BlitzMax Update V1.22 Up!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BlitzMax Update V1.22 Up!

marksibly(Posted 2006) [#1]
Now available from the 'Product Updates' section of the 'Account' page.

+ (BCC) Extern type method params now accept default values.

+ (BCC/BRL.AppStub) Fixed Var params nuking debugger.

+ (Docmods) Added Brucey's Import/Include fixeds.

+ (BCC) Fixed debug statement location with ElseIf.

+ (BCC) Changed toker so spaces now allowed in array decls like [,] etc.

+ (BCC) Changed 'ForEach' errors to 'EachIn'.

+ (BRL.Bank) Added Lock/Unlock to replace Buf

+ (BRL.Retro) Cleaned up Mid$

+ (BRL.Blitz) Changed ReadStdin so it can handle any length input

+ (BRL.Blitz) Fixed leak in WriteStdout and WriteStderr

+ (BRL.Blitz) Added LibStartUp stub

+ (BRL.Blitz) Added GCSuspend and GCResume

+ (BRL.Blitz) Added experimental dll support

+ (BRL.Blitz) Added Nan and Inf keyword docs

+ (BRL.Blitz) BCC extern CString fix

+ (BRL.D3D7Max2D) Modified TD3D7Max2DDriver.SetGraphics for new dxgraphics commands

+ (BRL.D3D7Max2D) Fixed BufferedD3D7 vertex color errors

+ (BRL.D3D7Max2D) Changed DrawImage tristrip to trifan to fix subpixel cracking



+ (BRL.EventQueue) Fixed CurrentEvent being retained in queue array

+ (BRL.FileSystem) Rebuild for StdC chmod_ linkage

+ (BRL.GNet) Some doc fixes

+ (BRL.Graphics) Mouse repositioned only in fullscreen mode

+ (BRL.Graphics) Flip mode for attached graphics changed to 0

+ (BRL.Graphics) Fixed softsync period init bug

+ (BRL.Graphics) Fixed softsync routine to prevent overflow

+ (BRL.Graphics) Graphics exceptions now caught

+ (Pub.FreeJoy) Added JoyHit samplejoy fix, thanks to HamishTheHystericalHamster

+ (BRL.JPGLoader) Changed ReadBytes to Read for loader

+ (BRL.JPGLoader) Added SaveJPEG function, thanks to Jeffrey D. Panici for the writefunc `fix'

+ (BRL.KeyCodes) Removed KEY_NUMSLASH from docs

+ (BRL.LinkedList) Changed Reverse to maintain TLink stability

+ (BRL.Map) Finally changed to red/back tree!

+ (BRL.Map) Added procedural interface

+ (BRL.Map) Fixed TMap.Remove:TNode not returning node

+ (BRL.Max2D) Fixed collision bug with non alpha/masked images

+ (BRL.OGGLoader) Fixed reading past end of stream with some short files

+ (BRL.GLGraphics) Added GLDrawPixmp

+ (BRL.GLGraphics) Trapped Win32 WM_CLOSE

+ (BRL.GLGraphics) Added extra check for use of flip sync extensions under Linux

+ (BRL.GLMax2D) Fixed filtered image min filters

+ (BRL.Pixmap) Added _source:Object field

+ (BRL.Stream) Fixed resource leak in CasedFileName

+ (BRL.System) New Linux implementation of OpenURL

+ (BRL.System) RequestFile now adds extension to filename on Windows

+ (BRL.System) Added EVENT_GADGETLOSTFOCUS handling

+ (BRL.System) Added EVENT_KEYREPEAT handling

+ (BRL.System) OpenURL now attempts to fully qualify file / http url supplied

+ (BRL.System) Fixed MacOS RequestFile to respect wild card filter

+ (BRL.System) Fixed mouse hidden by default

+ (BRL.System) Fixed HideMouse causing mouse to disappear when in non-client areas

+ (BRL.System) Fixed Linux MoveMouse to be relative to the origin of the current Graphics window

+ (BRL.TextStream) Modified LoadText to handle stream URLs

+ (BRL.TextStream) Added LoadText, SaveText

+ (BRL.TextStream) Fixed UTF16LE=4

+ (BRL.TextStream) Added TextStream module

Amon(Posted 2006) [#2]
Thanks Mark. Downloading now.

