BLIde 0.6.3 released!

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/BLIde 0.6.3 released!

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#1]
Hi to everybody. BLIde 0.6.3 has been released with a very interesting set of new features and some bug fixing.
for newcomers, BLIde is a .net free editor to build BlitzMax applications.

well, here you have the changelog for this version:

FIXED: A bug that was causing autocompletion when it was not necesary (showing End Method or things like that, out of context).

FIXED: A bug that was activating auto-learn over non BMX files

FIXED: some little graphical adjustments

FIXED: Find & Replace window has now the correct size when it's floated

NEW FEATURE: Search "from the begining" in the find and Replace dialog

NEW FEATURE: .BAK files creation is now customizable (by default is disabled)

TRAPPED: BLIde now detects if your Internet Explorer MsScriptControl is not well registered and fixes miscrosoft registration bug, that has been detected in some (not much) Windows distros.

NEW FEATURE: Fully customizable AutoLists. You can now create your own AutoList, and assing them to a shortcut key. Very very useful option.

TRAPPED: There was a bug in the BlitzMax engine that was forcing the usage of the official IDE, at last once, to let the linker work in a third party IDE.

NEW FEATURE: There are several improvements to the editor color definitor. Now color schemes are much more complete

NEW FEATURE: Outlining and scope indicator in the editor window are now color-customizable.

FIXED: @ symbol was not treated as an identifier. Now it works ok.

New colos schemes in the BLIde distro. One of them is very similar to the default color scheme of the official BlitzMax IDE.

Little improvements to intelisense

Added explanation text in the Sync mods dialog

Ctrl + space now creates an inteligent AutoList, with all the constants, types and commands (from modules and self-defined) that begin with the already typed letters. Ala visual studio.

Now, if you leave any literal opened, or there is any missin ( or ) or [ or ], the line code is hilighted with a tinny RED background.

I hope you'll find this update very useful. Check the new AutoList system, and the new distributed color schemes.

Happy coding!

P.D. you will see there's a new Build As mode in the compiler options called BLIde Plug-in. this compiler mode is 'dedicated' to the BLIde SDK that will be released on the next update, by now, building applications with this option is more or less the same as building applications in GUI APPLICATION mode.

Bremer(Posted 2006) [#2]
Thanks for the update, and thanks for your contribution to the community with this great software.

Jake L.(Posted 2006) [#3]
You work like a robot, thanks a lot!

If you continue releasing updates at this frequency, I'll be a happy user of BlIDE 5.2.3 at the end of this year ;)

Great stuff!

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#4]
@Jake L. hehehehhee

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#5]
Manel you rule. :) Best IDE for bmax IMHO. Its all I use!!

JazzieB(Posted 2006) [#6]
Thanks for the update. I think this is a great IDE, although there's one or two quirks I'm not too sure about. I won't point them out just yet though, as they're just niggly things.

But, one thing I will mention, is that Blide 0.6.2 didn't tell me that there was an update when I started it, knowing that there was one, but hadn't got around to downloading it. Just thought I'd let you know in case a similar problem exists in 0.6.3.

Great job though. Keep it up.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#7]
Be sure you have 'check for updates at startup' in your preferences dialog.

JazzieB(Posted 2006) [#8]
It is. I get message at start-up in the console window telling me there are no updates. I get the same when I manually check. It's no biggie, because I'm always around these forums anyway.

VP(Posted 2006) [#9]
That's another €10 going in your direction ;)

undomiel(Posted 2006) [#10]
I just manually created an editor colour's definition file with one copy and pasted from the blide forums. When I loaded it, it caused BLIde to crash. Restarting BLIde worked ok until I tell it to open an application then it crashes again consistently. Error is Cast from string "Fasle" to type 'Boolean' is not valid. The colour scheme used is the one from Topic: Dark is great by jake. Using the colour scheme from the bottom of the thread though seems to work ok, as well as the ones that come with BLIde. Ok, just experimented with it again and made sure to remove the trailing white space after C:Italic=False at the end of what I pasted and it seems to work ok now.

I'm also wondering if it is possible to close individual files without closing the current application that you're working on? I'm probably being completely brain dead and am missing where this is being done so I'll apologize for that right now, sorry!

