New BLIde version 0.7.61

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/New BLIde version 0.7.61

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi, a new BLIde version is out. For newcomers, BLIde is a free Integrated Development Environment for BlitzMax, that runs on Windows, under the .net 2.0 framework. fore more information, you can go to

Here's the changelog for the last version:

Built under the .net 2.0 framework
FIXED: Some memory bugs caused by the ancient Compona SyntaxBox have been solved
FIXED: Code getting mangled by a GDI+ freeing error
IMPROVED: Parser speed
FIXED: Memory management has been deeply optimized
FIXED: Internal rendering incompatibility with dual core processors
FIXED: Code window being frozen after using BLIde a long time
FIXED: Internal cache management has been deeply improved to speed up BLIde starting time
FIXED: Some international compatibility issues have been fixed
FIXED: Errors when opening a BMX file directly from windows explorer
FIXED: Right click on Pop-up window when multiline text was selected has been fixed.
FIXED: Autolearn bug when processing multiline comments
FIXED: Console window is opened and focused when a running app writes something to it.
NEW FEATURE: Find in files dialog
NEW FEATURE: Parameter hint tool tip. This functionality is trigged by the ( char.
FIXED: Bug that was causing the Program Files Explorer throw an exception when displaying read-only folders

And a lot more or changes and fixes I can't remember now.

I hope you find it useful. If you use BLIde as your regular editor, feel free to make a donation, please...


Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#2]
Can only see 0.7.51

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#3]
Be sure to refresh your explorer cache. you should see last version.
If you continue getting this problem, email me and I will send you the apropiate link. (just in case, the home is being updated, go to the download section)

Boiled Sweets(Posted 2006) [#4]
Ah its on the download page but not the main page

SpaceAce(Posted 2006) [#5]
I am downloading 0.7.61 right now; I was still having some problems with code mangling in .59.

I am also going to send you a donation through PayPal and I encourage everyone else to do the same. BlitzMax desperately needs BLide.


Kurator(Posted 2006) [#6]
hi ziggy,

i enoucter a problem if i load an source wich contains german char like "ü"

After editing a code in the regular IDE:

TBild.Create("Bergrand Süd", 7, "Bergrand Süd", list_standard_berg, "207", "237", KLIMA_NORMAL)

After loading the above code in BLIDE it looks like that:

TBild.Create("Bergrand Sd", 7, "Bergrand Sd", list_standard_berg, "207", "237", KLIMA_NORMAL)

Any hint or tip for me? :)



ziggy(Posted 2006) [#7]
Were you using the CE edition? The CE edition doesn't handle properly unicode files, so your code could be saved broken. In the official IDE, it seems somehow that the unicode signature was not written. Anyway, it is not a BLIde issue.

Kurator(Posted 2006) [#8]
I used the official IDE

But it happens also when i creat a blank File in BLIDE (0.7.61), and type i.e
Print "Süd Österreich Äpfel

saving the file with BLIDE, closing it, open it again in BLIDE shows:

Print "Sd sterreich pfel

best regards


[edit] added blide version number

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#9]
There's a Unicode Fix Build available:

just replace the EXE contained in this build with the official one of 0.7.61 and the unicode issue will be fixed.

Kurator(Posted 2006) [#10]
thank you very much, nearly perfect:

- it seems that there is a special conversion needed if you load an source previosly edit in the regular ide:

- editing a source in blide / saving / loading ==> correct results
- editing a source in blide / saving / loading in BlitzMax IDE ==>
- editing a source in BlitzMax IDE / saving / loading in BLIDE ==> missing special Chars

As I said: nearly perfect, your actual fix does it for me, so give this a low priority :)

best regards


H&K(Posted 2006) [#11]

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#12]
Is it a known issue that the intellisense thingy which shows fields and methods of a type only shows fields and methods specific to that type and does not show any fields or methods inherited from another type?

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#13]
Ummm, whoa this is pretty buggy from the 7.59 version I was using. Its crashed on me three times doing basic text editing. No giant files or anything. Gives me a crash message, asks if I want to continue, and then if I goes verrrrrryyyy slowlly. Thanks Ziggy! I still love Blide! I will use 7.59 for now until perhaps another release down the road. :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#14]
@Gabriel: The file where the Type you extend from has to be inside a module, part of your project, or opened as a bmx file. If not, BLIde can't access the type source code, and can't populate the inheritance.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#15]
Both types are in modules, but they are in separate modules. Both modules are included in the project.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#16]
@Gabriel: If the modules are new, you may need to refresh your modules cache.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#17]

When I cut or Delete (From menu) any part of a type, the local shortcuts are not updated. They are updated if I use backspace or the key Delete.

Also, find seems to be broken again (61) it worked in 59 (or maybe 56 cannot be sure), but in 61 it doesnt work.
EDIT: It only seems to be broken from the right click menu
Also if I do find with the intention to replace, it will not replace the first find

The bug report page (net) just wont work, I know it did work, cos Ive used it before, but now it takes 2mins to load, then just sits there doing nothing.

Pretty please can I have the color by name selector back.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#18]

That console printing error is back. When you program ends, it doesn't always show all the message in the console.


Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#19]
@Gabriel: If the modules are new, you may need to refresh your modules cache.

They're not new. In fact, both modules existed before I even began the Blide project file, and neither has been changed since. I went back to refresh the module cache anyway, but no change.

Also, a new bug today. I reinstalled an old module to let me test something, and Blide crashes on startup with the module present, I assume because it encounters a problem when cacheing the module.

