Reading the most recent Event from Event Queue

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Reading the most recent Event from Event Queue

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#1]

Does anybody know how to read the last event to be posted in the event queue? I don't need the next event in the queue, but the last one: the one most recently added.

I need to check if an event has been added and remove it from the queue but if events have happened before it was triggered, I can't use PeekEvent() or PollEvent().



tonyg(Posted 2006) [#2]
Can you use Postevent with the Update=TRUE option?
Maybe you could update it , somehow, to be ignored.
Having said that I'm not sure what you're after. Do you know the eventid and eventsource?
Just thinking out aloud.
I tried to see what postevent was doing.
There are 255 slots on the event queue so I wondered whether you could loop, saving the previous, until you hit null. Might be a tricky task if events are being added all the time (e.g. timerticks etc).

SebHoll(Posted 2006) [#3]
tonyg: Your idea about PostEvent with Update=True was a good idea. I didn't know it could be done, but unfortunately, I can't use it to stop the event triggering.

To give you a better idea, I have an event hook which detects if a window is being moved, rounds the windows position to the nearest 5 (like snap to grid) and moves the window to the rounded co-ordinates using the SetGadgetShape() command. However, using this command generates another EVENT_WINDOWMOVE, which is rounded, repositioned and relocated using SetGadgetShape(), which generates another EVENT_WINDOWMOVE etc. etc. Anyway, you end up with a window jumping all over the place as soon as it enters this cyclic mess.

So I need to stop the EVENT_WINDOWMOVE from firing when I call SetGadgetLayout() or kill the event, before the event handler get's its hands on it.

fredborg(Posted 2006) [#4]
You can just flag the event you fire yourself, and then ignore it if it's flagged :)
	If <> -1000
		' .. do something ..
		' post a flagged event
		PostEvent( CreateEvent(EVENT_WINDOWMOVE,bla,-1000,0,modifiedx,modifiedy) )
Or maybe not?

Alternatively you can test if the x and y position is already ok, and then do nothing if they are.