How much would you pay for...

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daaan(Posted 2006) [#1]
Max 3D? Me personaly, if it has all the features that it says that it will, I would pay $200. What about you guys?

H&K(Posted 2006) [#2]

FlameDuck(Posted 2006) [#3]
$1000 USD.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#4]
Same bmax price or a little bit more :)

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#5]
£0 at the moment as I really don't need it. But when I do, maybe £50?

JoeRetro(Posted 2006) [#6]
Well, it's got to be worth at least 5x the cost of Grey's framework....right.... ;)

Barnabius(Posted 2006) [#7]
If it has the same simple but powerfull approach like Blitz3D I'd pay $100 but it has to come with the docs at least as good as B3D. If it comes with even better documentation in PDF or CHM format I'd be prepared to pay more. If it comes with the docs that BMax has now, I will probably buy it just to help BRL but I won't be using it. Good docs are essential for any programming language or programming add-on.


Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#8]
Same here. Documentation and initial status make the difference of 50$ or 150$ here. (I already own Blitz3D I should mention).

If the docs are as OO useless as BMs still are or if it is as bugged as BM was (over a year till it was stable enough to give non-BMers test versions) because it didn't get a broad test once again, then 50$ is the max, as this is what I expect to be the price for an early adopter (-> pay for beta tester) license for such a module.

Otherwise, up to 150$ would be possible.

daaan(Posted 2006) [#9]
You guys bring up a great poing. Documentation is extremely important.

New question: Imagine that you haven't yet purchased Blitz Max, how much would you pay for it now knowing the lack of documentation that it comes with?

amonite(Posted 2006) [#10]
Having already purchased BlitzMax and knowing that you can already do some 3D with it, i would not pay more than what i already paid knowing Max3D is a module only, not a full application.

tonyg(Posted 2006) [#11]
I would buy BlitzMax again at $80 every time. Ok, it was a shock the documentation was so bad but, 2 years later (?), still find using Bmax a delight.
I was never too fussed about Max3D and the latest worklog makes me less fussed. Maybe I'd get it just 'because' if it was $50-80... maybe.

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#12]
I would still buy BM. I was aware upfront that the documentation is trash as I used the Apple demo.
I was and am still aware that the documentation is highly inacceptable for an OO language especially, but hey, there is a reason I use HotDocs, isn't there? ^^
And if I need more info on how something works I'll do it as I've done it at the beginning: open the source and see. Thats the way most here used OO for many many months as the documetation did not even mention the least possibility. (funny thing is we are still further than those procedural hippies because there is still functionality not wrapped to procedural)

Chroma(Posted 2006) [#13]
I'd gladly throw down $39.00.

CodeGit(Posted 2006) [#14]
$50 - $80

LarsG(Posted 2006) [#15]
I don't think I'd be willing to pay more than $100 personally..

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#16]
I wouldn't pay more than $100 also.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#17]

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#18]
My underpants and a box of german beer.

It's not even out. I don't know all features.
So I can't tell.

Amon(Posted 2006) [#19]
I would pay $150- $200 for it. I pray to all the Gods (If there are any, if not, I pray to Capitalist Gods) that BRL do not give it away on the cheap. IF they do give it away on the cheap then I would like to say a pay per upgrade scheme or a scheme whereby you get full updates for a year then pay a renewel fee to get an extra year of updates.

If I were Mark I wouldn't listen to the cheapskates who don't want to pay for anything if it's over £15 - $30.

The more money BRL has coming the more goodies we'll get and the more happy everyone will be.

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#20]
Well, it's got to be worth at least 5x the cost of Grey's framework....right.... ;)
I think you'll find that's the other way round esp. when compared to what will actually help you complete a game ;-)

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#21]
Since I've yet to see anything Max3D will be able to do that I can't already do, I don't really have any use of it. So I might pay $50 on the "just because" justification that TonyG gave. Or I might not.

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#22]
Amon: I would consider buying that much as well. BUT then I expect that I get what I pay for. This means stuff like OO, full featured documentation, usefull tutorials (as it doesn't sound like Max3D is going to be like most engines we know and the short examples are worthless) and naturally that it is usable for distributable commercial projects from the start and not a "WIP that will reach commercial usage point in a year".
I don't have problems with WIP / Early Adopter licenses on modules, have done that several times before, but in that case I don't pay fullprice as "later users" that benefit of EA effort.

you know, just the stuff you normally get from such pricey engines when you pay for them. (I just compare to TGE + TSE which is what BM + Max3D then would cost)

ozak(Posted 2006) [#23]
Around 100 bucks I'd say.

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#24]
At this time: up to $20, since I really don't need it nor plan to do any real 3D programming any time soon. But then again, that realyl doesn't make me the target audience for the 3D module anyway.

Ricky Smith(Posted 2006) [#25]
It's worth a different amount to different people. If its just a toy to play with then you aren't going to want to spend a vast amount - if you are using it for commercial purposes then a couple of hundred pounds/dollars/euros is peanuts.
Perhaps they should introduce two types of license - commercial and non-commercial.

FlameDuck(Posted 2006) [#26]
Documentation is extremely important.
Then don't buy it until the documentation is up to spec! Who do you think you're kidding here? You're just as eager to get new toys as everyone else. Besides, only girls read the documentation.

New question: Imagine that you haven't yet purchased Blitz Max, how much would you pay for it now knowing the lack of documentation that it comes with?
People keep saying that, yet they have yet to provide an example of a comparative product that is nearly as well documented as BlitzMAX. I can only attribute this expectancy for documentation to inexperience.

I think you'll find that's the other way round esp. when compared to what will actually help you complete a game ;-)
The only thing that will help you finish a game is discipline and determination.

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#27]
Besides, only girls read the documentation.

I have to be a girl then! ;)

taumel(Posted 2006) [#28]
Mark Sibly obviously has at least one groupie with all the good and bad side effects... ;O)

LarsG(Posted 2006) [#29]
FlameDuck may come across as a bit harsh, and perhaps a wee bit arrogant,
but I find his comments (most of the time) interresting and also fairly accurate..

btw Grisu: there's a spelling error in your sig picture..

Yeshu777(Posted 2006) [#30]
>I can only attribute this expectancy for documentation to inexperience.

How disappointing.

BMax should be accessable to all, regardless of experience.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#31]

He means only those inexperienced with BRL would expect documentation.

As an aside here, if you use BLide do you look the functions up in the docs, or do you go straight to the member function and try to see what it does?

Jeremy Alessi(Posted 2006) [#32]
I'll pay whatever Mark charges. I'd say a reasonable price would be $50 - $100 but if it were more I wouldn't flinch.

Yeshu777(Posted 2006) [#33]

I see what you mean... Dink! (the penny drops)

taumel(Posted 2006) [#34]
Yep, anyone should be allowed to tell his own thoughts no matter how absurd it might sound to others...

Naughty Alien(Posted 2006) [#35]
..well..I will pay 200US$ IF Max3D will contain particle system, physics system support..I'm tired to get 3D module and then waiting next century to get additions for the way, whats the features?? :)

LarsG(Posted 2006) [#36]
I think Mark mentioned early on in the development, that he was working on getting some sort of Physics engine working with Max3D (and probably Max2D as well)..

But I don't know the current status on it though..