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#11]
There is a small X on the topright of the code window :-)

Diablo(Posted 2006) [#12]
FIXED: @ symbol was not treated as an identifier. Now it works ok.


I like the red highlight thingy. Helps me to remeber if i forgot to close brackets and such like.

awsome work !!!

undomiel(Posted 2006) [#13]
Thanks Dreamora, I knew I was being braindead somehow. :) Never looked that far over. Is there a shortcut key to do this as well?

SillyPutty(Posted 2006) [#14]
wow, awesome IDE just keeps getting better !

Keep up the great work !

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#15]
That red highlight thingy is SOOO great.

RepeatUntil(Posted 2006) [#16]
Very nice new features !! Keep up the good work!!

I just tried this new version, here are my comments:
- The Blitz editor color is very good, and I am happy to have this. Thank you!
- When you "forget" a '(' in a rem-end rem, it's also in red, like in:
this is a test (to
show you what I mean)
end rem
You should ignore comments
- The auto-list sounds great, BUT I would like an automatic auto-list!! If in my file, I have a variable "camera", then I would like that it appears if I type "cam + CRTL + SPACE". If I don't misunderstand, your autolist need to be constructed by the user. I think it would be very nice to have automatic auto-list, on the fly, which scans the opened files (and only them) and look for the strings with the same start as "cam*". This is working perfectly well in the xemacs editor, and you are very close to this VERY nice feature. What do you think?
- I have still the feature request that the functions (in the local shortcut) are completely lost amongst a lot of shortcut to variables, that I am not so interested of...

Thank you!

Tiger(Posted 2006) [#17]
I love the auto-list, but is it possible to make it faster?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#18]
@Tiger: The internal BLIde data-base is not indexed, becouse indexing it, would maked BLIde to swallow more RAM, but it would speed-up A LOT the autolist. I'm not sure how coud I speed it up, I'll take a look...

Tiger(Posted 2006) [#19]
I understand the problem, make it optional.
I have alot of Ram in my computer :)

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#20]
Don't know if others have that problem as well, but when I open a windowed BM app and print to the console (or debuglog), it has worse lags till it prints to Blides console. and it switches black - white all the time ...

d-bug(Posted 2006) [#21]
...same problem here.

I love BLide, but there is still one little issue that I don't understand. Why can I only open one application and why does BLide only reload the app-files after restart ? I think it would be much better when BLide would reload all *.bmx files, like MaxIDE does.


ziggy(Posted 2006) [#22]
@Dreamora: I think it's becouse there's a little sleep in the BLIde Thread, while an application is running, to ensure the running application some CPU priority. I'll arrange this for next update. the black and white included. It's a tinny bug.

@d:bug I'm improving the application system, to let one application generate several exes, and even modules. Until that's not finished, I don't want to change the loading of everything

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#23]
Great :-)
Always was happy how far better the blide debugging infos are compared to the standard one and its hard to work without them :-)

Sent a little donation, more to come :)

ozak(Posted 2006) [#24]
Turning bak file generation off does nothing here.
And please. Could you call the program files folder Blide, instead of :)

Also it would make sense if F1 also worked when you double click (and select) a sentence. Right now you have to hover the curser over the word and press F1.
Both options would be nice :)

Love the BlitzIDE color scheme :)

Filax(Posted 2006) [#25]
Hi ziggy

I have test blide a long time ago :) but i found it slow to
use... This release seem a little bit more speed-up !!!

It's a really great piece of software ! but i find some stuf
really really heavy, Like this :

Example : Under IGlass, this lib have many many included
files and load an iglass example take a long time with the
on my machine :/) with Blitmax IDE the same process take
5 seconds. You maybe find this stupid ? :) but for me the
IDE launch time is really important !

First question :
- Why don't store PROCESSING MODULE one time under a file
and add an option to do this process manualy when adding new
modules ?

Second question :
- Why don't store LOADING DEPENDENCIES under .blide file ?
or add an option to remove this process when loading
bmx files.