Will let you know if there are any problems. :)

kfprimm(Posted 2006) [#3]
+ (BRL.Blitz) Added experimental dll support

how do we use this?

Eric(Posted 2006) [#4]
C:/Documents and Settings/Eric/Desktop/BlitzMaxPrograms/Games/.bmx/VerletIntegration3.bmx.gui.debug.win32.x86.o(code+0xb1): undefined reference to `__bb_cocoamaxgui_cocoamaxgui'
C:/Documents and Settings/Eric/Desktop/BlitzMaxPrograms/Games/.bmx/VerletIntegration3.bmx.gui.debug.win32.x86.o(code+0xc0): undefined reference to `__bb_fltkmaxgui_fltkmaxgui'

I rebuilt all modules but still I get this error when ever I try to compile.

No problems if I uncheck Build GUI APP.

Amon(Posted 2006) [#5]
Did you sync Modules?

Eric(Posted 2006) [#6]
Sure did. But now for some reason unknown to me it's now working.

WendellM(Posted 2006) [#7]
Fixed MacOS RequestFile to respect wild card filter

I just updated my PC & Mac and it works. Thank you and Skid for this and all the other improvements!

Picklesworth(Posted 2006) [#8]
An excellent cleanup!

Smokey(Posted 2006) [#9]
thanks :) working fine on my PC

Dll support ;) another toy to play with!

sswift(Posted 2006) [#10]
What does this mean?

+ (BRL.Graphics) Mouse repositioned only in fullscreen mode

Curtastic(Posted 2006) [#11]
Holy poo thats a lot of stuff! Nice.

What does this mean?
+ (BRL.Graphics) Mouse repositioned only in fullscreen mode

Calling the graphics command to open a window used to reposition the mouse to the center of the window.

Ziltch(Posted 2006) [#12]
Thanks for the update!

popcade(Posted 2006) [#13]

Can we just use zxe modules from 1.20, or wait it ti get updated?

Triforce Guardian(Posted 2006) [#14]
Nice work! *Downloads the update*.

cloned(Posted 2006) [#15]
thank you, i am downloading now

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#16]
Good job, thanks for the update :)

+ (BRL.Blitz) Added experimental dll support

Could you please elaborate on that?

cloned(Posted 2006) [#17]
yes please tell more about the .dll support

Suco-X(Posted 2006) [#18]
Thanks for the update Mark.
I think there is a bug, too.
If you have an edited config, every update destroy the edited config.....I have really no desire to change the config after every update.
Mfg Suco

Difference(Posted 2006) [#19]
Great work guys, - downloaded, installed syncmodded, everything seems ok. Tanks!

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#20]

9h old and already new fixes?!?

"Connecting to server:
Receiving: brl.win32maxgui
Receiving: brl.maxgui"?????

TeraBit(Posted 2006) [#21]
All working here, Thanks!

Azathoth(Posted 2006) [#22]
yes please tell more about the .dll support

After a quick look at the bmk source its got something to do with passing 'makelib' as a parameter.
I had afew tries and made a .def file but it seems it still needs lib/dllcrt2.o which didn't come with blitzmax.

degac(Posted 2006) [#23]

anawiki(Posted 2006) [#24]
Thanks for update, but...
where is my MaxGUI mod? Synced mods, but I'm still missing

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#25]
It seems like the syncmod became more intelligent.

only win32maxgui on windows, cocoa on osx and fltk on linux

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#26]
Groovy, thanks very much. I'm pretty sure you haven't listed all the fixes here for example: DirectX lag fix, mouse on title bar, Flip 1 in Windowed mode now properly VSyncs etc.

polyhex(Posted 2006) [#27]
Just installed the update, synced mods and now I can't compile anything, not even a blank document....

I get the same error message each time...

Building untitled1
flat assembler version 1.66
3 passes, 1630 bytes.
C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/bin/ld.exe: cannot find -lws2_32
Build Error: Failed to link C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/tmp/untitled1.exe
Process complete

Anybody have an idea?

