BLIde 0.7.2

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BLIde 0.7.2

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi, as I promissed, a new BLIde version is out today. it's a FIX version for 0.7.1, so there aren't new features.

This is the changelog:

FIXED: Project manager was causing a crash when no project was loaded

FIXED: Comments were not well handled by autolearn inside field definitions

FIXED: Bug inside parser was creating a crash when reading some user-made modules

FIXED: New Project Wizard was showing the last wizard page, and that wasgenerating a crash

TYPO: Debugging was written 'debuging'

FIXED: Additional media files node is not expanded unless you press the [+] button

FIXED: DebugTree was not showing array items properly (the first item was missing)

FIXED: building only was working weird, the changes were not saved before building

FIXED: The local shortcuts tree mantains its open nodes after an automatic refresh

FIXED: Methods and functions returning types were not recognized by the Intelisense system inside complex tracking

For newcomers, BLIde is a free IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for BlitzMax, based on the .net 1.1 framework. you can download BLIde for free at

Let me know any problem using this new version. For users upgrading from 0.6.x or earlier versions, please, uninstall and delete folder from your current BLIde installation before upgrading.

Happy coding!! :D

GfK(Posted 2006) [#2]
Good stuff! Will give it another try...

GfK(Posted 2006) [#3]
All looking good. Its getting to the point where I can happily use this.

Couple of very minor issues, if I was going to be VERY picky:

There's a spelling mistake on the Advanced Editing tab in Preferences - it says "Advanced Editor Preferencesd" (stray 'd' on the end). I noticed this in the last version but kinda forgot to mention it. :/

Also on the View>Toolbox menu, Expression Evaluator seems to have a space before it, so its not lined up with everything else.


Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#4]
I'm getting the following:

Your BLIde version is up to date
There was a BLIde internal error while doing autolearn. Pleasein report this bug to supermanel@... There was a BLIde internal error while doing autolearn. Pleasein report this bug to supermanel@...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#5]
@Sean doherty: ups, when do you mget this error? editing any speciffic file? could you send this file to me? This shoudn't produce any unstability, anyway, send me the bmx file that's causing this error

GfK(Posted 2006) [#6]
Found a small bug.

If I double-click on a .bmx file in Windows, BLIde opens, but the Local Shortcuts window is completely blank until I start typing.

If I click File>>Open>>Single BMX File, the Local Shortcuts window gets populated immediately.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#7]

I have only seen the error when I start my project. The project loads 125 files at the beginning and the Auto Learn messages are in the console when Blide opens.

I will send you more information if I can further isolate the issue.


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#8]
@Gfk: I'll solve this.

@Sean: ok, thanks, let me know any additional information you get

GfK(Posted 2006) [#9]
Oops, got another one!

If I type some code, then close BLIde, it doesn't ask me if I want to save, it just assumes I don't want to.

Maybe add a requester that asks whether you want to save or not?

NOTE: It already does this if you have a project open, but not if you only have open a single .BMX file.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#10]
Ziggy, I still get an error on instal, its
The error code is 2908

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#11]
@H&K That's weird, I think you're the only one getting this error. do you have any additional info? have you done a fresh uninstallation of BLIde before? Don't know what can be causing this...

H&K(Posted 2006) [#12]
Ziggy, did a clean instal, (Even went so far as to delete the factory directory.

The only detail I could add is that Im doing a "Just for me" instal

I dont get the error on my main pc just on my laptop (PII 596Mhz). It all seems to work, so Im assuming the error is when It tries to put a Group into the start menu

All the previous versions have installed alright. If Im the only one getting this error, then I willing to accept that its my laptops fault. (Its very old, and Im getting a new one on tuesday anyway)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#13]
The fat is that the set-up script is the same since version 0.2.8 that's the most trange thing... I'l take a look anyway...

GfK(Posted 2006) [#14]
There was a BLIde internal error while doing autolearn. Pleasein report this bug to supermanel@... There was a BLIde internal error while doing autolearn. Pleasein report this bug to supermanel@...
I noticed I'm getting this too. I'm double-clicking a .bmx file in Windows to open it.

If I launch BLIde first, then open the .bmx file, I don't get the error.


