Mac OS X minimum Version 1.3?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Mac OS X minimum Version 1.3?

Kemi(Posted 2006) [#1]
What is the minimum Mac OS X needed to run Blitzmax-progs?
I noticed my game seems not to work on OS 10.2.8 (reported by customers).
Any official rule for that? Or am I missing something?

Yan(Posted 2006) [#2]

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#3]
Problem with that is: The users that bought it at launch had Mac OSX as requirement ... it raised to 10.3 between then and now ...

For that reason it would be quite intelligent if this was posted somewhere more visible as "old users" just won't know it.

(most BM programmers with 10.2 already know of that problem as the IDE just does work on it)

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#4]
I looked into regaining 10.2 compatability for blitzmax binaries last week.

MaxGUI is completely out due to it's dependence on webkit (Apple have frozen 10.2 users with Safari1.0) and there are quite a number of issues in other modules since our original release.

What % of users are we talking about Kemi?

Kemi(Posted 2006) [#5]
I don't know the exact number, but I know that casual game-players and even normal users (i.e. non programmers/designers/musicians etc.) are not as up-to-date with OS as "we" are. In my last questioning about a year ago, there were even about 20% who were still on OS 9! So it was already a riskful decision using Bmax since it can't run on OS 9 ...

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#6]
My girlfriend only has a iBook 733mhz with OSX 10.2 as well. There is no use in upgrading, the new versions are even worse in wasting CPU and RAM without offering enough to explain why they waste that performance.

DannyD(Posted 2006) [#7]
10.4 is current, 10.5 will be out shortly. Not upgrading from 10.2 is like staying with windows 98 in the Xp world. Hardware is so cheap now a days I really don't see any reason to stay with 10.2.

DannyD(Posted 2006) [#8]
There is a Mac Blitz forum

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#9]
DannyD: there is a serious difference: Windows only changes its generations all 5 years and the new one still runs on old systems.

With G3 and 256MB RAM, installing 10.4 is like shooting of your legg as it won't run anywhere next to acceptable. (unlike installing XP on a Win98 system as you can disable luna etc which makes it nearly as lightweighted as Win98)
That the next minor update is sold for another 150$ quite soon is a different thing. Linux and MS give such small additions as addon apps or SPs for free and use the same OS version for 3-5 years.
We will see how long Apple will be able to make fun of their costumers any longer as they are now in the "true" user market, not their 2% "we pay as much as you want" niche anymore.
But thats all quite OT ...

degac(Posted 2006) [#10]
I hope with the next upgrades I still can run my BlitzMax on Mac OS 10.3.9...I don't have the possibility to change nor the computer (the actual one is a iBook g3+192 Mb) or the OS (I think on my machine it doesn't work very well). Please!