Starchon i16 Released! - Alpha Phase Feedback Requ

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Starchon i16 Released! - Alpha Phase Feedback Requ

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#1]
2005.5.11 - Starchon i16 Released! - Alpha Phase.

Iteration 16 of Starchon is available for download.

Changes are:

- Incremented the version number on the game play screen and the title screen menu option tool tip to i16.
- Reduced the time needed to destroy the Sentinel.
- Reduced the difficulty of the Sentinel.
- Reduced the difficulty of level one.
- Reduced the difficulty of level two.
- Reduced the friction of the starships which makes it easier to attack the Sentinel by strafing.
- Decreased the Sentinel energy ring segment strength from 5 to 3.
- Decreased the Sentinels Energy Weapon damage from 7 to 4.5.
- Decreased the range of the Sentinel Energy Weapon.
- Decreased the Command Carrier and Sentinel Shield Strength from 18 to 13.
- Reduced the number of AI enemies in level one.
- Reduced the number of AI enemies in level two.
- Reduced the number of fighters in level two from 7 to 2.
- Reduced the number of fighters in levels three from 11 to 7.
- Reduced the number of fighters in level four from 14 to 11.
- Reduced the number of starships in level three.
- Decreased the Sentinel Energy Weapon firing rate.
- Tweaked the Energy Weapon values, Engine Values, and the Weapon Values, of the AI Starships.
- Tweaked the HUD Battery and Shield Energy.
- Modified the HUD Image.
- Reduced the difficulty of the AI.
- Modified the Title Screen and added the Starchon Logo.
- Starchon is now deployed using NSIS.
- Increased the size the Command Carrier Image.

Known Issues:

- There are still some timing issues with delta time on different machines.
- Some memory issues which cause the memory to increase every game.
- The explosion does fully cover the Starships or Sentinel.
- The weapons upgrade screen is not fully functional.


Download: (5.56 MB)


- Please select input device from the Option Menu (default Mouse).

Mouse Controls:

- Fire "selected" Energy Weapons - Left Mouse Button
- Fire "selected" Missile - Middle Mouse Button
- Trust - Right Mouse Button or "W" key
- Direction - Mouse to Payers Avatar Vector
- Select Blaster - "1" key
- Select Duel Blaster - "2" key
- Select Laser - "3" key (auto locks and only fires at Starship when in range; not the Sentinel)
- Select Heat Seeking Missile "6"
- Select Homing Missile "7"

Keyboard Controls:

- Fire - Right Control Key
- Rotate Counter Clockwise - A
- Rotate Clockwise - D
- Thrust - W

Keyboard & Mouse Controls:

- Toggle Information - I
- Alter Alpha Layer One - F1
- Alter Alpha Layer Two - F2
- Alter Alpha Layer Three - F3
- Blend Mode Layer One - F4
- Blend Mode Layer Two - F5
- Blend Mode Layer Three - F6
- Missile Spin Speed - F7
- Alter Slipstream Size - F8
- Alter Sound Effects Mode - F9

I would love some feedback on how to make the game better!

Thanks Everyone

PS: The music being used was done by Matt @

degac(Posted 2006) [#2]
ehm your link doesn't work...

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#3]
Link Fixed! Thanks

SSS(Posted 2006) [#4]
It's a lot of fun!
On the first level it took ages to 'win' then randomly I was victorious.

Great game though. Can we have more than one life?

Sean Doherty(Posted 2006) [#5]

There is only one life. However, the center mouse button fires homing missiles at the AI starships. Also, your shields will recharge over time once your battery is fully recharged. The battery is the energy bar to the right of the player's avatar in the bottom left hand corner. The shield energy bar is on left of the player's avartar in the botton right hand corner.

Where where you getting killed?