Just a thought.... could this be directly related to the bug I posted earlier?? Could explain why the function list etc is blank at first, if there's an error going on...

GfK (Posted 47 minutes ago) Edit
Found a small bug.

If I double-click on a .bmx file in Windows, BLIde opens, but the Local Shortcuts window is completely blank until I start typing.

If I click File>>Open>>Single BMX File, the Local Shortcuts window gets populated immediately.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#15]
FYI...I always double click on my file to open it in Blide.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#16]
@Gfk, could you please send me this bmx file? I can't reproduce it here

H&K(Posted 2006) [#17]
I get that as well, so I just never double click on a file to open it, and so forgot to mention it

GfK(Posted 2006) [#18]
It does it with every .bmx file - even the Colourscheme.bmx one that comes with BLIde.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#19]
@Gfk & H&K: Ok, i've got it, it's a very stupid assignment, I've corrected it and now it whould work as spected. anyway, this bu has no effect over BLIde stability, it just cancels the localshortcuts to be populated when opening a bmx file from windows, untill you click on refresh or type in the code window. I've got a EXE file with this corrected. I'll post a fix in the blide website, anyway this bug is really not important, you can work with BLIde at no risk.

there's a update download in the BLIde website that fixes this problem, go to

*note: this update also fixes a lot the local sortcuts flicker

GfK(Posted 2006) [#20]
Could you improve the way the shortcut list refreshes?

Every time I start typing on a new line it updates itself and flickers...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#21]
See the post above...

GfK(Posted 2006) [#22]

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#23]
Comes up for me. GfK you want me to email it to you?

GfK(Posted 2006) [#24]
You talking about this? :-

Thats the link on the site that says file not found. Tried right-click, save as and got a 444byte corrupt ZIP... :/

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#25]
Hey, there's a new version 0.7.21 with some changes in the local shortcuts window and some bug fixing in the internal parser. Please, updgrade.
hope you'll find this update useful.

GfK(Posted 2006) [#26]
Its looking great. Will have a proper play with it tomorrow.

Thanks for the update.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#27]

New bug:

If m_pTStarship.m_dTimeCounter <= 0
   Throw("m_dTimeCounter <= 0")
Else If m_pTStarship.m_iStatus	
End If 

When I type m_pTStarship.m_iStatus and hit the space bar Blide goes to 100% and locks. m_iStatus is from a base class, so maybe that is the issue?


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#28]
I shouldn't lock... Can I have this bmx file?

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#29]
I've another funny issue: If I create an app that is fully event based (drawing everything) that does not need much cpu (<= 10% on single core), then Blide is hogging the Rest of the CPU although it doesn't do anything (changing to "real console does not help").

Behaves like that in debug as well as in release build. console and gui

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#30]
BLIde gets as much CPU as not used by other applications to ensure no lag when reading from and to the application. If your application uses more CPU, BLIde will use less (as it's thread priority is decreased while another applicatoin is running), so there shoudn't be any performance costs.

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#31]
might be ...
But this is quite counter productive on my notebook and quite against any design rule of MS and Intel that had been brought up for the last few years.
I don't programm my apps event based to save power and CPU cycles just to get "asskicked" by the IDE for doing so ... I think you agree at least partially on that?!

Is there a way to disable that behavior?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#32]
I agree, I'll improve it (making it customizable) on the next version. It's not customizable (yet) but It will be as soon as possible (it's one of the main priorities now)

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#33]
That would be great.
Thank you :-)

Smurftra(Posted 2006) [#34]
Am i supposed to see the parameters of a function when typing it?


Function A(x, y, z)

if i type


should i see a list of params? I though i read that in the features list and i never got it to work

also, can i jump to the definition of a function?


somewhere in my code i have a call to function a, and i want to go check the code of function A, is there a way to hit a key or a menu and be directly send to the function?

Cajun17(Posted 2006) [#35]
Ziggy, I didn't read the whole thread so maybe it's been said already, but I have a few bugs. I am running v7.21

1.Lines of code mysteriously copy themselves and overlap the line below it. For example I may be typing on line 100 and line 80 will suddenly become exactly like line 79. Even stranger, If I keep typing the problem will fix itself.

