max's default editor an they compiled just fine.

That's very very strange. Was it hapening in a included or imported file? Take in consideration that if you're working on non project oriented files (single BMX files), the changes are not saved when you press F5 (only are saved the changes of the current BMX file. I will change this to make it more non-project friendly).

@Siread: The Debug control will be completely re-written as long as the editor window is proved to be 100% bug-free (I think it is almost done!)

By the way, next version will have several improvements on the bookmarking system, and a little improvement on intellisense (now it will be able to give parameter information for more complex expressions). I'm also working on the color scheme designer for the next beta version.

simesf(Posted 2006) [#29]
Hi Ziggy,

Yep, I should have thought about the repeat/until/forever so sorry about that.

'Method Whatever:Type(Param1:ParamType) : End Method' - yes, like this but I didn't have a colon before the final End Method. As for the 3rd thing, I started out a new project and deleted Superstrict immediately. I then typed the different files up until the point when the tutorial told me to compile. Then I got the error message.

- edit. Here's a funny thing. I carried on with the tutorial last night and it worked. So this morning I loaded the tutorial in Blide and it compiled and ran, no problems. Maybe I got something. wrong or missed something yesterday.

Tiger(Posted 2006) [#30]
One cool thing whould be if when you type Repeat, a small window opens and you can select wish you want (until/forever).

Hehe, talk about lazy... :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#31]
@Tiger: This is a little complicated to implement right now, but it is something I will think about for a near future. the main goal now is ensuring stability. I can prowdly say that current beta 0.8.02 is much more stable that the current official release so, As soon as I get the editor colors and look tool finished (it is being completely rewritten) I will release an official update

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#32]
Just to let you know, the new editor color and font selector is 99% done, and we're also adding a on-line debuger that will inform of opened while / en while, extern, function, etc blocks in your code, as you type. (very similar to the one existing in visual studio, but not as complex).

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#33]
ZOMG! Hurry up I can't wait Ziggy!

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#34]
hmmm the parsing error still occurs, but now it doesn't change to DEPTH, DEPTH, DEPTH, but to width, height, depth instead of the the constants WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH. I found now way of changing this behavior ...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#35]
@barbapapa: Well, it is no error, it is the case correction system, if you define a constant as width, it will be case corrected any time you write WIDTH, that's how case correction is suposed to work. If you want your constant to be uppercase, define it uppercase, or turn off case correction in the preferences dialog.

simesf(Posted 2006) [#36]
Just a thought, but I'd like it if, when you create a new .bmx file, to have the save as... dialog box automatically pop up, since the first thing I do when making a new file is to give it a name. Also, would it be possible to have a 'recent .bmx files...' in the file menu? It mght be easier that way to import a file from another project.


Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#37]
well I have defined it as uppercase, better said, I only loaded up the breakout sample I mentioned first, from the Bmax samples. WIDTH, HEIGHT, DEPTH are defined as constants and are uppercase. Or am I misunderstanding something??
Or can I define constants to be uppercase globally? I'll have a look in the preferences...

Stellar(Posted 2006) [#38]
there is minor bug,the web navigator 'backward' and 'forward' when clicked the icon showed a black square and the position both of them with the lower bar separator are too close , here is the screenie :

anyway great job for spending ur time making this great ide :) , much thx

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#39]
@3ch0: I will arrange the button size for next release. thanks!

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#40]
any news about the parsing error I encounter? or any clarification if it's not an error?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#41]
@Barbapapa: in Breackout, line 3 of code, this constants are defined lowercase. modify its definition to change their case. there's no bug here. Let me know if there is anything else.. ?

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#42]
nope, uppercase, maybe blide has already converted them to lowercase without you noticing?



Const WIDTH = 640,HEIGHT = 480, DEPTH = 0
Const ShadowOn = 1
Const ShadowSize = 10


That's my original source.



Const WIDTH = 640,HEIGHT = 480, DEPTH = 0
Const ShadowOn = 1
Const ShadowSize = 10

Graphics width, height, depth

That's what blide converts it into...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#43]
@barbapapa, this is not happening to me... mmm... Can you send me your source code, as it seems to be different from mine?
Have you tried to edit the "Graphics width, height, depth" line of code?

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#44]
Here you go, I'm sure you have the same file.
Try to edit the Graphics line and press return, that does it to me...