So, i really want to use Blide (and make a donation !) but
please correct this problems :)

Ozak say : Could you call the program files folder Blide, instead of :)

I agree !

Keep up good work ! you have made a really nice IDE !

RepeatUntil(Posted 2006) [#26]
What about my feature request for the auto-list, ziggy?? (see a few posts before). Do you think it's feasable??

Also, even if the option for BAK file is not checked, your IDE is creating bak files (I tried to remove them to be sure of that). So there is a bug here...


Tiger(Posted 2006) [#27]
Some bugs I found:

AutoCompletion don't work like it should in some cases,
Enter following code:

Type MyType1
	Field Mytype1Field
	Function Test()
		Local Out:MyType1=New MyType1
	End Function
End Type              

Type MyType2
	Field Mytype2Field
	Function Test()
		Local Out:MyType2=New MyType2 
		Out.Mytype1Field '(here you get MyType1 Fields and not MyType2 like it should.)
	End Function
End Type

in MyType2, try to write 'Out.' here the autocompletion open its window, but it shows MyType1 fields and not MyType2 fields.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#28]
@Tiger: Ok, I see, I'll arrange for next release. :D

Filax(Posted 2006) [#29]
Hi Ziggy :)

Do you read my report about Blide ?

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#30]
The Module stuff is presaved. But it still must be loaded and parsed for later usage. If you want to rebuild it, you must choose the option for it in the menues.

On the dependencies: Saving it to the .blide file might be a good thing, although I'm not sure if this really takes that much time (2s on my 1,5Ghz P-M Banias, so I don't think any longer on any real system)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#31]
@filax: Yes, i've read it. the loading time you mention is very long, but I'm not sure how to seed it up. I don't think saving the internal data in the blide file is a good idea, as I don't want it to become redundant (this info is already in the bmx files), and, in addition, this bmx files can be edited from outside BLIde, and the info in the .blide file, could become wrong. I'm thinking in alternatives...

ozak(Posted 2006) [#32]
Why not store checksums of each module file in the cache, and then check for updates on startup that way? Or just a simple force cache update when people know they just got new modules? Or force it after sync or something? Many ways :)

Filax(Posted 2006) [#33]
Ok ziggy :) keep up good job !

Qweeg(Posted 2006) [#34]
Hi Ziggy - Great update as always. There is just a small issue I have with the new red highlighting of incomplete brackets. If I have a function with a lot of parameters I use the .. so the function is on multiple lines - but BLide thinks the brackets are incomplete and highlight them.

For example:

			                              tPoolTable.varBaulkLine + tPoolTable.varTableWidthOffset,..

Is there anyway it would be possible to detect the .. and check for brackets over multiple lines in this case?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#35]
@Queeg: Ok, I'll arrange this. I think I've done it to indentify ... instead of .. (I never use multi line declarations)

@Filax: I'll start to optimize application loading time, and see how long it takes with some improvements...

Filax(Posted 2006) [#36]
Good news ziggy :) !

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#37]
@ozak: The bak files parameter in version 0.6.2 has a stupid bug: It works completly as it shouldn't If you want to turn off the bak file creation, just enable the creation of back files in the preferences dialog... ehem... it'll be fixed in next release to work as it should...

ozak(Posted 2006) [#38]
Hehe ok. Also. Pressing F1 on a keyword still doesn't work for me. And now in 0.6.3 it doesn't work to just hold the cursor over a word and press F1. Best thing would be BlitzIDE style where you doubleclick and select a whole word and press F1 IMHO :)

Keep up the good work.

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#39]

The Blide load issue has been fixed for a long time; at least for me. I never close Blide until there is an update.:)

PS: My project has over 100 files.

Filax(Posted 2006) [#40]

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#41]
I'm unable to install as I'm told I have to install Version 1.1 of the .Net Framework. Thing is, I already have Version 2 of the .Net Framework. Surely I don't need both? Is it even safe to install 1.1 of the .Net Framework after 2.0? Am I gonna have to redownload and reinstall V again afterwards or something?

