Best IDE?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Best IDE?

JoshK(Posted 2006) [#1]
What is the best IDE out there?

I tried BLIDE, which looked good, but the arrow keys don't return to the next line when you get to the end of the current line.

N(Posted 2006) [#2]
To fix that, go to Tools->Preferences and unchecking 'Enable Virtual Whitespace.'

Seems to be a popular feature now, not sure why though.

FlameDuck(Posted 2006) [#3]
Seems to be a popular feature now, not sure why though.
I don't get that either.

JoshK(Posted 2006) [#4]
Cool. Where is the function list? I can't find a window that lists all the functions in the opened source file.

The only other thing that annoys me is there is no "close" toolbar button.

assari(Posted 2006) [#5]
From the Help home page in the IDE you can vew the functions under the Module tree

You can also download a compiled CHM Blitzmax Help file here

Dreamora(Posted 2006) [#6]
On the left you can pop out the local shortcuts list, which has all functions, types etc of the actual file

JoshK(Posted 2006) [#7]
Nice, this is pretty sweet.

Eric Guo(Posted 2006) [#8]
It would be great if BLIDE could show the reference of function or method in status bar.
I notice it works in MAXIDE

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#9]
If you want to have a complete reference of the funcion you're over, just press F2 and you'll se the reference, and the module where the function is defined. This information will keep in the status bar.

Eric Guo(Posted 2006) [#10]
Yes, it's great.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#11]
as you can see, I need help documenting BLIde. All of the questions you asked are not documented, becouse of my poor knowledge of english, I can not do all the documentation releated issues. It would be very apreciated if some one can lend a hand.
thanks to everybody

d-bug(Posted 2006) [#12]
btw. ziggy, I'm still waiting for 0.6.2 ... :D

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#13]
It's nearly finished.
Here's a little advance of some of the changes/improvements:

-Block commenting / uncommenting

-Block regioning / unregioning

-NEW application information dialog, enabling you to associate your application with your personal information

-Some organization changes in the dependencies tree (there will be some improvements in further versions)

-Additional file's manager can now add several files from the 'Import existing file' dialog

-FIXED: Refresh dependencies bug

-Now the TAB SIZE of the editor is customizable

-New the start-up mode of BLIde is customizable (welcome page, open last, or do nothing)

-FIXED: BLIde was crashing when there where not-module oriented forldes in the Blitzmax mod folder

-FIXED: Autocompletion disabled inside literals

-New BLIde logo (I love the new BLIde LOGO)

-New organization of the menus (much more logical)

-NEW FEATURE: Console pops-up when a running program prints anything on it

-New Feature: Fold all when a new application is loaded (customizable)

-New: Several improvements to the 'BLIde configuration wizard'

-Some little memory freeing bugs solved here and there...

-BLIde debug stays opened after a running application causes an unhandled exception, enablig you to find the line of code that has caused the bug, see all the call stack releated information, debug variables, etc.

Bremer(Posted 2006) [#14]
Looking forward to trying it out. When do you expect the release will be ?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#15]
I hope it will be released this week. It will also support integrated eddition of txt and xml files with automatic hilighting of keywords, or links.

d-bug(Posted 2006) [#16]
Wow, there are several fixes and features that really blow my
nuts. I was really missing Block-Commenting. I can't wait for
the release ...

Bremer(Posted 2006) [#17]
To show my appreciation for this IDE, I have just made my second donation for this software, 15 euros this time around. Thanks for you efforts on this, its appreciated.

Booticus(Posted 2006) [#18]
To show MY appreciation for this IDE, I have just made my second donation for this software, 20 $USD this time around. Thanks for you efforts on this, its appreciated! *now make the code folding for the FOR NEXT loops andSELECT/ENDSELECT regions! ;) *

Vectrex(Posted 2006) [#19]
howdy one suggestion (may have already suggested it ;) ).
The ability to jump to the implementation of a class/function/var and the ability to jump back to where you were. In Visual Studio I'd DIE without this function.

bug: It seems the auto complete is a little broken :) eg Method and End Method etc. It seems to put the end statements in other places.