Rem ******START*******************


Const WIDTH = 640,HEIGHT = 480, DEPTH = 0
Const ShadowOn = 1
Const ShadowSize = 10

Global gtime
Global Pipes_img:TImage
Global Tiles_img:TImage
Global logo_img:TImage
Global paddle:TImage
Global ballvis:TImage
'Setup the level
Global Tilelist:TList
Global Balllist:TList
Global playerX#,PlayerY#
Global Score

Global ballcount=0

Function Minf#(a#,b#)
If a<b Return a
Return b
Function Maxf#(a#,b#)
If a>b Return a
Return b

Type ball
Field x#,y#
Field dx#,dy#,spd#,rot#=0

Field visual

Method Update()
x:+ (dx * spd)
y:+ (dy * spd)
If x<34 Or x>606
If y<50
If y>Height-8
If dy>0
If y>playery-8
If x>playerx-32 And x<playerx+32

Method Draw(offx,offy)
SetRotation rot
DrawImage ballvis,x+offx,y+offy
SetRotation 0

Function Create:Ball(x=Width/2 , y=Height/2)
Local b:Ball = New Ball
b.x = x
b.y = y
b.dx = Rnd(-2, 2)
b.dy = Rnd(-2, 2)
b.spd = 4'0.1
Return b

'all tiles are a standard size so
Type Tile
Field x#,y#
Field typ = 0
Field state = 0
Field rot#=0,size#=1

Method Draw(offx,offy)
Select state
Case 0
SetRotation rot
If size>1
SetScale size,size
size = 1
SetScale 0.95+(0.05*Cos(gTime)),0.95+(0.05*Sin(gTime))
Case 1
SetRotation rot
SetScale size,size
Select typ
Case 0
DrawImage tiles_img,x+offx,y+offy+(2*Sin(gtime)),0
Case 1
DrawImage tiles_img,x+offx,y+offy+(2*Sin(gtime)),1
Case 2
DrawImage tiles_img,x+offx,y+offy+(2*Sin(gtime)),2
Case 3
DrawImage tiles_img,x+offx,y+offy+(2*Sin(gtime)),3
Case 4
DrawImage tiles_img,x+offx,y+offy+(2*Sin(gtime)),4

SetScale 1,1
SetRotation 0

Method Update()
Local c
Local b:Ball
If state = 0
'Check this tile for collision with all of the balls
For b=EachIn BallList
If b.x>x-4 And b.x<x+24
If b.y>y-4 And b.y<y+24
Select typ
Case 1
If ballcount=1
For c=0 Until 2
state = 1
size = 1
Case 2
typ = 3
Case 3
typ = 4
state = 1

Function Create:Tile(x=0,y=0,typ=0)
Local t:Tile = New Tile
t.typ = typ
Return t


AutoMidHandle True

Global back:TImage[2]
back[0] = LoadImage("media\back1.png")
back[1] = LoadImage("media\back2.png")
paddle = LoadImage("media\paddle.png")
ballvis = LoadImage("media\ball.png")

Tilelist:TList = New TList
Balllist:TList = New TList
playerX# = Width/2
PlayerY# = Height-40


While Not KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)

'Update Players Position
playerx = minf(574,maxf(64,MouseX()))
'Update Balls
'Update Tiles
'Draw Level


SetAlpha .75
SetColor 0,0,255
DrawRect 0,0,Width,20


SetAlpha 0.5
SetColor 0,0,0
DrawText "Score:"+Score,4,4

SetAlpha 1
SetColor 255,255,255
DrawText "Score:"+Score+" "+ballcount,2,2



Function DrawLevel()
Local w,aa#
TileImage back[1],0,gTime/20
DrawImage logo_img,width/2,height/2
SetBlend AlphaBLEND
SetAlpha aa
TileImage back[0],0,gTime/10

If ShadowOn
SetColor 0,0,0
SetBlend AlphaBLEND
SetAlpha 0.5
DrawPipes ShadowSize+16,ShadowSize+16

DrawTiles ShadowSize+16,ShadowSize+10
DrawPlayer ShadowSize,ShadowSize
DrawBalls ShadowSize,ShadowSize

SetColor 255,255,255
SetAlpha 1

Function ResetGame()
TileList = New TList
BallList = New TList
Local x,y
For y=0 Until 5
For x=0 Until 18


Function DrawPipes(x=16,y=16)
Local tmp

For tmp=0 Until 18
DrawImage Pipes_img,x+32+(tmp*32),y+16,3

For tmp=0 Until 14
DrawImage Pipes_img,x,y+48+(tmp*32),2
DrawImage Pipes_img,x+Width-32,y+48+(tmp*32),2