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#28]
Is MinGW installed correctly?

Why does this update NOT use FASM 1.67.7 ???????????????????

polyhex(Posted 2006) [#29]
Just removed it completely and installed from scratch and it's back up and running.


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#30]
I see a little general slow-down in my games... not sure if it's something I've changed in the code, or if it's releated to the new version. is anybody having the same problem?

anawiki(Posted 2006) [#31]
@only win32maxgui on windows, cocoa on osx and fltk on linux

So why compiling MaxIDE under windows is not possible without those?

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#32]

Import brl.win32maxgui
Import brl.cocoamaxgui
Import brl.fltkmaxgui


Import brl.win32maxgui
Import brl.cocoamaxgui
Import brl.fltkmaxgui

Another possibility is that the other 2 modules just aren't on the modserver for windows atm.
But I personally don't see a reason to have those 2 modules on my windows machine, can't do anything with them anyway.

CS_TBL(Posted 2006) [#33]
Does EVENT_KEYREPEAT also work on linux and mac? (even if it's a double event)

Last time I tested it on linux it appeared to be a win-only event orso.

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#34]
I prefer to make a fresh install with these things. I assume I can install 1.18 and update directly to 1.22 without installing the 1.20 update?

Regular K(Posted 2006) [#35]

I see a little general slow-down in my games... not sure if it's something I've changed in the code, or if it's releated to the new version. is anybody having the same problem?

I seem to be getting the opposite with my game. Its fps seems to have gone up since the update. (not a whole lot though, just a few frames)

The Caffeine Kid(Posted 2006) [#36]
Thanks Mark.

Warren(Posted 2006) [#37]
A minor quibble to be sure, but my cursor doesn't change to the I-Beam when I'm over the source editing window on Windows. It will change once but if I move out of the window and back in again, I'm stuck with the arrow pointer forever more.

Doesn't harm anything but it looks weird.

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#38]
windows standard navigation controls still broken in the IDE -- CTRL-Left and CTRL-Right still not jumping to the previous/next word... Unlike every other windows application, including the older versions of the BMax ide.


Pit-le-rouge(Posted 2006) [#39]
Same bug for me than for WarrenM....
"cursor doesn't change to the I-Beam when I'm over the source editing window on Windows"

po(Posted 2006) [#40]
I got the same bug as WarrenM as well. Windows XP Home SP2.

GfK(Posted 2006) [#41]
I'm sure I reported the mouse pointer problem ages ago, just before the entire bug report forum was wiped clean.

Give BLIde a go -

taumel(Posted 2006) [#42]
Copy&Paste from the help is still not working. Is this somekind of joke that this never get's fixed or is it just not meant to be working?

fredborg(Posted 2006) [#43]
Nice update, thanks!

taumel, Copy/Paste from the help works fine for me.

Warren(Posted 2006) [#44]
Oh, and CTRL+F4 for closing documents would be nice rather than the decidedly non-standard CTRL+W.


I've found that if you right click and choose "Copy" it'll work but CTRL+C won't. What drives me insane is not being able to paste text into the "Find" window.

Warren(Posted 2006) [#45]
I'm sure I reported the mouse pointer problem ages ago, just before the entire bug report forum was wiped clean.

Give BLIde a go -

I would love to but I do most of my coding on a Mac. :-/

taumel(Posted 2006) [#46]

I dunno...

If i remember right this never worked since i've bought blitzmax with the first release and it got reported so often. Maybe it worked for some versions in between but at least not with a single one i've used.

My scenario is a mac mini(g4) with osx 10.4.7 and blitzmax 1.22 (rebuild all modules, synced)

a) Load some code or write some.
b) Mark a command and press F1 doubletime to fire up the regarding help page.
c) Mark the selection i want to copy&paste with the mouse.
d) Pressing strg+c.
e) Switching back to the source window and mark the position where i want to insert the selection.
f) Pressing strg+v.

=> Nada, Zero, Zip from the help. What i do get instead is the last thing i copy/cut elsewere.

Now you could say this might be an issue due to using a pc keyboard at the mac but then i have to say that 100% of the rest of my apps do this just fine!

