Mouse and key input no longer works right?

BlitzMax Forums/BlitzMax Programming/Mouse and key input no longer works right?

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#1]
I can't seem to gather input now unless there is an open window. Means it's impossible to use 3rd party engines without having to use some custom keyboard/mouse input system attached to the engine?

Irrlicht for easy way of gathering input. How are you doing it gman?

gman(Posted 2005) [#2]
input in Irrlicht should always be handled by an attached event receiver (T_irrIEventReceiver) using info from the instance of T_irrSEvent that is passed into it. you can manually post events into Irrlicht, but there still needs to be a receiver to handle them (see samples 4,5,8,11, and 12 for examples of implementing an instance of T_irrIEventReceiver). i have not been successful at using the BlitzMax input system when not embedding Irrlicht in a MaxGUI window. i believe this is because Irrlicht captures the input from the window and causes fits with the BlitzMax internal event system. i have setup the ability in gg.IrrB3D to have commands like B3D (ie KeyHit, etc), but behind the scenes they use an event receiver to gather the info, not the BlitzMax event system. what i have for gg.IrrB3D so far will be released with source hopefully by the weekend. i have not had a lot of time to work on it of late, so i want to get what i have out there for feedback.

AntonyWells(Posted 2005) [#3]
nice, think i'll wait for irrb3d then. does it handle animations yet?