DrawImage Pipes_img,x,y+16 ,0
DrawImage Pipes_img,x+Width-32,y+16,1


Function DrawTiles(x_off=10, y_off=10)
Local tl:Tile
Local any=0
For tl=EachIn TileList
tl.Draw(x_off, y_off)
If Not any

Function DrawBalls(x_off=0, y_off=0)
Local bl:Ball
For bl=EachIn balllist
bl.Draw(x_off, y_off)

Function UpdateBalls()
If ballcount=0
Local bl:Ball
For bl = EachIn BallList

Function UpdateTiles()
Local tl:Tile
For tl=EachIn tilelist

Function DrawPlayer(x_off=0,y_off=0)
DrawImage paddle, playerx+x_off, playery+y_off
End Function
rem **************END******************

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#45]
@Barbapapa: This is strange, it is not happening to me, the only explanation to that could be that you have selected the 'Use complete BlitzMax module hilighting' in the advanced tab, on preferences. If it is selected, you may have the keywords width, height and depth already defined in a module as lowercase.

Can everybody please test it and provide feedback, using BLIde 0.8.02 ? (I mean, open the breackout sample, and go to the line:
Graphics width, height, depth 

and see the case correction results?
It would be great...

@barbapapa: Are the keywords width, height or depth hilighted in any color?

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#46]
This was it, I had 'Use complete BlitzMax module hilighting' active (the keywords were blue)
I deactivated it, saved, closed Blide, restarted Blide, got an error, closed and restarted Blide, ok, the parameters are now grey. They stay uppercase now. Now please explanin me why? Shouldn't the Parameters in line 4 also be lowercase when 'Use complete BlitzMax module hilighting' is active? What's the good of this feature then? I would call it dangerous ;) But at least I can turn it off...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#47]
This keywords are defined somewhere in a module, and are defined lowercase, that is why BLIde was correcting them. But, case correction is disabled always in definition lines (CONST, GLOBAL, TYPE, FUNCTION, and METHOD). That has to be this way, becouse if not, it would be impossible to correct a wrong written case declaration. that is what was happening. No really a bug, just a coincidence. using full modules hilighting can have this side effects, as modules can define almost everything as a keyword.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#48]
There's a new BETA version available to download at
This new beta has the full implementation of the new core engine. Please, test it and provide feedback, even if no bugs.

current limitations:

C++ and C hilighting is not yet implemented.
LUA document hilighter not yet implemented.
A new Framework Inspector window is in under development (if you open it now, you'll see a very strange, not much usable, window).

current improvements

- Absolutely new hilighting system, fully customizable
code is now analized using a separated AST technology that informs of bugs in the code (not many bugs recognized yet, but this is being improved).

-The new AST mode allows the creation of the internal code database in a secondary thread, much more accurated and fast.

-Local shortcuts has been redesigned to be part of the editor control, in a pair of combo boxes, a la visual studio. That saves a lot of resources and makes navigation more standard and user friendly.

-Complete new docking system in the end user interface, more intuitive. the HTML window can be converted to a dockable window, or to a tabbed document.

-Fixed some little bugs in previous BETA

-The 'Clear console' button is now on a right-click menu on the console to let more free console space in the window.

-Faster perfomance on big files

-Fixed a little bug on folding regions

-Fixed a little autocompletion bug on extern sections

-Fixed a memory leak

-Fixed a "Globals" internal database very minor bug

-Fixed TAB focus bug, now the focus is set to the editor window when you select a document, instead of being set to the build as combo.


Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#49]
ok, great to hear it's no bug. But could you please check this one, in the -02 version. Using ctrl-v (paste) while in the find/replace field and even the cursor in the replace field doesn't paste the clipboard value into that field, but duplicates the line in the source edit window. Me think this is problematic, better would be to restrict these shortcuts to the active window. So paste in a find/replace field pastes the clipboard value in that window/field and ctrl+v in the editor pastes the clipboard value where the cursor is. Duplicating lines should have a different shortcut.

Another one, would it be possible to provide an uninstall command in the startup group. Always having to go in the windows -software thingie and uninstall is annoying at least for me, I prefer an uninstall directly in the progrms installation directory. Like with Inno-Setup.

GfK(Posted 2006) [#50]

0.8.03 is looking great, specially the new docking controls.

Any chance you could reintroduce the old style shortcut list, though? I prefer everything set out like that rather than having it all crammed into a combo box.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#51]
@Barbapapa: The bug you mentined is fixed in current beta 0.8.03, the cut and paste in the find and replace dialog can be done with the context menu, I'll try to improve this for the final release.