Warren(Posted 2006) [#47]
"What drives me insane is not being able to paste text into the "Find" window. "
Wait, never mind, this seems to be fixed. On Windows at least, haven't tried Mac...

Warren(Posted 2006) [#48]

I know - that's why I said right click and choose "Copy". That will work until they get the keystrokes fixed.

taumel(Posted 2006) [#49]
Well, it feels unhandy to do it this way but thanks it works at least.

Anyway no reason that this hasn't been fixed till today.

taumel(Posted 2006) [#50]
Copy&Paste&Find doesn't work on OSX(PPC) either...

Does BRL has someone in their Betateam who is actually testing this stuff on OSX?

Warren(Posted 2006) [#51]

ozak(Posted 2006) [#52]
All works fine here. Great update!

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#53]
Great update!

Except this really annoying thing:
Something has changed to the order how expressions are tokenized:
Framework brl.blitz

Local O:T = New T
WriteStdout Len O.Arr

Type T
  Field Arr []
This example worked on V120 but doesn't work on V122.
I think this has to be mentioned in the realesed notes, because it extremely breaks the rules of downward compatibility!
Now I have to go throw all my code to replace it to:
Framework brl.blitz

Local O:T = New T
WriteStdout Len ( O.Arr )

Type T
  Field Arr []
That's really annoying!

But generally a great update; much little fixes. For example I'm now able to convert from Int to Long on Win32, thanks a lot!

H&K(Posted 2006) [#54]
I think that the earler verson was a mistake. The rule has always been, (But maybe Im misstaken), if the function returns anything, then it needs ()

ie Len returns stuff so its parameters needed ()

Hotcakes(Posted 2006) [#55]
H&K is right - when you want a value returned, you are required to use Len(). Any function used without () is supposed to return no value.

Your first example was never supposed to work - WriteStdout should have been given a '0'... and that's only if the compiler didn't complain first.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#56]
Len is an operator not a function so the brackets rule does noto apply. The precedense of the . (member access operator) is documented as being higher than the Len operator so my gut feeling is Fabian has found a bug.

Nope, docs are out of sync, but I think we'll be moving things around soon...

Hotcakes(Posted 2006) [#57]
the brackets rule does noto apply.

Well that's just weird then. =]

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#58]
If you say it's weird not to write brackets around an operators parameters, look at this:

In a normal programming language it's common that you don't write brackets around an operators parameters; so instead of
you should write
and instead of
you should write
Len array

Of course you can use brackets if you want to, for example if you think the code is easier to read with the brackets.

Kernle 32DLL_2(Posted 2006) [#59]
nice update, when we will get 64bit support for using 64bit os.?


smilertoo(Posted 2006) [#60]
bmax runs ok on 64bit, athough i do have a problem with cut/paste...its seems to paste twice.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#61]

I think our problem is that Toby and I both think of Len as a Function, and not as an operator. As Skid has said it is an operator You of course are correct.

Kernle 32DLL_2(Posted 2006) [#62]
@smilertoo, i have tried to use blitzmax with the windows vista beta 2 64 bit version and i got different errors, same with ubuntu linux 64 bit. so i think there is no support for 64bit operation systems.


skidracer(Posted 2006) [#63]
@smilertoo, have you tested bmax1.22 on windows64? I'm pretty sure I have fixed the cut/paste issue.

MattVonFat(Posted 2006) [#64]
+ (BRL.Blitz) Added experimental dll support

What is this?

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2006) [#65]
I see there are still none of the much needed improvments on the IDE. Ah well, time to roll back to BlitzMax V1.10 yet again! :)

Warren(Posted 2006) [#66]
Why would lack of IDE improvements make you revert back to 1.10?

Hotcakes(Posted 2006) [#67]
He likes saying things.

@H&K... you're right. I get it now. But it's still weird. =]

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2006) [#68]
> Why would lack of IDE improvements make you
> revert back to 1.10?