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#42]
( I hope the answer to the above questions are "yes you do", "yes it is" and "no you're not" respectively as I've gone ahead and installed. )

Can I just say "WOW!"? Initial impressions of Blide are VERY favourable. The fact that it scans my module folder and creates intellisense lists for all my TV3D stuff is awesome.

klepto2(Posted 2006) [#43]
Yesit is save, you could run both Versions of the .Net Framework on the same computer. So no problem with this :)

ozak(Posted 2006) [#44]
Have you tried compiling Blide with Mono so we can get OS X and Linux support? ;)

BTW: The F1 thingie when placing the cursor on a word still works at times. I vote for doubleclick (select word) and then do F1 on selection :)

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#45]
Just a little bug I spotted that I thought might be worth reporting.

If you type "MyVariable:" ( without quotes ) then the intellisense thingy will popup with a list of variable types. If I click on another line, the cursor will move to that line, but the intellisense popup doesn't close so I still press enter and now I have my partially typed variable type after the variable and a complete one in the wrong place.

You should probably close the Intellisense popup when the user clicks on another line in the editor window.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#46]
I'll fix autoistt issue in next blide update.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#47]
I dont want to whine, but I'll whine anyways! :) Can you clear out the search field for the Search? For instance, I search for "tempLocation" on one search, then I'm done searching. Then I open search again, and "tempLocation" is still there. Just a minor annoyance!

ozak(Posted 2006) [#48]
Just a few more Blide 0.6.3 issuse :)

MaxGUI are not automatically case corrected.
Also, sometimes a tab freezes for a certain source file and not even closing and reopening the tab does anything.
I think it goes looking for intellisense stuff, but never comes back :)

Also, F1 on keyword is still very flaky

Edit: Oh yeah. And it forgets my open tabs on reload of project.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#49]
@ozak: MaxGUI, as any other module, are case corrected, respecting the uppercase and lowercase defined in the max gui source code. If a type as 'gadget' is declared as: "TYPE gadget" BLIde will correct it always to be lowercase. If it's defined as "TYPE Gadget" BLIde will force the first letter to be uppercase, and the others to be lowercase.
The freezing of a source file... When does it happen? do you have any idea if you make anything that can cause this bug? I can't reproduce it, and I would like to fix it
The F1 bug is being fixed.

By the way, I'm trying BLIde running under Windows Vista and it works like a charm, but there's a bug in the Blitzmax linker that I hope will be arranged by Blitz Research when Windows vista will be out. Just to say that the performance tests are awesome!

ozak(Posted 2006) [#50]
Hi Ziggy.

MaxGUI used to be case corrected in previous versions of Blide (perhaps even earlier in 0.6.3 so maybe it's my system that's having a problem)
The freezing I think is when it's saying "searching for <keyword>.*" so it's probably intellisense search related.
It always becomes unresponsive while searching though. It's just sometimes it never returns again :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#51]
Wich modules do you have? any non-official module? I need to see if this can be a parsing bug...

ozak(Posted 2006) [#52]
I only use the official modules + MaxGUI.
Try pressing CTRL+SPACE after a . as this sometimes freezes the system. It usually recoveres after half a minut but it might have something to do with the tab freezes :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#53]
Ok, I see what you're talking about. It happens becouse BLIde is making 2 querys over its internal database at the same time, over the same data, with no indexes, etc etc. And this can freeze the system for a little while. I'll arrange this for next release.

ozak(Posted 2006) [#54]
Cool thanks :) And please. Can it remember my open tabs instead of just opening the main file?

Keep up the good work :)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#55]
The open tabs... It's possible to do, but it's not an easy task. The additional tabs are opened, but just in the dependencies tree, isn't it?

Gabriel(Posted 2006) [#56]
Is it possible to have Blide do some kind of intellisense-style feature for variable types? Like in Visual Studio it highlights all the parameters for methods and functions, so you don't have to remember them as you code. Or is it possible with one of the documenting programs? I think HotDocs documents variable types for functions and methods, doesn't it? Can/could that be integrated?

Note that I'm asking if it's already possible, not if Ziggy can add it. Although if it's not and he can, that's great too, but I'm not trying to create work for you ;)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#57]
You mean hilighting the parameters for any function or method? you can press F2 over any function of method to see its declaration and parameters...