GW(Posted 2006) [#20]
Does it no longer crash on startup as well?
|EDIT| Yup, just tried it out. still crashes.

xlsior(Posted 2006) [#21]
Does it no longer crash on startup as well?
|EDIT| Yup, just tried it out. still crashes.

What error?

The last couple of versions immediately crashed on startup with 'Application has generated an exception that could not be handled'. It was fixed on my computer by manually registering the (required) Microsoft Script control, by typing the following on a windows command line:

regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msscript.ocx

GW(Posted 2006) [#22]
I've tried that, it doesnt seem to be related. I just continue to get the: "System.ArgumentException: Argument 'Length' must be greater or equal to zero" error. I eventually gave up after several versions.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#23]
GW you may be running a BlitzMax demo version. please delete the file path.txt from your blide installation folder, in order to run again the configuration wizard when BLIde starts. It seems BLIde can't get any information of your mods folder. Anyway, the new version is not yet released, so you may have tried over the same old one. version 0.6.2 (next one) is about to be released along this week.

Could you please let me know if you have any self made module or any module different from the official ones? I would like to fix this, but I can't reproduce it on my computer.

GW(Posted 2006) [#24]
Hi ziggy,
Im definitely *Not* running the blitzmax demo.
I deleted the 'path.txt' file and ran the program again. After choosing the bMax path it will just crash again.
I have not modified any of the Brl or pub modules, but I have several 3rd party modules in the mods folder.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#25]
@GW: Thanks a lot for your info. I supouse this may be a problem with BLIde reading some third party module. I would like to know wich is causing this bug. Can you please tell me wich third party modules do you have, in order to find this bug? this would be very appreciated.

One more thing, is there any additional info in the crash window? All the info in the crash window (details) would be very helpful to me. And in addition, is the 'learning module's keywords' window opened? if yes, which module is inspecting when it crashes?

I would appreciate a lot any help with this. thanks in advance

GW(Posted 2006) [#26]
The splash window says 'Learning standard framwork keywords' and the label below it says 'Module area:doc' when the crash happens.

Here is exception info:

My module directory contains:

Thats what it contains now, but the crash issue has been happening for a long time.

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#27]
Do you have a folder or a file inside your mods folder called doc?

GW(Posted 2006) [#28]
no, no folder or file called doc under the mod dir.

Najdorf(Posted 2006) [#29]

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#30]
@GW: Is there any email where I can send you a new blide.exe file, in order to check if the bug is solved? I've made some little changes and tests, and I thing I've fixed the bug.

GW(Posted 2006) [#31]
Look in my profile

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#32]
The new BLIde version should have the bug you mentioned fixed. Let me know if it still happens.

GW(Posted 2006) [#33]
It does seem to work now. :)
But when trying to compile and run a project another exception is thrown.:

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#34]
It's becouse there was a missing file in the set-up i uploaded some minutes ago. Please download it again (maybe the server cache takes some minutes to refresh).
The currently downloadable version should work.

GW(Posted 2006) [#35]
I just downloaded it again after i read your msg in the other forum about the missing file, after uninstalling and reinstalling the new version. it still crashes on building and running a project. (parhaps if you change the version number it would clear things up)

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#36]
@GW: mmm,have you cleared you explorer cache? (To ensure you're not downloading again the old file) Be sure to clear you explorer cache.
anyway, I'm uploading again the set-up, with another file name, to ensure there are not download cache problems. try iy here:

GW(Posted 2006) [#37]
I dont use explorer, and i watched it download through my network monitor. I'll try again. Thanks

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#38]
@GW:It may be my server. I'm not sure if it has a download cache. (I think it has not any cache, but as I can see, it is the only possible explanation).
Many thanks for your help solving this.

GW(Posted 2006) [#39]
OK. I downloaded from the link you provided and reinstalled.
It Works!
No crashing. :)

I have a question though.. if you choose to create a debug version of the application. Then the word 'debug' is not in the name of created exe like the BMax IDE ?

ziggy(Posted 2006) [#40]
Not, the exe file name is the same. I want to change this for a next release (and make it customizable), but it's not yet done (sorry).

I'm very glad to see it's working now! (AT LAST! hehe)

GW(Posted 2006) [#41]
ok, thats fine. my game was acting weird because i was checking the name, but i should have been using '?debug' anyway.

Thanks for you help!