
BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/MaxEdit

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#1]
MaxEdit is a new version of MaxIDE I have been working on, mostly at home, for the last year or so.

maxedit37 for win32

maxedit37 for macos ppc 10.4 only pbly

Will post Linux binaries soon.

Place the executable in your blitzmax folder alongside MaxIDE.

I'm also trying out google's svn services, so if you want to grab the source and have subversion installed please see my worklog for details.

Eikon(Posted 2006) [#2]
It's utter crud ;)

Seriously, it ran well and looks nice. The only issue I had was that it continues to say "Could not find BlitzMax folder" after I have set it properly from the IDE options, even though it still compiles everything OK. My BlitzMax folder isn't in Program Files, that might have something to do with it.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#3]
Probably best if you run MaxEdit from your BlitzMax folder for now. The BlitzMax plugin path option should be working fine, I possibly haven't tried it with a space in the path so will test.

Hmm, seeing as it stores the blitzmax path in blitzmax/cfg/MaxEdit.ini I suppose you have to run it from blitzmax/ for now, oops.

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#4]
I really like what you have done with it!

Have you thought about sending your changes over to the Community Edition IDE, or is this a bit too different?

DStastny(Posted 2006) [#5]
Looks nice Skid, I like the ability to manage the different file types. Do you have a roadmap for what you want it to ultimatly do? Since your using a SVN, are you interested in contributors? Reason I ask is I am hoping once and for all to get editor that allows me to define the hot keys. You know the famous Ctrl Arrow/Tabs thinggy.

BLIDE is nice and all but too much for my needs. This might be it. Anyway looks nice from what I have played with so far.


Doug Stastny

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#6]
The roadmap includes both hotkey config (which I 'was' hoping to have in b4 this release...) and some docs to make it a bit easier for contributors to start utilizing the plugin design. That and builtin SVN support are the next 3 things on the list, as well as any bugs reported here of course.

bradford6(Posted 2006) [#7]
I like this.
opened up a few .png images. zoom slider is kinda cool
I see you have Python support (with syntax highlighting
and auto-indent. very nice . (never like IDLE much)

this looks very cool. alot of useful stuff without all the clutter.

Also, this was my first shot at using SVN (got TortoiseSVN) and it worked great.

some of the plugins look very interesting...

EDIT: Downloaded the binary from your first post (pls put a link to binary in your worklog :) )

great work mr. skid

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2006) [#8]
Have you thought about sending your changes over to the Community Edition IDE, or is this a bit too different?

If there's any mileage in this suggestion, I'd certainly be interested. Also, you might want to take a look at the work dmaz has been doing on a replacement textedit control.

semar(Posted 2006) [#9]
It's nice and well done. Sadly, the functions are not alphabetically sorted, like in the default IDE.

While editing an HTML file type, the run button (I mean the red rocket) does simulate the html syntax, very useful for testing the page.

When I close the application I get an error, but I guess it's because I have no Bmax installed here.

Thumbs up skidracer !

I'm no longer working at Blitz Research...

What a pity.


GfK(Posted 2006) [#10]
Looks OK but as an editor for an OO dev language, it really needs autolists. Any plans to add?

How does your departure from BRL affect Max3D?

FlameDuck(Posted 2006) [#11]
Looks promisng actually. We've been secretly working on a UML(ish) reverse engineering tool, so I'm kinda interested in how this plug-in thing is going to pan out.

How does your departure from BRL affect Max3D?
It doesn't. With any luck it may affect Skidmarks Construction Set tho'.

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#12]
BUG: Highlight text, right-click and select COPY, go to another line, right-click and select PASTE.

RESULT: Pastes two copies of selected text.

FlameDuck(Posted 2006) [#13]
It still prefixes a dot to the filename if you drag it onto the help page tab (as opposed to any other tab).

ImaginaryHuman(Posted 2006) [#14]
Thanks for all your hard work at BRL, Mr Racer.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#15]
I would like to have some information about the plug-ins system, as I would love to make this plug-ins compatible with BLIde is possible.
I'm working on a definitions page to let other IDEs support BLIde plug-ins. It could be nice to share all this information wich, at the end, will benefit users.

popcade(Posted 2006) [#16]
This should be the Official Editor, this is great.

My suggestion is to integrate Framework Assistant if possible.

LarsG(Posted 2006) [#17]
I'm no longer working at Blitz Research
can I ask what happened? if you feel like telling us, that is..

Damien Sturdy(Posted 2006) [#18]
Some people just feel like a change :)

LarsG(Posted 2006) [#19]
that's true.. I'm just curious..
I thought there were quite a few thing BRL wanted to improve on the other modules in BMax, while Mark works on the 3D module..

