Request: improved Import command

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Request: improved Import command

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#1]

Currently there's only one way to use the Import command concerning modules:
Import modulescope.modulename
So if you want to import all modules in a scope you've to write one Import statement for each module in the scope. For example if you want to import all modules in brl scope you've to write: (If you're using the default BMX modules)
Import brl.appstub
Import brl.audiosample
Import brl.bankstream
Import brl.basic
Import brl.blitz
Import brl.bmploader
Import brl.d3d7max2d
Import brl.dxgraphics
Import brl.endianstream
Import brl.event
Import brl.eventqueue
Import brl.filesystem
Import brl.font
Import brl.freeaudioaudio
Import brl.freetypefont
Import brl.glgraphics
Import brl.glmax2d
Import brl.gnet
Import brl.hook
Import brl.httpstream
Import brl.jpgloader
Import brl.keycodes
Import brl.linkedlist
Import brl.math
Import brl.max2d
Import brl.maxutil
Import brl.oggloader
Import brl.pixmap
Import brl.pngloader
Import brl.polledinput
Import brl.ramstream
Import brl.random
Import brl.retro
Import brl.socket
Import brl.socketstream
Import brl.standardio
Import brl.system
Import brl.textstream
Import brl.tgaloader
Import brl.timer
Import brl.wavloader
I request that you simply can write
Import brl.*
instead of that big list of Import statements I posted above.
Another nice feature would be if you could import all modules in a scope excluding some modules you can specify; it could be implemented like this:
Import + brl.*         'Import all brl modules,
Import - brl.max2d     'but exclude brl.max2d
Import - brl.glmax2d   'and brl.glmax2d
Import - brl.d3d7max2d 'and brl.d3d7max2d.
Or if you could do more accurate imports like this:
Import + *.*             'Import all modules in all scopes,
Import - pub.*           'but exclude the pub scope,
Import + pub.freeprocess 'however import pub.freeprocess
Import + pub.freejoy     'and pub.freejoy.
I wrote a simple function just to illustrate how this could be compiled:

The first parameter is a list of Import statement as I described, the second is the BlitzMax installation path. It returns a list of all Import statements you have to write without this feature.
You'll see that you can save much typing time with these extended Import statements.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#2]
I like the wildcards. I don't much care for the plus and minus stuff. It's decidedly unreadable.

The problem I can see is that different people have different modules and so when they post source code, it's pretty unclear what modules you need but don't have.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#3]
What you do is run Framework assistant, and then just CUT AND PASTE, saves loads of typeing

cloned(Posted 2006) [#4]
the wild card idea is great

the plus and minus stuff is annoying, an exclude command to go with import would be a lot cleaner

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#5]
Agree with Gabrial and Link

Wildcard + exclude would definitely be a good thing.

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#6]
Ok, I agree +/- isn't really readable, it would need a new keyword like Link said.

cloned(Posted 2006) [#7]
woot, i actualy had a good idea for a new keyword!!!

ozak(Posted 2006) [#8]
Just like java namespaces :)
But most editor has a fix imports that automatically import those you use :)

*(Posted 2006) [#9]
im with H&K on this one.

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#10]
then just CUT AND PASTE, saves loads of typeing
This produces unreadable code.

For the time this feature isn't implemented yet, I wrote a special module scope named "all", which contains lists of all modules and scopes. But this shouldn't be the final solution.

To install it create a folder "all.mod" in the BMX mod folder, then create "all.mod/all.mod", finally create the file "all.mod/all.mod/update.bmx" and copy the code into it. then create a new untitled document in the MaxIDE and copy the code after the Rem-statement into it and run it.
Rebuild the module and you're finish.

So for now you can write "Import" instead of "Import pub.*" and "Import all.all" instead of "Import *.*"

H&K(Posted 2006) [#11]
What you do is run Framework assistant, and then just CUT AND PASTE, saves loads of typeing
This produces unreadable code.
Please explain why it produces unreadable code? I dont think you know what Framework assistant does. It doesnt give you imports for mods already imported by something else.

And more importantly doesnt import mods you dont use

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#12]
I prefer to write my code myself - but why should I do something which could be done by the compiler as well?

Or maybe I should ask this question different: why do people writting their code in other modern languages not simply do like you suggested? why does something like this exist in java? because this is simply a very useful technique to save typing without using an external tool manipulating the source code, which we would need in BMX, too.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#13]
Right so instead of an external tool (and its a plugin for BLide users), you want to use your external code, which does a worse job. Ok, go on then.

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#14]
you want to use your external code
no, not at all; all code I previously posted, was just to show you how something could work or could be done by the compiler. The module scope "all" is not the durable solution; it's just to have something doing it as long as the compiler isn't improved.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#15]
I agree that an improvment is needed, and I for one never touched framework until I found the framework assistant. However, saying the it produces "Unreadable Code" as you did is inaccurate.

Also, as Ive pointed out, although its only a windows solution, BLide has FA as a toolbox addon. For whereas you seem to feel its a compiler problem, there is a good IDE solution. I have posted in the past that FA should be part of the official IDE, or at the least a Link in the IDE start/help page.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#16]
Framework Assistant rules.

rdodson41(Posted 2006) [#17]
I thought you could say something like
Import brl
Import pub

Maybe I dreamed this but who knows maybe it will work :D