MaxGui Editor

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/MaxGui Editor

Smokey(Posted 2005) [#1]

here my first attempt of making an editor
it's not finish yet you can create a button and a listbox
and place it in the window but more control will be include very soon , no save support or code source create..

I plan to give it for free, and I try to making a working ver
before christmass.

Nennig(Posted 2005) [#2]
Looks cool already....

Chroma(Posted 2005) [#3]
Yep that would be quite handy. Looking forward to this one.

Smokey(Posted 2005) [#4]
here another version

more control are available and some improvement
actualy the program can't create control in a container, working on this right now.

Smokey(Posted 2005) [#5]

Now you can save partial gadget source code, good for
position your gadget. not all option are available. there also a few bug that I'm aware

you can save

here the link Click here!

[a MaxEdit v0.02][/a]

degac(Posted 2005) [#6]
interesting product! I'm working on a Menu Maker so it could be a complement to your solution.
I suggest you to offer to the programmer some 'personalization' to the variable's name (eg: but_ for button, win_ for window and so on): every one has its own preference in programming...
If only is possibile to move with the mouse the gadget, this program will rock!

Smokey(Posted 2005) [#7]
Thanks :)

I already have var for name , caption etc... but did't have time to add gadget to the toolbar but soon :)

Yes moving gadget with mouse is more appropriate but
with the limitation of the mouse_event... the Panel or Canvas can detect mouse position or click but If I put a control in it and you move the mouse over the control then the mouse_event does't work but there surely some tricky method of doing this.

Maybe I can merge my code with the Bmax IDe

René(Posted 2006) [#8]
Hi there,

maybe this code helps to find a way for mouse control.
You can move one Button in this example. But still the question how to choose between several Gadget objects...


Global window:TGAdget = CreateWindow("MouseMove Gadget",40,40,300,300,Null,WINDOW_TITLEBAR)
Global button:TGadget = CreateButton("Push Button",10,10,140,24,window,BUTTON_PUSH)
Global panel:TGadget = CreatePanel(5,5,280,250, window,PANEL_ACTIVE|PANEL_BORDER, "Panel")
Global mdown = False

AddHook EmitEventHook,MyHook

While AppTerminate() = False

Function MyHook:Object( id,data:Object,context:Object )
	Local event:TEvent = TEvent(data)
		mdown = True
		mdown = False
	If = EVENT_MOUSEMOVE And mdown = True
		Print "Mousemove:"+ event.x +","+ event.y
		SetGadgetShape(button, event.x, event.y, GadgetWidth(button), GadgetHeight(button))

End Function

degac(Posted 2006) [#9]
some new stuff to test...thank you !

Smokey(Posted 2006) [#10]
Hi René

Thanks, your code give me an Idea maybe the gadget can be select when the mouse arrive close the the current gadget list. I will Try this :) this will be temporary
because I wait for update for a fix to activegadget.

btw here a new version of MaxEdit more and more gadget available hope you like it

CASO(Posted 2006) [#11]
Smokey, I would like to help you develop this to work with most if not all gadgets supported by BlitzMax. I do not ask for my name to even be in the credits but I would just like to perfect the code if I can. However I would need the .bmx file but all I can find is an executable.

Smokey(Posted 2006) [#12]
cal there is no source file, I still work on the maxGUI , maybe one day I will give away the source but not for now sorry..

popcade(Posted 2006) [#13]
Is it still being updated?

This helps me a lot, please keep the great work.

Smokey(Posted 2006) [#14]
I'm beeing away for a while because I have a job, but I have 2 week of vacation now so, there probaly have an update soon I want to tweek a few thing for the next release.