RemoveHook - no context parameter?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/RemoveHook - no context parameter?

taxlerendiosk(Posted 2005) [#1]
I'm trying to make an app with several sub-editors. I'm writing a base Editor type that each type of editor will Extend.
Type TEditor
	' Event Handling
	Method OnEvent(event:TEvent) Abstract

	Function EventHook:Object(id,data:Object,context:Object)
		Local event:TEvent = TEvent(data)
		Local editor:TEditor = TEditor(context)
		Return data
	End Function
	'Instantiation Handling
	Method Open()
		AddHook EmitEventHook,EventHook,Self
		If Window
			ShowGadget Window
		End If
	End Method
	Method MakeWindow() Abstract

	Method Close()
		RemoveHook EmitEventHook,EventHook ' <<<<--- THIS BIT
		HideGadget Window
	End Method			
End Type

What I don't understand is, how come I don't have to specify the context when I remove a hook? Surely if I have two different editors running, and I close one, it doesn't know which hook to remove and might continue calling TEditor.EventHook with the wrong context?

(In case you're wondering why I'm hiding and showing the window rather than freeing the gadget and then re-making it each time, it seems to me that if there's a Canvas gadget in the window (and there will be for most of the editors) there's nothing I can do to stop it taking more and more memory and not freeing it when the gadget is freed, is this right?)

Fabian.(Posted 2005) [#2]
What I don't understand is, how come I don't have to specify the context when I remove a hook?
I read the source files and it seems like RemoveHook removes the hooks in reverse order they were added.
But I don't think this works correctly. I think there should a context parameter be added to RemoveHook.