@Gfk: The local shortcuts tree will be back when I got time to re-build the debug tree building process (I'm building a tree view system to reduce flickering and automatic refreshing, but it will be finished in a future version, not in current)

Filax(Posted 2006) [#52]
Very stable version Ziggy :) Many thanks to share it :)

But i notify a bug when i load a project : Sometime there
is many copy of my project include loaded and it's a
problem when i update one of this copy.

Example :
I have a project with include


Sometime Inc_Scrollbar.Bmx is loaded twice in the editor
and i don't know what is the good version ?

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#53]
oh yes right, that's happening here too, thought it was due to compiling with errors in the code.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#54]
@Filax & Barbapapa: the parsing and error-checking routines have several deep changes in this new beta. It is possible that a loaded file is not recognized well, and a file is loaded twice. could you please give me some extra information to make some tests? I mean, a way I can reproduce this bug. It would be very apreciated.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#55]
I'll try :

Create/load a project with many includes
and load one of this include under blide.

Next make an error in this include and compile.

The include file is loaded a new one.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#56]
@Filax & Barbapapa: Ok, I think it is a small bug in the function 'IsTheSameFile' hehehe. I'll arrange this for the non-beta release.You're helping me A LOT, many thanks!

The best news for me is that no more GDI bugs since beta 0.8.01, and this was the main goal of the new versions.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#57]
Super Ziggy :) you are a king !

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#58]
Hey what happened to "convert to region"?!?!? :)

Filax(Posted 2006) [#59]
I notify another strange stuff :

Sometime the little cross (to fold / unfold function)
disapear sometime ? appear when i press CTRL / F11

djdee(Posted 2006) [#60]
Hey, just wanna report a bug thats still here since earlier versions. I like the program but i dare not use it because i fear lines of code may mysteriously dissapear. I was just editing a line of code, in the following steps:

*1 clicking in a position in the line of code
*2 hitting ',' and then space to insert a value
*3 when i did that, the following statement and the line below this line of code just dissapeared.

For me this is a very serious issue, other than that i like the program very much and would like to use it instead of the regular blitzmaxIDE. I noticed similar bugs in an earlier version also, where lines of code would dissapear to later pop back up again.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#61]
@Booticus: It'll be back again,

@Filax: It is a Windows refreshing bug, I'll try to solve it on BLIde, but it is a simple visualization not-refresing, not a really important BUG.

@djdee: This can be a threading priority bug, I'll take a look. Anyway, it should happen in very very very very rare ocasions... I'll take a deeper look...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#62]
@Filax & Barbapapa: How are this included files alocated on disk? are them in the same folder as your main bmx file? I can't reproduce the duplicate-load bug, I'm missing something...

I'm trying this 2 files:

Import "main2.bmx"
Local P:bugType
P = New bugType

Print "hola"
Type bugType
	Method New()
		Local p:TList
	End Method
End Type

This produces a bug on main2.bmx, but it is not loaded twice, any ideas? It would be very helpful to have a code sample that reproduces this bug...

djdee(Posted 2006) [#63]
I have coded a total of like 5 hours in blide, and during that duration i can estimate i have seen the bug around 5 times in an earlier version, and on this one it happened after around 10 minutes...

Dunno if this helps but:
I think to get the bug out, start out with a finished program that compiles, go in and edit stuff in the middle of the program in the middle of several line chunks. I believe as you type in the new line, the program is looking for words to highlight and stuff, thats when the bug happens. As the line completes to a line that works/is complete, the code that dissapeared, reappears. But it didnt reappear this time, however i stopped typing when it disappeared. If i had continued typing it may have reapeared again.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#64]
@Filax & Barbapapa: where you importing files in a upper level folder? I mean, where you using the ../ notation in any include or import? I think I've got the bug...

siread(Posted 2006) [#65]
Sorry if these have been mentioned already...

- If you put the cursor inside a function bracket and bring up the definition, then switch to another tab you can still see the definition box from the previous tab and can't shake it without going back and moving the cursor.

- Pressing F3 when you have put anything in the search box crashes Blide.

- If you open a bmx file from Explorer Blide opens it ok but pops up a message saying "File already opened." A bit annoying. It would also be nice to have Blide become active (to the front) at this point. :)

- I would like to be able to Ctrl-V inside the Find box.