No not improvements, un-improvements. Various things have been broken in the IDE since 1.10, such as CTRL + Arrowkeys to tab between windows, this amongst other things has made coding in Blitzmax very frustrating.
I have about 8 variations of Blitzmax on my hardrive all installed in different directories. 1.10 still remains to be the best. If I ever want to export any builds I compile in the latest version, but until then I have to keep using 1.10
It sucks but what can you do?

(PS The community IDE isn't as good as 1.10 either, as I've tried it)

Amon(Posted 2006) [#69]

Why don't you just use BLide?

JoshK(Posted 2006) [#70]
+ (BRL.Blitz) Added experimental dll support

Ummm, can you explain that a little please?

Fabian.(Posted 2006) [#71]
You are able to use the same IDE with different compilers, that's what I'm currently doing: I use IDE V1.22 with half the time bmk V1.22 and the other half V1.20.

So you could choose the IDE you like best (I think you said it was V1.10) and then combine it with the current compiler (V1.22).

kfprimm(Posted 2006) [#72]
here's how to make a dll,

copy dllcrt2.o from your MinGW\lib to your BlitzMax\lib folder then save the following to files in the same directory.

Function AddIntegers(int1,int2)
	Return int1+int2
End Function


then in the command prompt,
cd C:\BlitzMax\bin
bmk makelib C:\dlltest.bmx

JoshK(Posted 2006) [#73]
Wow, it works.


I just compiled my engine into a dll! I don't know yet if it works, but it compiled!

Amon(Posted 2006) [#74]
Don't you need a seperate license to be able to use Max for making DLL's or is this totally different?

kfprimm(Posted 2006) [#75]
no, you just arent allowed to wrap the modules

Hotcakes(Posted 2006) [#76]
Oh, THAT's what dll support meant! I thought it was just B3D/B+ style dll usage again. This is much more impressive.

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#77]
It sucks but what can you do?

Personally I keep an old un-broken copy of the IDE at hand, and use it with the latest BMax engine... haven't noticed anything bad about that, except each updated 'fixed' the IDE with a virtually unusable one again.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#78]
except each updated 'fixed' the IDE with a virtually unusable one again.

well we can't have that xlsior, can you list exactly what the problems are and I shall see what I can do.

Brucey(Posted 2006) [#79]
Oh, and CTRL+F4 for closing documents would be nice rather than the decidedly non-standard CTRL+W.

YAY!! *Finally* Ctrl-W closes tabs !!!!!

About bloomin time too I say :-)

IDE is working very well, thanks BRL.
Haven't found any (new) issues on either win32 nor Linux (GTK). Everything just works.

Docmods from the IDE saves me a lot of hassles (gee, I hope this wasn't always in there!?). New docmods inhancements are a great help too.


Cronos(Posted 2006) [#80]
thanks , working fine on my PC , Wow !!!

win xp , P4 , gforce fx 5200 , 256 ram

Blitzplotter(Posted 2006) [#81]
Thats one huge amount of improvements - the fixes also work with the CE-IDE v1.15

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#82]
well we can't have that xlsior, can you list exactly what the problems are and I shall see what I can do.

Very, very simple:

the current blitzmax IDE use CTRL-Left to jump to the previous tab and CTRL-right to the next tab.

Standard windows OS behaviour is to jump to the next tab with CTRL-TAB and the previous tab with CTRL-SHIFT-TAB instead.

But most annoyingly, the hijacked CTRL-Left and CTRL-Right shortcuts mean that you can no longer jump around in the editor: *every* text editor, web browser, IDE or anything else using rich text fields uses that shortcut for navigation: CTRL-Left jumps to the beginning of the previous word, and CTRL-Right jumps to the beginning of the next word... Except for the BlitzMax IDE, where you jump tabs and end up in an entirely different source file when you hit those keys. This behaviour broke somewhere around 1.09 IIRC.

As insignificant as this may sound, it absolutely *cripples* my text-editing abilities, and is driving me nuts. And for those that don't depend on these shortcuts, losing them is almost as annoying as not having cursor keys at all. I don't demand a whole lot from an IDE, but basic text editing shouldn't be too much to ask for?

It has been fixed in the community IDE, but the official IDE keeps imposing the non-standard bindings.

So... either use the operating system default, or make this behaviour customizable... Please.