2.Sometimes the file I'm working on will lock up. I can edit other files and even save the locked one and reopen the ide and it'll work fine. It seems to happen when I'm moving the cursor backwards.

3.Sometimes random lines will 'jump' out of the typing area.
98| This is some code
| random jump out
100| back again

I'm having trouble reproducing any of these, but if I figure anything out i'll let you know.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#36]
Cajun17, moving the cursor backwards? you mean moving the cursor from right to left or moving the cursor from down to up? And you mean just moving the cursor, not erasing text or something? Is anybody else having this render problems with text?

I'll try to solve all this issues as soon as possible. This new BLIde version has several changes in its intelisense system and in the way it handles files. That new engine may need some extra testing... Please, If you find any additional bug, let me know it. If anyone has problems running current version, remember you can download previous versions in the updates section at the download section of the BLIde website. I'll release updates as soon as possible with everything focused on bugfixing.

Tiger(Posted 2006) [#37]
It happend to me too, double of the same line. What I remember I move up 1 line with the cursor and it was normal again.

But it happend only one time and I can't get it to happend again.

The problem line was between a Function-End Function scoop.

I write like this:

Function Test(x:int)
Local y:int
End Function

but I got this:

Function Test(x:int)
Local y:int
Local y:int

I hope it helps...

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#38]
@Cajun17 and Sean: Do you have the virtual white spaces enabled?

@Smurfra: The function declaration is not shown in a pop-up any more, it was moved (in version 0.3.8) to the quickinfo area, at the bottom of the code window. You can see this information there, as you type. the 'Jump to definition' is not yet done, it will be the next step after consolidating the local shortcuts window, and changing the way BLIde uses CPU when an application is being tested, to make BLIde conform MicroSoft Standards.

@Dreamora: I have a build of version 0.7.21 that fixes this CPU usage. If you want, I can send it to you.

NoBoDo(Posted 2006) [#39]
Not a bug, but a couple of feature requests:

It would be great to be able to search across all files in a project (or at least all opened files), not just the current file.

Also on searching, it would be nice if the search could pick up on the current word (where the cursor is) instead of having to type (or copy/paste) what you want to search for.

And here's a biggy: It would be extremely helpful if the Shortcuts list could list all shortcuts in a project instead of just the current file. Perhaps that could be an option to turn on/off (current file or entire project).

Thanks for a great product!


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#40]
@NoBoDo: All of them would be great improvements, And I will implement them as soon as I get a more stable version of BLIde.

Smurftra(Posted 2006) [#41]
Ziggy: The only thing i see in quickinfo is ...

I never see anything but that...


ok, i see what kind of type my variable is, and if i press SPACE i see the parameters of my functions, but it should also work with ( because functions that return a value have to be used with ()

Function Add(A, B)
Return A+B
End Function

that line is invalid:
X = Add 1, 2

this one is valid:
X = Add(1, 2)

Cajun17(Posted 2006) [#42]
No I turned virtual white space off.

Edit: I'd thought I'd mention that right now arrays are treated by the auto-list as arrays, but as the type it's an array of.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#43]
@Cajun17, that's true. This way you can do things like accessing methods, fields or functions to elements of the array. MyListArray[12]. <-- autolist appears. Autolists may also apper if you omit the array index (this was done to speed up BLIde, avoiding checking everytime if the index was properly provided by the user, and it may be improved in the future, but by now, all focus of development is set on stability and bugfixing).

I have made a very instesting improvement in CPU usage when an application is being tested, thanks to an observation of Dreamora. I'm also improving the local shortcuts routine and some render bugs in the code window, and some structural bugs in the project management that can cause some irritating things such as F5 not compiling...) TOO MUCH WOOOOOOOORK!!!!

H&K(Posted 2006) [#44]
Ziggy, Request

I often declare my member functions as;
	Method Create:TAlienTrack (NumberinTrack:Int,..