Steve Elliott(Posted 2006) [#20]

I'm no longer working at Blitz Research

Whoah! BRL are a small company so that sounds like bad news to me - unless you've been replaced by somebody of equal talent ofcourse. :-{

My guess is the job vacancy hasn't be filled, hopefully Mark isn't too over-loaded with work, and you're happy with whatever reason you had for leaving.

That's not quite so bad then.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#21]
I'm still on the team just no longer working in the office.

Ziggy, I think it would be excellent for MaxEdit and Blide to share plugin systems especially now BlitzMax can compile dlls. You may need to be patient but hopefully I can make a few more changes and then release a version with some docs for the various plugin systems I have planned. I'm hoping it will be relatively straight forward to build a TRemoteHost abstraction so that all the plugins I'm currently statically building into maxedit can be compiled as stand alone dynamic libraries.

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2006) [#22]
skid, any interest in merging with the CE version? Probably more a case of bringing across any amendments that have been made there to your codebase than the other way around.

You should also check out dmaz's replacement codearea control, partially intended for the CE version, but you may also like what you see:

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#23]
I second the Framework Assistant integration suggestion. That program has saved me such hassle!

kfprimm(Posted 2006) [#24]
Awesome skid! One bug I noticed was when I copy and paste, it puts 2 copys of it. For example, "LoadImage("test.bmp")LoadImage("test.bmp")"

RetroRusty(Posted 2006) [#25]
Are there any plans to have code folding? I really like this IDE and if it had folding, it would have everything I need :)

Will(Posted 2006) [#26]
I'd love to help you test it for OSX :D

Psilo(Posted 2006) [#27]
Wow just yesterday I said "I wish I could use the maxIDE for b3d", now I can use it for that and more. Nice work skid, I look forward to seeing this IDE progress.

kfprimm(Posted 2006) [#28]
Wasn't an earlier version of this availible through syncmods awhile back?

pls(Posted 2006) [#29]
Looking forward to the OS X version...


Beaker(Posted 2006) [#30]
Am I right in thinking that B+ highlighting etc doesn't work fully?

Python support is useful. :)

Pit-le-rouge(Posted 2006) [#31]
I'm using the community edition of the IDE.
I just installed MAXedit but, honestly, I don't see a lot of difference...
Mainly it seems that your version have more option for other languages than the IDE option (assembler, C++ etc...).
That a good idea but not usefull for me (I only use Blitz langue in the Blitz editor).
So, my question: why an another editor ???
As suggested by someone else in this post, it could be more usefull to join the community edition and to add you option in...
I prefer ONE good, strong, with lot of option, IDE than a lot of mini-project, each with his own little good idea...
If the goal is commercial, that make sense to make your own product. but if it's not the case, that make sense to shar eyour ideas in a global project.
If everyone truy to re-invent the wheel, at the end, you just have a lot of wheels but nothing more....

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#32]
It should be relatively straight forward for the maxideCE to inherit such features as the find support for the helppanel for example as they are of course free to help themselves to the source.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#33]
@Pit-le-rouge: Well, You start with a wheel, and then, after a lot of work, you can have a ferrary. (I'm not talking about BLIde, don't misunderstand me). I mean, I've been playing with MaxIde, and I found it much more stable than the official one, and more feature complete (not just a wheel, but a good car). Having C++ support is a must for a BlitzMax IDE and I'm willing to see how it grows and matures. the more IDEs out, the better. At the end, users have to be able to find an IDE that fits their particular and personal needs.

Pit-le-rouge(Posted 2006) [#34]
I'm not saying that Maxide is a only a wheel....
My question was: why to reinvent the wheel when there is already another open wheel project ???
In other words: I don't understand the utility to create another new IDE when ther is an open-source project where you can add your own ideas-features.
I'm not saying that Maxide has no interresting features. But Community Edition has also a lot of interresting features.
So, why not merge all the good ideas in ONE project ???
In this case, you don't have two GOOD project, but one VERY GOOD project !

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#35]
Pit-le-rouge: I agree with you, don't misunderstand me, but you know not all the users spect the same functionality on a IDE, so different IDEs for different users is also a good choice. that's all. :D

ryanmsmith(Posted 2006) [#36]
You've got another OSX tester here!

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2006) [#37]
So, why not merge all the good ideas in ONE project ???
In this case, you don't have two GOOD project, but one VERY GOOD project !

And I wouldn't disagree with you.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#38]
It has been great to inherit fixes for MaxIDE from the CE edition, and I think it works well there is a sandbox version to complement the official IDE. The "numerous bug fixes" clause that a lot of fixes I'm interested in have been documented under has made the process a little frustrating.

MaxEdit is still very "volatile" at it's core, I get to play with process spawning and message callbacks with just the feature set I need for day to day use so no, it's not ready for any sort of merge with the CE edition of MaxIDE.