Per Pertubatio, in maxide.bmx, lines 4935 and 4936 should read:
CreateMenu "&Next File",MENUNEXT,file,KEY_TAB,MENUMOD

...and all is like it ought to be.

Or, if you really find the CTRL-TAB and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB too confusing and would like to use the cursors to navigate the tabs, consider using CTRL-Up and CTRL-Down (instead of left/right), as some of the tab-based webbrowsers do...
That combination at least doesn't interfere with standard text-editing navigation shortcuts windows has used for at least 13 years by now. Standards tend to be standard for a reason...

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#83]
YAY!! *Finally* Ctrl-W closes tabs !!!!!

Shouldn't that (also) be CTRL-F4?

BlitzSupport(Posted 2006) [#84]

But most annoyingly, the hijacked CTRL-Left and CTRL-Right shortcuts mean that you can no longer jump around in the editor: *every* text editor, web browser, IDE or anything else using rich text fields uses that shortcut for navigation: CTRL-Left jumps to the beginning of the previous word, and CTRL-Right jumps to the beginning of the next word... Except for the BlitzMax IDE, where you jump tabs and end up in an entirely different source file when you hit those keys.

What he said!

(tu) ENAY(Posted 2006) [#85]
> What he said!

Man I've been complaining about the "CTRL-Left and CTRL-Right" since like forever :) Yes that does make the IDE unusable, what I end up doing is use 1.10 and then if I ever need to compile out or test everything is going ok, boot up in 1.22 (or latest version) and then compile (but not edit in the latest version's IDE)

If only just that one was fixed, I'd feel so much happier. :)

As a further note here are my other niggles.

- When using find/replace I can no longer click or highlight my main code, I have to close the find/replace box EVERY single time I want to find a new word :'(

- Can we have something like CTRL+SHIFT+B for Run and compile
With using Blitzmax and other versions of Blitz daily, there's no way in hell I can not accidentally hit CTRL+R instead of CTRL+H by mistake, the amount of times I curse compiling my code by accident and then getting an error elsewhere in my code (as I'm in dev) and then totally forgetting where I was even typing cos my cursor has now moved elsewhere to the error. GRR! :'(

- (My 2nd most annoying problem)
Ok, each time I install Blitzmax I keep having to reset my prefs, colours fonts etc. I back up the config file but even after I copy it back into my new build of Blitzmax, the tabbing is corrupt. I can't get the tabbing to be the same as in Blitzmax V1.10, I just don't know why, I try zooming the text in and out using CTRL and the mouse wheel but nothing is exactly quite right. Therefore my 20,000 and over lines of code with nicely spaced out clean code C++ style with tabs used frequently is now all over the place in an unreadable mess :'(
So again I have to resort back to 1.10 just in order to be able to read my code coherently.

Sorry, my gripe is now over. :)

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#86]
YAY!! *Finally* Ctrl-W closes tabs !!!!!
Shouldn't that (also) be CTRL-F4?


Yup, I just noticed that the standard CTRL-F4 does NOT work anymore in the latest release, while it did in the previous ones.

I am absolutely flabbergasted about BRL's insistence to ensure that everything remains cross-platform, while alledgedly following the various platform's operating conventions... Except for the windows IDE it seems.

Just when I think it can't get any worse, it takes another two steps back.

Seriously: if you keep tampering with the well-defined operating system standard conventions and use random custom key bindings instead, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make the extra effort to make these nonstandard customizations user configurable. Custom keymappings or something.

I'm starting to feel like I'm forced to type with one hand tied behind my back when using the later IDE releases. I thought it was customary that software improves over time, yet the IDE only seems to take away things that were previously working. :-(

Ctrl-Left. Ctrl-Right. Ctrl-F4.

Is that really too much to ask for?

Defoc8(Posted 2006) [#87]
thanks for the update :]

North(Posted 2006) [#88]
Nice update

ReKlaw(Posted 2006) [#89]
Are there any plans to release an up to date demo version of BlitzMax? the current version is still at 1.12.

Grisu(Posted 2006) [#90]
Can someone unsticky this one?

1.24 is available! ;)