But this means that in the infobox and shortcut list the method/fuction is truncated. Would this be a big thing to change? (Ie If its a hassle I can live with it)

klepto2(Posted 2006) [#45]
Hi, Ziggy, nice work as always. I just have started testing the new BLide Version and haven't found any bugs.
But something what had disturbed me with previous and this Version is the fact that BLide always generate a header to a new created .bmx file. Indeed this is a good idea, but it should only be done with Mainfiles and not with addition Mediafiles. For example I have my main project and want to exclude some of my Types in other bmx files, then I have to delete always the header(no big thing, but a small timekiller)
A second suggestion would then be:
Let the Project Info fly in the header of the mainfile ( I know you are currently using a premade bmxfile) and with Compona this shouldn't be so complicated ;)

thx klepto2

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#46]
Y know, I STILL get the strange problem I had before, even with this latest build. I have multiple tabs open, and then suddenly, ONE tab will stop responding. I can still edit the other tabs' code that are open, but the one I was last in that "froze" wont allow me to do anything. I'll even close the code in the affected tabs, and then reopen the code, but it mocks me. I guess I can live with it...but I cant recreate the issue. :| Still love the IDE though!

Smurftra(Posted 2006) [#47]
Autolist automaticaly overrides the writen text. Autolist should not have text selected if what i type doesnt fit


If i type Local x:Tlast (then space, enter or whatever) it will change it for TLink which is wrong, i want it to be tlast.

Autolist should disappear if i backspace up to the variable


Local x: (hit backspace, and youc an keep going, autolist stays on)

Ctrl + Left Arrow doesnt work. Ctrl + Right Arrow does.

how does ctrl+space is supposed to work? Should it find variables?

Local testofctrlspace

testofctr (hit ctrl+space) should finish the word shouldnt it? Thats how it work in other editors.

Thanks ziggy, keep up the great work, with the fixes, Blide will be awesome.

H&K(Posted 2006) [#48]
I know this is not a solution, and you probably know anyway, but if I dont tell you, then Id be wondering if you did know or not, and guilt would keep me awake all night. When the Autolist box appears, press "esc", and then you can type want you want
(I agree it needs to be better, but I just press esc on reflex now)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#49]
There's a new update with some stability fixes.
here's the changelog:

Inteligent CPU usage of BLIde. CPU usage remains low when an application is being tested.

LocalTree: New internal algorithm on a separated thread avoids some rendering bugs in the code window, and fixes code window getting locked sometimes.

Build: there was a bug that could cause the F5, Ctrl f5 or F6 button stop working. It's now fixed.

Cut & Paste in the find window fixed.

Faster project load time.

Saveral stability fixes had been done.

Fixed fold all at load time was not working well.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#50]

I've been away for a week. I just installed the new version, so I will see if I have any issues. However, tomorrow I will be in Boston for a week so I might not nitice anything for a while.


Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#51]

That build only icon is still not working correctly? It should work the same as if you select it from the menu; but it does not. It finds errors that don't extist like I explained before?


GfK(Posted 2006) [#52]
I found a problem with the shortcut list.

Clicking on Functions or Globals works fine. If I click on a Type declaration, it doesn't take me to the right place - it goes to whatever is visible at the top of the list. Probably better explained with a screenshot (I've just clicked on "Type tScore").

(Sorry - had to blur out non-relevant code)

Another little problem is that syntax highlighting is a bit broken when a | operator is used. In this example, FILTEREDIMAGE and MIPMAPPEDIMAGE are not highlighted. If you only use one flag, then it works ok:

Global image:TImage = LoadAnimImage("graphics\image.png",64,64,0,5,FILTEREDIMAGE|MIPMAPPEDIMAGE)
Global image2:TImage = LoadAnimImage("graphics\image.png",64,64,0,5,FILTEREDIMAGE)

More info on the shortcut list bug:

Seems that if you scroll the shortcut list right up to the top, then you get to where you want to be with anything you click on.

If you scroll the list down before clicking, then the problems start.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#53]
Many thanks for this bug report. It'll be fixed for next version

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#54]
I've been solving tones of little anoing bugs in current BLIde version, everything is going in a very good direction, but I've noticed there is a GC bug, affecting the Compona SyntaxBox control used by BLIde, so I've decided to change this control by another one (Puzzle Open source) and adapt it to BLIde. This new control uses the Microsoft .net 2.0 framework, so next BLIde version will be .net 2.0 compatible. I've a first alpha pre-release. I'll post here any progress in this issue (next release will delay a little more than usual)