Personally, I hope CE activity continues unabated.

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#39]
Is development on the CE even happening? I check the SourceForge page once a month and there hasn't been anything updated since June! :(

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#40]
OK, win32 binary of maxedit37 is up, see link at top.

added 'find uses term under cursor' editor option

added image plugin options page and added external editor path for the new "Edit" button

added hotkey options page

Please let me know if thare are any issues with the new hotkey options, any suggestions for default hotkey settings welcome.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#41]
Broken link?

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#42]
oops uncompressed for now, sry

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#43]
Got it, thanks. Seems good. I'm using MaxIDE as opposed to Blide at the moment, at least until the new build of Blide has been tested more, and I think I might switch over to this version for now. The ability to load C++ files without having them modify the case of various BMax keywords, breaking the C++ functionality is very useful for my TV3D and HGE modules, so that alone is worth switching.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#44]
@Gabriel, I didn't know that was happening with BLIde... :) I'll fix it soon.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#45]
Noooo, that's not happening with Blide! That used to happen with MaxIDE. There's nothing wrong with Blide, as far as I know. I'm just waiting a little longer for more people to test it before I give the new version a go.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#46]
Ok ok. :D

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#47]
OK, MacOS powerpc 10.4 binary is up.

Ziggy have you checked out mono recently?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#48]
Not really, but I will, last year it was 90% or .NET 1.1, I will take a look soon :D

Tachyon(Posted 2006) [#49]
Skid: Please, please fix the "two copies when pasting" bug as mentioned above a couple times. It's a small bug, but really needs fixed before I can use it. I'm looking forward to trying this IDE out.

ryanmsmith(Posted 2006) [#50]
Hey, I built an Intel Mac OS X version. Would you like me to send it to you?

ghislain(Posted 2006) [#51]
So when does the Intel OS X version get published?

ryanmsmith(Posted 2006) [#52]
I'm using the 0.38 version that I compiled for Intel OS X right now as I screw around with my own editor (which is really more of an academic exercise than something intended to actually be finished). I only code off and on - not extensively - so I haven't run across too many bugs. I did notice some wonky behavior when trying to indent whole blocks of code - only the first line indents. I think this only happens after pasting in a block of code. Also, I noticed that, after copying a selection, if you accidentally hit command-c (or ctrl-c, if that's how your system swings) when nothing is selected, the previously copied selection is no longer on the clipboard. Typically, a zero-length selection copy should be ignored.

Skid - if you want me to send you the Intel binary, let me know (I don't send unsolicited attachments by email as a rule!) Or, with your permission, I can host the file.

Ziggy - BLIde for Mac? If there's even the slimmest possibility, I would be overjoyed. Great stuff there.

bregors(Posted 2006) [#53]

bregors(Posted 2006) [#54]

EOF(Posted 2006) [#55]
MaxEdit works well for me. I've been using it instead of the official IDE.

For the HotKeys how do you 'undefine' one?
Maybe Escape should do this. Its unlikely anyone will use Escape as a hotkey anyway.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#56]
Clicking the hotkey button again without a keypress should undefine it but I like the Escape key also. Will look into it when I put some better checks to ignore plain alphanumeric keys etc.

Ryan, will try and include some better docs and some sort of flightpath with next release.

EOF(Posted 2006) [#57]

IDE Options > BlitzMax options

Setting Keywords to BOLD (Courier New: 12) initially works.
After restarting IDE and loading .bmx file keywords are back to NORMAL. Although settings still show BOLD.

Brucey(Posted 2007) [#58]
How's it coming along, Skid ?


Diordna(Posted 2007) [#59]
The "10.4 version" runs just dandy on 10.3.9. :-P

Edit: But Syncmods doesn't work, and you need to process AppTerminate() to end the program so that Cmd-Q on OS X will work.

RiK(Posted 2007) [#60]
Any new news on MaxEdit Skid?

Any updates planned?

Ian Thompson(Posted 2007) [#61]
Bump! :P

plash(Posted 2007) [#62]
I thought MaxEdit was dead..

skidracer(Posted 2007) [#63]
It's in some other thread, someone else needs to perform resurrection duties at or maybe just a little bit of water - I've shelved it for now as an academic exercise but anyone is welcome to join the project and commit any updates. You can distribute binaries with googlecode also so if there are people still using it someone could maybe add some apple builds.

Mark Tiffany(Posted 2007) [#64]
For the record, I'm also thinking that the CE version of the IDE is in much the same state - or at best, in a state of limbo, until mark's plans materialise.

I don't know if there's any value in attempting a merge (probably far too hard) into a single open source version - I did rather like the way yours was going skid...

Ian Thompson(Posted 2007) [#65]