MaxGUI:Unicode in Text Box

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/MaxGUI:Unicode in Text Box

neilo(Posted 2006) [#1]

Consider the following program:


Local win:TGadget=CreateWindow("Unicode Test",200,200,300,230)
Local editBox1:TGadget=CreateTextArea(5,5,290,95,win)
Local editBox2:TGadget=CreateTextArea(5,105,290,95,win)

Local finished:Int=False
Local tmp:String

    Select EventID()
        Select EventSource()
          Case editBox1
            SetGadgetText editBox2,TextAreaText(editBox1)
        End Select
  End Select
Until finished

A simple little program, to copy text from one text area to another.

Now, find some unicode text on the web somewhere , copy the text and paste it into the first text area.

Somewhere along the line, it's unicodeness is getting lost, either within the TextAreaText function or the SetGadgetText function.

Any ideas?



Grisu(Posted 2006) [#2]
I think this *might* be releated to the font the user is currently using. Have you tried setting another front yet?

neilo(Posted 2006) [#3]

I think this *might* be releated to the font the user is currently using. Have you tried setting another front yet?

I did.

Actually, re-reading the docs, I noticed a bug(?) in the above code. I set the text area text using SetGadgetText. There is also SetTextAreaText, and, son-of-a-gun, it worked as expected!

So, that solves my immediate problem (I think) but I believe that SetGadgetText should respect unicode, so the bug report should stand.

skidracer(Posted 2006) [#4]
Better unicode support is due for Windows MaxGUI stuff, until then SetGadgetText is unfortunately ascii only for win32.