layered TList

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/layered TList

dmaz(Posted 2006) [#1]
I'm not sure if I re-invented someones wheel here... I'm not sure how helpful this will be but I thought I would share anyway.

Normally I use separate renderLists for different types of objects in my code... like a list of hud objs, enemy sprite, bullets, particles... This time I was playing around where all sprites where in the same list but I still wanted basic z-ordering. well, not really z-ordering, more like layers. so I extended TList to incorporate layers that are pre-sorted so you don't have to ever do the a Sort() (too slow for many objects) on them.

When I create sprite renderLists I always keep track of the TLink from the list so I can remove the sprite (among other things) without having to search the list with ListRemove (very bad). I would imagine that many of us do this.

Type TSprite Extends TObject
	Global renderList:TList		= New TList
	Field renderListLink:TLink	= Null

	Method New()
		renderListLink = renderList.AddFirst(Self)
		count :+ 1
	End Method
	Method Remove()
		renderListLink.Remove	'remove self from renderList
		count :- 1
	End Method
so the idea was to just put some fake objects in the list first and keep track of the links so I could then call InsertBeforeLink(). All I do is keep track of the TLinks of a few fake objects in the list using the array layers. then when adding an object I insert it before the layers TLink... I do it before to perserve the sorting of that layer (first in first to draw)
Type TLayerMeta
	Field nothing:Int
End Type

Type TLayerList Extends TList
	Field totalLayers:Int = 0
	Field layers:TLink[]
	Field userObjectLink:TLink 'TLink to users inserted object
	' funtions -------------------------------------
	Function Create:TLayerList( totalLayers:Int=4 )
		Local list:TLayerList = New TLayerList
		list.totalLayers = totalLayers
		list.layers = New TLink[totalLayers]
		For Local i:Int = 0 To totalLayers-1
			list.layers[i] = list.AddLast(New TLayerMeta)
		Return list
	End Function

	' methods --------------------------------------	
	Method AddToLayer:TLink( value:Object,layer:Int )
		userObjectLink = InsertBeforeLink( value,layers[layer] )
		Return userObjectLink
	End Method
	Method RemoveFromLayer()
	End Method
End Type
It worked great, but I have one question. can anybody tell me why when I do this
For Local box:TBox = EachIn TBox.renderList
I only seem to be getting back actual TBox types... none of the TLayerMeta come back... this is good, makes it cleaner but does EachIn only return the ask for types or is something wrong here?

here is a full test program, any thoughts?

Paposo(Posted 2006) [#2]
Sorry for my bad english.

I have certain code that is useful for you.
The code is a prioritary queue. Is posible whit this traverse the que in certain order and modify the order of any object. This is very eficient for typical zorder draws.

if you need this code mail to me in comun@...
