"Program too big to fit in memory" error

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/"Program too big to fit in memory" error

Robert Cummings(Posted 2006) [#1]
Why has this occured? I have a gig of ram and I'm pretty sure I'm not doing too much...

Robert Cummings(Posted 2006) [#2]
I gave a random line a carrage return, then it compiled fine. Seems to me this is a "potential problem" and has a minor bug somewhere.

It is now officially impossible to reproduce, but I am giving you the heads up that it occured without good reason.

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)(Posted 2006) [#3]
Ah I got this problem sometimes with igLoader apps when the DRM did not unpack correctly. It's caused by errors in the PE header of the Win32 File. Basically the PE is reporting the file size incorrectly and Windows bombs it. If you are getting this with BMAX then perhaps the app.stub file is becoming corrupt.

Grey Alien(Posted 2006) [#4]
haha that's nuts!

Robert Cummings(Posted 2006) [#5]
I hit compile and the error showed on the debuglog screen every time I compiled. It would just stop and show that error.

I hit return in my source code and the error went away. Weirdness.

xMicky(Posted 2006) [#6]
I got this error in large time intervals and totally inpredictable also. Typing a SPACE somewhere in a free code line or adding or inserting an empty code line with RETURN (like One Eye Jack posted) makes the code then compiled without problems. I don't write sophisticated code like with OpenGL, poor BlitzMax-2D Syntax only.