The error is

And the module is simply :


Module glimmer.kernel32

ModuleInfo "Version 1.00"
ModuleInfo "Author : Phil Ings"
ModuleInfo ""

Import "-lkernel32"

Extern "Win32"
	Function GetLastError:Int()
	Function CloseHandle(hObject:Int)="CloseHandle@4"
End Extern

Don't rush looking for anything, it's just an old module I don't currently use, and I can easily test without using this module anyway. I just thought it might be something you needed to see.

Hope that helps. If you need more information, just ask.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#20]
Ziggy, this version seems a lot less stable that .59(or.56).

Anyway when I double click to open a bmx file, if Blide is already open, then it opens the file, but then tells me the file is already open.

Point. For any non BLIDE users reading these posts BLIDE is still streets ahead of the official or unofficial editors. And Its the way a OOP editor should be

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#21]
This module also crashes with the same error :

Module Glimmer.PSApi

ModuleInfo "Version 1.00"
ModuleInfo "Author : Phil Ings"
ModuleInfo ""

Import "-lpsapi"

Extern "Win32"

	Function EnumProcesses(pProcessIDs:Byte Ptr,cb:Int,cbNeeded:Int Ptr) = "EnumProcesses@12"

	Function EnumProcessModules(hProcess:Int,lphModule:Byte Ptr,cb:Int,cbNeeded:Int Ptr) = "EnumProcessModules@16"

	Function GetModuleBaseName(hProcess:Int,hModule:Int,lpString:Byte Ptr,nSize:Int) = "GetModuleBaseNameA@16"
	Function GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess:Int,hModule:Int,lpString:Byte Ptr,nSize:Int) = "GetModuleFileNameExA@16"
End ExternSuperStrict

So I'm guessing there is something it doesn't like about the way I declare those external functions?

On the plus side, I haven't had a single crash or lock up or piece of mangled code since I decided to switch over to using Blide as my main IDE a week or so ago. So thumbs up from me! ( And fingers crossed* I haven't just tempted fate! )

* With thumbs up and fingers crossed, I'll be lucky if I don't get RSI.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#22]

Dont you find it so much easyer to program in Bmax now that you dont have to remember the names of your member fields, functions and methods. I cannot beleive that BRL went to the trouble to produce an OOP language without an oop standard editor. It can only but lose them sales.

SpaceAce(Posted 2006) [#23]
I am getting more code mangling and tab-freezing errors in this version than in the last Beta. I seem to get the complete tab freeze a LOT when I use the code browser to jump to different methods in my code.


Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#24]
Dont you find it so much easyer to program in Bmax now that you dont have to remember the names of your member fields, functions and methods. I cannot beleive that BRL went to the trouble to produce an OOP language without an oop standard editor. It can only but lose them sales.

Well, to be honest, Blide refuses to show methods and fields for several of my modules, so I'm still not getting the full OOP-IDE effect, but it is nice, particularly with modules you're not overly familiar with. I'm one of those annoyingly luddite people who is perfectly happy with a glorified notepad, but I do acknowledge that I'm in the minority and that - for most people - an OOP-enabled IDE is an absolute must.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#25]
Just to let you know an absolute new upgrade of BLIde is planned soon. All the core engine of BLIde will be changed. This will affect some of the current BLIde functionallity, but will beneffit in a ultra stable core engine (one alpha and beta testings are completed). the new core engine in much more visual-studio like.

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#26]

Yes, I read that and I'm very excited to see what you have planned...

By the way: I really like the splash screen this time round!

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#27]
Cant wait for the newest version you're talking about! Send out the word when you need beta testers!

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#28]
Dang it! I still get wierd GDI errors when I use the new 0.7.61 version. :(:(:(

(edit: Bug submitted thru Blide)

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#29]
Hm... have you tidied up the Synchronize Modules window, as well?

It is very nice now.
In fact, I'd venture to call it the best synchronize modules window thus far.
Just one feature request for it:
Since I can specify any mod server I want, how about let me create my own list of mod servers so that I only have to enter them once?

H&K(Posted 2006) [#30]

Tools/Report a Blide Bug

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#31]
Hey thanks!

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#32]
@Booticus: All this errors are fixed in the new core engine. By now I'm trying to fix that module cache bug that Gabriel is having. I would like to know if it is possible to have the entire mod folder of any of this folders causing the bug. I need the entire folder to debug this properly. (I will not use, distribute or anything on this modules, and I will erase them after the debug and bugfixing process, if you can provide them, it will help a lot, as I can't reproduce the bug here, so I can't fix it).

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#33]
EDIT: Oops, I think I may have deleted them to stop the errors occurring. I'll see if I can find a backup and send them over. Sorry about that.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#34]
@Ziggy: No worries. Whats the email address you would like them sent to? I'll fire them off right away!


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#35]
There's not yet even an alpha version finished. As soon as it gets finished, I'll post the appropiated lnks.

siread(Posted 2006) [#36]
I have a problem with debugging. I place a DebugStop in my code, but when the program breaks it continues to the end of my main program loop and highlights the Until statement. If i press Step Over it whizzing round to the end of the loop again. I don't understand why it's doing this as it was fine a few days ago and i don't think i changed anything. Any ideas?

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#37]
Is there any way to include a program in a project but not have it compiled? I currently have five modules and a program in one project, and they're compiled in order, modules first and then the program. I'd like the program to still be in the project, so that I can edit and code in the program source files, but I'd like Blide to only ocmpile the five modules and NOT compile the program at the end.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#38]
@Gabriel: If the program is a single BMX file, add it as media file in the additional media files manager, and remove it as a program. Remember to add also any included or imported BMX file.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#39]
That's great, thanks!