- I would like to be able to highlight a word (double click) then press Ctrl+F and have the word automatically in the find box. Lazy yes. :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#66]
- If you put the cursor inside a function bracket and bring up the definition, then switch to another tab you can still see the definition box from the previous tab and can't shake it without going back and moving the cursor.
This will be fixed in next version
- Pressing F3 when you have put anything in the search box crashes Blide.
This has been already documented, and it has been fixed for next version
If you open a bmx file from Explorer Blide opens it ok but pops up a message saying "File already opened." A bit annoying. It would also be nice to have Blide become active (to the front) at this point. :)
This message was a debug message I forgot to erase. It has been fixed for next release
I would like to be able to Ctrl-V inside the Find box.
I would like to be able to highlight a word (double click) then press Ctrl+F and have the word automatically in the find box. Lazy yes. :)
I'll take a look to see how to add this features (not as easy as it seems)

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#67]
Great work ziggy, btw didn't you already fix the ctrl-V bug inside the find-box?
sireads second idea is great too, well standard now ;) but nevertheless very helpful...

Any news regarding the install/uninstall procedure? Tried Inno-Setup?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#68]
@Barbapapa: The Ctrl + V bug in version 0.8.02 was that the text was being pasted in the editor window, even when the application focus was on a search field. This bug was fixed. The missing feature of Ctrl + V in the seach box is not implemented (it is not a bug, it is just not implemented yet)

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#69]
Oh sorry, I misunderstood this.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#70]
New BETA update available, this time is a full installation, so you don't have to uninstall any previous version (0.8.x)

this is the download link:

fixed a QuickInfo box not desapearing thwn switching tabs
fixed a visualization bug on the code window
fixed the F3 bug making BLIde crash
fixed the bug dialog when opening a BMX file from windows explorer
New Welcome Window design and functionality
New tool: User color selector
fixed a memory leak, and some little fixings here and there.
fixed a stability bug that was making BLIde load some BMX file twice.
fixed a Folding bug with abstract types

updating is highly recomended. this is the release candidate for this BLIde version, so it *should* be completly stable.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#71]
ZOMG! Thanks Ziggy! Installing now!!!

Filax(Posted 2006) [#72]
Great ! install it now ! This seem more stable than the
previous :) many thanks ziggy :)

I have give you a paypal donation (15 euros, sorry i can't
more) i hope that help you continue you great job ! :)

So i find that to load project file with incbined files
is very long ?! do you think improve project loading ?

Bug : I notify a little bug in the 'project dependencies
tree' toolbar, When you click on the cross to fold/unfold
a structure example :

+ Inc_Shoot.bmx
|_ Inc_TestShoot.Bmx
|_ Inc_Blabla.bmx

Blide open Inc_Shoot.bmx under editor :)

Bug : Just a question about blide, it's not really important
but why the blide icons in the document tab are randomly
showed ?

Request : Please, can you add an option to save all
opened documents when i compile ? because sometime a have
not create a project file ! but i need more than one
include ! I made project when i need many include files.

Request : In my dreams i see Blide compatible with blitz3D :)

Barbapapa(Posted 2006) [#73]
@Filax: Donating is a good idea, will do too. Hopefully Blide will be THE Max-Editor.
@ziggy: Great work. this is really getting along nicely.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#74]
Bug : I notify that the function folding cross bug appear
sometime.... Fu..g bug :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#75]
@Filax: The BLIde icon appears only on non-project BMX files (single BMX files). and it is there to let you know if a opened file was loaded with your project or not.

The visualization problem on folding [+] and [-] is out of the scope of BLIde, I've writted to the Actipro developers to fix it, as this visualization issue can only be fixed directly in the internal code editor BLIde is using. It is only a visualizaion issue, not really important (I mean, it is not affecting BLIde stability or whatever) As soon as it is fixed, I will fix it on BLIde.
The folding and unfolding in the Dependencies project tree will be solved for the non-beta release.
and many thanks for the donation :D (I have to pay the actipro control used by BLIde, so it is more than welcome :D)

Your save all request will be done for next update (thanks for donating)

H&K(Posted 2006) [#76]
Can I select different Fonts/Colours Yet? (Im sticking with 7.61 till then)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#77]
@H&K: Yes, you can

Amon(Posted 2006) [#78]
with 0.8.04 I get an Unhandled Exception Error on startup. I click continue and it seems to work fine. Below is the exception text.

I'm running this on XP SP2, all updates. There was no previous version installed.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#79]
Amon: Delete a file in your installation path called Deflayout3.xml (it seems it is corrupted or something). It'll be created again by BLIde at when you start it. It is not a important bug, and it have been solved for official release.

This file contains all the panels and windows positioning last time you used BLIde. somehow this data is corrupted in your BLIde folder. deleting this file will fix it.